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Author Topic: Rise of Dragons RTD:Turn 30, For the Evilz  (Read 66638 times)


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Re: Rise of Dragons RTD:Turn 19, Memories and Insanities
« Reply #435 on: October 09, 2011, 02:24:32 pm »

Astaroth goes to the Boar's Garden as recommended and then goes to sleep. He won't pay much attention to the other dragon and will instead just try to understand Kringi history and culture better.
There was a time when cocksuits would have offended me. It's kind of bad that the time has passed.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rise of Dragons RTD:Turn 19, Memories and Insanities
« Reply #436 on: October 09, 2011, 03:05:23 pm »

To put it bluntly, ask Kefka what the hell is going on.
That's nothing. I had something mate with a pile of dead meat.


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Re: Rise of Dragons RTD:Turn 19, Memories and Insanities
« Reply #437 on: October 12, 2011, 05:33:07 pm »

Dekoth looks up, seeing the Nomads grab for their weapons. Dekoth immediatly backs off alittle bit, hopefully they will get the clue he isn't out to get them.


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Re: Rise of Dragons RTD:Turn 19, Memories and Insanities
« Reply #438 on: October 12, 2011, 05:37:19 pm »

Tell Jaxar that it was nothing and help with whatever the hell he was doing.
Country Name: Lindiria
Name: Sir Alexei Robret
Region: North
In Thirteen Colonies Game


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Re: Rise of Dragons RTD:Turn 19, Memories and Insanities
« Reply #439 on: October 16, 2011, 02:17:13 pm »

((Just noticed that I didn't organise the stats right. Ah well, don't have the time to fix it. Not going to affect the game anyway.))
((Sorry for lateness of update but I wasn't able to access the computer with my "RTD notes". Also sorry for having to shorten turn.))

The Orphan

Not the best time to drink...And not the best time to fight. You back off from the oasis and try to appear weak and non-aggressive. (3) Well the nomads understand enough and stow away their weapons. They're still cautious however. One of them shouts to you "What business have you here dragon? This is Matzem land."

(3) You can make out about twenty individuals and some livestock. One of them catches your eyes especially, a short girl with glowing, golden eyes.

 Nirathi(Nirur Torir)

"I don't really want to go, but I guess I can't spend the rest of my life sulking over one mistake ... Sorry, I'd rather not talk about it right now. It was quite embarrassing."

" Must have been really embarrassing if your huddling in the old Records Of Boring Things former home (not it's actual name). Anyone come on, before Olon starts!"

Both of you head down to the Boar's Garden. You pass through Sun Avenue and travel by Emperor Goron Street. (4) On the way you see those those band of performers who came in the last migrant wave. Currently playing "Glory of the Halls". They've attracted quite an audience. Amusing yes, but not historically accurate. You keep walking to the Boars Garden.

You finally arrive at the Garden and find that only half the usual audience is here, that is, 30 people. You also find the other dragon here...You hope that he doesn't look at you!

The other people here don't really care much about your faux pax, except for some friends of the mayor who quietly giggle at you. Well...your not letting that bother you.

Anyway, Olin begins reading out news from the empire...Something you particularly enjoy as well as the stories.

"...Because of this, the Empire is now at war with the Emirate of Yahl. Lord Stertrum is leading the greater command. In addition, thenomadic tribes of Etgur are once again raiding the eastern nations of the empire. The Kras are currently urging the Emperor to send forces to fight back the Etgur...That is all the important news I have received tonight."

Interesting...Wars and raids. Well actually, this wasn't rare at all. Kring was always being raided or at war. Now for the story.

Olin reads out the epic of Behelm and Guita, with an accompanying band of musicians to help. He tells about the third act of the epic, when Behelm slays the army of the demon-king and dies from tripping over a rock. You've heard this tale a few times, but it's still entrancing.

As always, more people come to watch as Olin and the musicians get to the more interesting part. Eventually Olin finishes the epic and is applauded.

Next up, he tells you all about the Battle of Orom, when the Kringi forces were surrounded by the Drekali warlords.

"The Kringi were surrounded on all sides by the combined forces of the Drekali. Tough warriors, living in the barren hills and canyons of Dresa, of many tribes. The Kringi were trapped on a hill, no reinforcements and no chance of a quick victory. But they were not afraid, not thinking of lost as they knew that they would live for their commander was Juhul Omatz."

Juhul Omatz...yes the slave-general. The one who was taken from his nomadic tribe by slavers and sold to a noble for...pleasure. Eventually seen for his intelligence and cunning he was made a servant of the Emperor. He became a general after he repelled enemy forces from Kring with  little less but a brigade of men.

