The next turn is a regular "We have expected all of it" outcome, with the Celtic town rebelling.
Also the 400 pop rebellious village in eastern Germany has declared what we expected it to.
I'm not going to retake any of them for a very long time, if i do at all.
We now should have 20 healthy provinces, and.. What.. 21?
Carthago Nova has revolted and joined our cause once again.. Nice. Let me disband the peasants and--- WHAT?! These units aren't totally and absolutely useless!
I wonder how stable is the city, with an enormous garrison (it is a very strong one). What do you think, viewer? Are you a fan of keeping Carthago Nova now? Yes?
Take a look at this then..
There is NO WAY we can hold it, and staying inside would only lead to pain. We do the smart thing and move the newly acquired army south. We will merge them with a group of archers from Corduba, aaaand..
You can already guess why i have left a spare ship floating around. No, i didn't count on CN rebelling with useful units. I did plan on saling to the Berbers though.
Before we do, a few turns will pass. For now we begin the siege of Aquincum. Our army has suffered some casualties, but we have a city nearby that can replace some of the losses. All from its starting garrison, which i now replaced with peasants. Win-win.
Now back to Britain. Eburacum was the name of the village that we have so easily abandoned. Now we will raze it to the ground, and then abandon again. Let us see how it's inhabitants will like the whole "raze it to the ground" part.
They don't, but They are useless troggs and die as such.
I did manage to take some neat screenshots though. Like this one.
Peasants fight with pitchforks, right? So what if we give them rank 3 weapons?
Do they get Adamantine Pitchforks of Cavalry Slaying +2?
Did you notice our unit of archers getting massacred? Me neither.
I've mentioned that i'm going to abandon Eburacum once again, did i not?
You may be asking "why?". I'm glad you did, Sunny Jim. Despite having the conquering army stationed there, and low taxes. They aren't exactly too happy about re-joining WRE.
Suit yourselves, damn Britons! We will keep razing you until you're happy!
We will TEACH THEM to be happy!
But before joyful slaughter begins anew, let us end the turn.
In the following year we are greeted with a curious message. Franks.. The damn, sneaky bastards that were about to raid our lands.. have told us to leave OUR border.
If not for the fact, that attacking your city will result in 5 stack army breaking my balls, i would END YOU.
In other news, our African army is sieging Carthago Nova. We hired some nice Cavalry Mercenaries (Nice because of the "Cavalry" part)
We also spot the first Berber army, heading for Carthage, no less.
Is Carthage well defended? It is. And it will have another 2 archer groups by the time they get to us.
..Or maybe i'll train some cavalry for rushing out to break the sieging army?
With Carthage well protected, and Berber army 3-5 turns away from THEIR city...
I just hope that Berbers can not form hordes. Although knowing my luck they can form a 20 stack strong one, with elephants, chariots, horse archers and robot squirrels.
At any rate. We abandon Eburacrum once again (no way of holding it just yet. In a few turns? Yes. They aren't christian enough)
What to do with our army?
Visit the Irish!
So.. We are attacking Berbers. Ireland (Back then, the Irish could still smoke in pubs). Retaking Carthago Nova. Retaking Aquincium and holding Franks in check with a large army. Booooring.
Let us go and wreck some shit north as well! SAXONS! Leave that crappy, mud-paved village! IT'S MINE!
Also : Siege of Aquincum is about to begin. And this time we are not facing peasants.