It's worth noting that the newest version of the fan-built
EU3 to Victoria 2 converter appears to be fully working. Converts countries, province ownership, pops, politics, religions, factories, armies and relationships. Pretty impressive.
There's a few oddball glitches in conversion (European minors like Guyenne being converted to things like Gwalior and Guangxi Clique) but overall it appears to work quite well.
Now I need to finish up my Hindustani game so I can export it over and continue expanding the reach of the Grand Maharajah. It's 1791, and Hindustan stretches from Baghdad to Vietnam. My national income is about 13000, basically what the next two major powers (Austria and Castille) make put together. I've had to slow my rate of conquests just because my current ruler has a paltry Administrative rating of 3, so anything under 75% cores trigger Overextension, and I'm sitting right at 75%. Should finally get cores on my eastern Persian territories around 1800, which will free me up to grab a few more provinces somewhere else: maybe SW China or pushing further into the Middle East or the Horn of Africa.
Or I could just say "screw the overextension penalty" and expand as fast as my infamy will allow me (It drops 2.35 points a year, and I can use Imperialism to get each province for 2 infamy points, so I could gobble up China 5-6 provinces at time for a series of wars...)