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Author Topic: A volcano that flushes like a toilet...  (Read 4686 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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A volcano that flushes like a toilet...
« on: August 29, 2011, 12:37:00 pm »

Well... rolled a new vanilla world, and found a marvelous spot!  A volcano, trees, and FLUX!

So I got a lucky roll and got some decent dwarves, so I bought their equipment and headed out.

When we arrived, I got the message 'A section of the cavern has collapsed'... but this seems to happen a lot near volcanoes, so I took my time with pause on, and checked the landscape out. 

After finalizing my early embark plans, where to dig, what trees to chop, getting jobs set, etc... I hit the space bar to un-pause.

It didn't work.

After trying several times, I realized that it would not un-pause because the collapse was ongoing.  So I sat there, and tapped the space bar, for about five minutes... and the collapse was STILL ongoing.


Notice how many collapses I am seeing here... this isn't a simply 'stone-out-of-place' problem... something is actively crumbling.

So, by this  point, I want to see what is going on.  By his point it has become pretty obvious that I will not be able to play the game at all until whatever is happening has finished.

This is the bottom of the collapse...

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

So I scrolled up to where I could begin to see the outline of the volcano, and found something a bit disturbing.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

As far as I can tell, a hole that big, dumping out into the emptiness, will 1) Completely drain the volcano and 2) probably take until Winter to do so... my sheep, and then my dwarves, will starve to death before I could actually play.

For the curious, here is a pic of the top of a volcano, as promised, flushing like a toilet.


This looks like it will go on until the entire volcano has been completely emptied.

The GOOD news? Freely available obsidian.

The BAD news?  No all.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Not to mention the fact that since it is continually collapsing, the game pauses every frame, and zooms down to the bottom of the volcano.

This alone would make it pretty unplayable.... and given that it might go on until Winter sets in, my sheep (oh.. and my dwarves) would probably starve to death before I could get anything going.

The real disappointing part, here,is that it is so rare to find a vanilla site with a volcano sitting on a site containing flux... its just sad to have to reroll it.

I do think, however, that getting a snapshot of a volcano while flushing is pretty amusing, though... and may be enough to make me not feel so bad about having to reroll.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: A volcano that flushes like a toilet...
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2011, 01:12:37 pm » looks like you're also hosting the traveling circus.

Have !!FUN!!
With [SLOW_LEARNER], dwarves probably don't sit around and talk anymore. They just stand in the same corner altogether, staring at each other, sticking their bearded lips out trying to make sounds. And giggling when someone actually says a whole word.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: A volcano that flushes like a toilet...
« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2011, 01:29:05 pm »

I just played a map, where I also got                                     
a section of the cavern has collapsed.
Shortly after I got                                                                 
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
A little while after that                                                           
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
The real problem was it was a large map, I was playing as humans and I got up to about 23 dwar... I mean humies and and the FPS is already starting to drop...  :'(
Guessing its because of all thats going on
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

I made about 10 new worlds and finally got this:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

<img src="" border="0" alt="4c649.png" />


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: A volcano that flushes like a toilet...
« Reply #3 on: August 29, 2011, 02:31:31 pm »

Lol!  Nice embark site!!

blue emu

  • Bay Watcher
  • GroFAZ
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Re: A volcano that flushes like a toilet...
« Reply #4 on: August 29, 2011, 02:35:38 pm »

Nice site.

The map that I'm playing on now has a surface volcano, flux (Marble) , wood, sand, clay, and ores of Iron, Copper, Tin and precious metals. It even has (small amounts of) Lignite, Bituminous Coal and Candy. No water, though, except for a couple of salt-water Aquifers.

On the plus side... it doesn`t collapse and Hell is decently sealed off 100-odd levels below.
Never pet a burning dog.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: A volcano that flushes like a toilet...
« Reply #5 on: August 29, 2011, 02:42:34 pm »

You know, you can deactivate the "A SECTION OF THE CAVERN HAS COLLAPSED!" zoom-in's from the announcement setup file.

Now you will never have a fort built inside an empty volcano, with demons underneath.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: A volcano that flushes like a toilet...
« Reply #6 on: August 29, 2011, 02:57:49 pm »

Really?  I saved it....

Still sitting like that screenshot, saved and sitting away...  nice site, too.

Would be cool building the fortress INSIDE the volcano caldera... and the floor might keep some of the bad guys out.

Still kinda sux, though, building inside a volcano, and having no magma.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: A volcano that flushes like a toilet...
« Reply #7 on: August 29, 2011, 03:03:01 pm »

OK... I will bite.

How do I disable the zoom in to 'A section of the cavern has collapsed'?

And, probably more importantly, how do I turn it back on later... I don't want Urist's death to go unrecorded, after all.