"Omatz knew direct combat was foolish, idiotic. So he did something strange and unexpected; he dug a large hole in the hill and threw all the rations the force had into it. Perplexed, his men obyed anyway. Then he ordered that some music be played. Everyone, even the enemies, were perplexed, but the music played. The warlords diecided to charge in and attack."

"They got closer, running nearer. The Kringi archers fired their volleys, but it seemed to do nothing to stop the hordes. They came up the hill, fought with sword and axe, and yet the music still played. Finaly, the Drekali breached the Kringi lines, but it was useless. Omatz had succeeded in his plan. The music attracted a swarm of great wyrms, awakened by the music and the smell of food. They came upon the armies of the Drekali from beneath the ground, gorging themselves on their armour and flesh. The Drekali already on the hill surrendured, asking for peace if Omatz called of the wyrms. He laughed and agreed. Omatz vassalised the warlords and taught them the way of using the wyrms. And that is how the Drekali came to become the Wyrmlords of today."

Never heard that one.

"Wow, I want a wyrm!" you hear a child say.

"Are wyrms actually real? They must be a myth..." You hear someone say.

Now what?


You head down to the Boars Garden. It's not too far from the library. You pass by a group of acrobats.

When you get to the Boars Garden you see that there are at least 30 people down here. And that other dragon, well you don't really care all that much about what she did. You just want to listen to what the historian has to say.

"...Because of this, the Empire is now at war with the Emirate of Yahl. Lord Stertrum is leading the greater command. In addition, thenomadic tribes of Etgur are once again raiding the eastern nations of the empire. The Kras are currently urging the Emperor to send forces to fight back the Etgur...That is all the important news I have received tonight."

Common politics, nothing out of the ordinary.

The historian then goes and read some part of an epic...It sounds familiar, you probably heard it while you were traveling, you just can't put your claw on it. Some musicians are assisting him.

Next up the historian recites some account of a battle...

"The Kringi were surrounded on all sides by the combined forces of the Drekali. Tough warriors, living in the barren hills and canyons of Dresa, of many tribes. The Kringi were trapped on a hill, no reinforcements and no chance of a quick victory. But they were not afraid, not thinking of lost as they knew that they would live for their commander was Juhul Omatz."

"Omatz knew direct combat was foolish, idiotic. So he did something strange and unexpected; he dug a large hole in the hill and threw all the rations the force had into it. Perplexed, his men obyed anyway. Then he ordered that some music be played. Everyone, even the enemies, were perplexed, but the music played. The warlords diecided to charge in and attack."

"They got closer, running nearer. The Kringi archers fired their volleys, but it seemed to do nothing to stop the hordes. They came up the hill, fought with sword and axe, and yet the music still played. Finaly, the Drekali breached the Kringi lines, but it was useless. Omatz had succeeded in his plan. The music attracted a swarm of great wyrms, awakened by the music and the smell of food. They came upon the armies of the Drekali from beneath the ground, gorging themselves on their armour and flesh. The Drekali already on the hill surrendured, asking for peace if Omatz called of the wyrms. He laughed and agreed. Omatz vassalised the warlords and taught them the way of using the wyrms. And that is how the Drekali came to become the Wyrmlords of today."

Interesting...You believe you've heard of this commander before. A herder-turned-slave-turned-servant-turned general. Conquered much of the empire apparantly. You guess that the Kringi like making their enemies squirm or at least die...And that they don't mind dying too much if their goals are completed.

Well time to sleep...You walk back to the Foreign Quarter. A very long walk since the Living Quarters are crowded now. You see a play, acrobats, some kind of drinking contest, and some kind of board game being played.

Finally you get back to the Foreign Quarter and find the inn where your companions are staying. You sleep.

 The Prisoner
 Conchobar (Sinpwn)

You turned into a tree for a few seconds that means you can turn into an elf for an indefinite amount of time! (2+1) It barely works but you do look kinda like an elf now. You don't know how long this will last though.

You then tell one of your thralls to learn the art of dentistry. He stares blankly at you. You notice he has bad teeth.

"It's someone who fixes teeth..."

He still looks slightly blank.

"Aaghh...Yes my lord I shall try to learn that occupation..."

He runs off and (4) actually does try learning how to become a dentist.

The Watcher


(4) You soared through the air, dancing under the light of the moon. The world slept, but that didn't mean you had to. You had been exploring the world by your lonesome for 5 years, loving every bit of it. Watching as the races of man, dwarf, orc, and the rest built their civilizations and societies. You had just visited the orcish city of Helte; nice place with simple yet beautiful artwork. The people were nice enough too. Even though, you left. There was still more of the world to see!

