Add [CIV_CONTROLABLE] to the humans, as well as any nobles and skills you may want, and gen a new world.
Humans get more clothing/weapons than dwarves, which makes up for not being as strong. I'd rather have a Longsword than a Shortsword or a Flail than a Mace. Humans also don't need beer, and, in fact, a Human that has the same type of beer will get pissed about not having options, but a Human with well water won't care. They still LIKE beer, though, so that's not a waste of time.
Moved to a Haunted Badland on the edge of a Tropical Ocean.
No Glumprongs, saddly. But on the embark screen it read off two layers of Slate and two layers of Granite.
My Human civ doesn't get High Boots, but does get Chausses, so it's cool.
I embarked with two Bronze Great Axes for my Professional military, and had to deconstruct the wagon for wood.
My humans wear, oddly, Turbans, Face Veils, Togas, Robes, Trousers, and Boots. I'm picturing a wierd Greek/Turkish thing (complete with exquisite moustache).
Slate Blocks are in the process of being carved, and the wall is set up. It's 9x6, with additions sure to come.
Farming on Badlands is a pain, but with fish from the ocean and the occasional hunted camel, we're fine for food and drink.
Various skeletal/zombie animals have been killed by the military, and, oddly enough, a pack of Harpies showed up and proceded to attack the local fauna.