  • Bay Watcher
  • HUGE ELF (bluh bluh)
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Re: A volcano that flushes like a toilet...
« Reply #8 on: August 30, 2011, 03:08:11 am »

OK... I will bite.

How do I disable the zoom in to 'A section of the cavern has collapsed'?

And, probably more importantly, how do I turn it back on later... I don't want Urist's death to go unrecorded, after all.

Go to data/init/announcements.txt and edit the following line:

Anything outside of brackets is a comment in the game's config files.  We're just leaving the P for Pause and R for Recenter outside of the brackets so that it'll be easy to put them back when you feel like it. 

Note:  You should really save and exit the game before making this change either way, since I don't think the game will notice if you do it while it's running.
The history of a good fortress is not written in blood, it's painted on the walls by the hand of a melancholy orphan.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: A volcano that flushes like a toilet...
« Reply #9 on: August 30, 2011, 03:32:34 am »

Hmm my volcano has this exact problem/feature, except there are no cave in notifications and it's emptying quite slowly.

Do what I did and throw a spare cat in there. It'll 'explore' all the way down to the magma bed, and you might be able to glimpse where it's draining. I noticed my actual magma sea was draining somewhere, although there're no indications of roaming clowns.


  • Bay Watcher
  • HUGE ELF (bluh bluh)
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Re: A volcano that flushes like a toilet...
« Reply #10 on: August 30, 2011, 06:01:25 am »

Hmm my volcano has this exact problem/feature, except there are no cave in notifications and it's emptying quite slowly.

Do what I did and throw a spare cat in there. It'll 'explore' all the way down to the magma bed, and you might be able to glimpse where it's draining. I noticed my actual magma sea was draining somewhere, although there're no indications of roaming clowns.

This happens on some maps without bugged swiss cheese holes from the sky down to Candyland.  Some volcanoes just connect straight into the magma sea and drain out into it.  Others have caverns intruding into them.

I... I play a LOT on volcano maps because I have a glass obsession.  Nothing makes you just want to sob into your hands like spending 3 hours gen'ng worlds for the perfect sand + volcano embark (made so much harder since you can't see soil types anymore), carefully search for the perfect person to be your future mayor with easily granted preferences in another hour or two of cancelled embarks, and then watching all that time literally get flushed down the drain.

God, I must love this game to keep playing it.
The history of a good fortress is not written in blood, it's painted on the walls by the hand of a melancholy orphan.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: A volcano that flushes like a toilet...
« Reply #11 on: August 31, 2011, 05:20:37 pm »

I will try that... would be an interesting challenge to run a fortress built literally inside a dormant volcano.

As for the and, one of the tricks I have used for that is to look for volcanos in/on/near the sea... often, these will be in saltwater swamps (and sometimes even freshwater swamps) [i was looking for saltwater crocs... no go... oh well].

Either way, typically, in these areas, every square of land that you chop a tree down on, or harvest a plant from, most often turns into sand of one color or another.

Even easier is to use the draft animals that pulled your cart... you just put them to pasture in a spot a bit too small for them, then go about your business... they will clear away any grass from it in fairly short order.  This way, you can actually determine for yourself where exactly you want your sand to be sourced... and they will live long enough to help you through any early food shortages (in effect, I leave them there until I have my craft workshops, my butcher shop, tannery, and kitchen active).

A disclaimer... in all of the aforementioned areas that I have personally seen, the above trick works beautifully... but I certainly haven't seen everything, so if they chow down and leave you with 'loam' or whatnot... Oops... Sorry.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: A volcano that flushes like a toilet...
« Reply #12 on: August 31, 2011, 10:42:23 pm »

you can make salt water turn into drinkable water by useing a pump to pump it into a dwarven made resivor. I belive that if it touchs natrial stone/soil it becomes salt again. So make sure that its all construted tiles. At least thats what i think. To the wiki!!!
Any thoughts on how this can be abused?
Around these parts It's called weaponized


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: A volcano that flushes like a toilet...
« Reply #13 on: August 31, 2011, 10:45:33 pm »

I just played a map, where I also got                                     
a section of the cavern has collapsed.
Shortly after I got                                                                 
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
A little while after that                                                           
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
The real problem was it was a large map, I was playing as humans and I got up to about 23 dwar... I mean humies and and the FPS is already starting to drop...  :'(
Guessing its because of all thats going on
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

I made about 10 new worlds and finally got this:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

<img src="" border="0" alt="4c649.png" />
Mind sharing worldgen perameters?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: A volcano that flushes like a toilet...
« Reply #14 on: August 31, 2011, 11:59:15 pm »

Worldgen glitches can't be repeated with seed so it's better to ask for a save.
As for  SilentThunderStorm, try flooring that eerie pit over to stop draining, magma then will promptly flood everything in volcano tube though, including your caldera fort.
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