As you fly, you notice something below you...Some light....some person surrounded by...things. They don't look friendly.

The Pack


You take your stuff and leave home...Forever maybe. Time to look for treasure, maybe Acheran if you see him. You fly off to the east, first to that village...And as luck would have it, Acheran is here...and Azkul.


You scold your black-scaled brother for his actions; he doesn't deign to reply or even talk, instead he charges at you from the skies. (6+1+6+1) vs (2+1+2+2+2)

Unfortunately for poor Azkul, you were not an idiot. You sidestepped a few moments before he came down and he instead crashed into the earth. You then held him down, for now anyway.

You also smell yet and another dragon here, Alterix?


You fly, blindly into the air. Just trying to get rid of this bloody THING! You blow flame as you continue your flight, raving madness as you go. As you fly up a mountain (or what you assume to be one. Your not sure) you feel a pain in your belly...A javelin...You fall.

-14 hp

You awaken some time later, bound with hard, shining black chains. You hear footsteps and feel a fire nearby.

"He's coming around boss."

"Dragon, do you know why we captured you?" You hear to your left.


"Why the hell are you talking to a tree?" You say.

"Ughh...I dunno what your talking about! So need any help with anything?" He says.

You look at the tree and notice that the tree's gone. And that both of you are now in a large prison.

"Is this actually happening!?" Kefka says.


Both of you are in the same cell. The bars look rusted and there is no light besides some torches in the hallway.


You converse with the tree yet again, but then you hear a familiar voice behind you .

"Why the hell are you talking to a tree?" You hear Jaxar say.

You turn around to face him.

"Ughh...I dunno what your talking about! So need any help with anything?" You say.

You look at the tree and notice that the tree's gone. And that both of you are now in a large prison.

"Is this actually happening!?"


Both of you are in the same cell. The bars look rusted and there is no light besides some torches in the hallway.

The Monster


You decide that your brother needs to know who's boss around here...(2+1+2+2+2) vs (6+1+6+1)

As you gather speed and come even nearer to Acheran, he sidesteps and you crash into the earth. You can't move; your stuck in the dirt and Acheran is holding you down.

-15 hp

Spoiler: Yoink/Koraeleth (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Firelordsky/Kefka (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Spaghetti7/Jaxar (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Azkul/Azkul (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Tomas1297/Astaroth (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Sinpwn/Conchobar (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Aklyon/Alterix (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Nirur Torir/Nirathi (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Nega/Dekoth (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Tarran/Acheran (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Schketz/Shiney (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: October 17, 2011, 03:07:33 am by micelus »
You win Nakeen
Marduk is my waifu
Inanna is my husbando


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Re: Rise of Dragons RTD:Turn 20, New Dragon and Knowledge
« Reply #440 on: October 16, 2011, 02:21:40 pm »

Conchobar grabs some obscuring clothes and restarts artifact looting and secret finding.


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Re: Rise of Dragons RTD:Turn 20, New Dragon and Knowledge
« Reply #441 on: October 16, 2011, 02:39:11 pm »

Oh damn, you beat me to an update. Well, I was being slow anyway...

"Ah, Alterix, nice of you to come. I was just trying to release this village from Azkul's oppression. I mean, look at the buildings. The place is positively wrecked."

Acheran continued holding down his evil brother, then called for a speech from the village.

"Do you people prefer Azkul's rule over your own rule?"
Quote from: Phantom
Unknown to most but the insane and the mystics, Tarran is actually Earth itself, as Earth is sentient like that planet in Avatar. Originally Earth used names such as Terra on the internet, but to protect it's identity it changed letters, now becoming the Tarran you know today.
Quote from: Ze Spy
Tarran has the "Tarran Bug", a bug which causes the affected character to repeatedly hit teammates while dual-wielding instead of whatever the hell he is shooting at.


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Re: Rise of Dragons RTD:Turn 20, New Dragon and Knowledge
« Reply #442 on: October 16, 2011, 02:54:07 pm »

"Definitely could be better, but who knew of the place first? I'd rather prefer to avoid a fight if he had found the place before you, running into you two is more of a coincidence than anything right now."

Alterix hovers off to the side of the fight, waiting to hear the response.
Crystalline (SG)
Quote from: RedKing
It's known as the Oppai-Kaiju effect. The islands of Japan generate a sort anti-gravity field, which allows breasts to behave as if in microgravity. It's also what allows Godzilla and friends to become 50 stories tall, and lets ninjas run up the side of a skyscraper.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rise of Dragons RTD:Turn 20, New Dragon and Knowledge
« Reply #443 on: October 16, 2011, 03:03:03 pm »

What the...
KEFKA! Can't you just keep your nose out of the bloody wildilfes business. Hmm. Those bars look pretty weak and old.

Jaxar will smash into the bars of the cell with all of his weight, trying get away from "here".
That's nothing. I had something mate with a pile of dead meat.


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Re: Rise of Dragons RTD:Turn 20, New Dragon and Knowledge
« Reply #444 on: October 16, 2011, 03:09:35 pm »

"Not sure of which of us found the village first. He raided and I visited every once and a while. And, even if he had found this village first, he deserves the dirt-face treatment. He downright attacked me without even responding. Not a 'Get Out', 'Die', or 'Hello brother'.

If it means anything, my friend lives here, so I have my reasons for liberating this particular village."
Quote from: Phantom
Unknown to most but the insane and the mystics, Tarran is actually Earth itself, as Earth is sentient like that planet in Avatar. Originally Earth used names such as Terra on the internet, but to protect it's identity it changed letters, now becoming the Tarran you know today.
Quote from: Ze Spy
Tarran has the "Tarran Bug", a bug which causes the affected character to repeatedly hit teammates while dual-wielding instead of whatever the hell he is shooting at.


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Re: Rise of Dragons RTD:Turn 20, New Dragon and Knowledge
« Reply #445 on: October 16, 2011, 11:56:01 pm »

Schketz Glides lower for a better view to assess the situation. She try's to not cast a shadow from the light of the moon over the occupied area if possible, as to not alert anything of her presence.

If the person appears to be in immanent danger, and looks about light enough to lift, swoop down and pluck them from the ground, and take them somewhere safer, while trying to be mindful of my talon like claws so i don't end up hurting them. Then Introduce myself, and, if I don't recognize those things, ask what they where.

If the person appears to be in immanent danger, but doesn't look light enough to lift, engage the things surrounding them using my airborn Hit and Run Tactics. Fight with my claws and tail, with each pass striking them opportunely before disappearing again high into the darkness, only to return silently, at another angle.
Alternatively, If the things are small enough to grab and lift int the air, I could just grab them up and drop them from a  somewhat high altitude, on each other for added comedic effect.
If These tactics cause them to become disheartened and run away, don't pursue them, the job is done. instead, introduce myself to the person I just saved.

When I play ^this^ out in my head from a standpoint on the ground, it seems like a plot in a scary movie or a bad scifi :p

If the person does not seem to be in immanent danger, (Perhaps their conversing or negotiating with a group of some sort, I dunno) Then land and get close, while doing my best to not get noticed, so I can see and hear whats really going on.

If I cant tell for certain, assume the person is in immanent danger, and go back to one of the first two plans.
« Last Edit: October 17, 2011, 12:14:47 am by Shiney »


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Re: Rise of Dragons RTD:Turn 20, New Dragon and Knowledge
« Reply #446 on: October 17, 2011, 06:35:02 am »

Where was he?! What had happened? 'What have you done to me?!' Koraeleth growled inwardly at the 'other' occupant of his mind. Suddenly, a voice. His head snapped around with a roar, to let loose a jet of flame at his tormentors, even as he tried with all his strength to break his bonds. "Get away! Cowards! I'll tear you apart!"
Booze is Life for Yoink

To deprive him of Drink is to steal divinity from God.
you need to reconsider your life
If there's any cause worth dying for, it's memes.


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Re: Rise of Dragons RTD:Turn 20, New Dragon and Knowledge
« Reply #447 on: October 17, 2011, 10:45:31 am »

Quietly observe the surrounding so as to see any other structural weaknesses.
Country Name: Lindiria
Name: Sir Alexei Robret
Region: North
In Thirteen Colonies Game


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Re: Rise of Dragons RTD:Turn 20, New Dragon and Knowledge
« Reply #448 on: October 17, 2011, 11:29:51 am »

Azkul uses all his strength to struggle against his brother to get up and continue the fight
Whereas !!ALCHEMY!! has, since the times of Kings Arthur and Charlemagne, been about transforming oneself into a horse using feces.
It turns out sleep is unnecessary because you can just get married and get infinite kisses


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Re: Rise of Dragons RTD:Turn 20, New Dragon and Knowledge
« Reply #449 on: October 18, 2011, 08:09:23 am »

 Astaroth keeps sleeping.
 (I'm just waiting for plot to happen. : P )
There was a time when cocksuits would have offended me. It's kind of bad that the time has passed.
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