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Author Topic: Rise of Dragons RTD:Turn 30, For the Evilz  (Read 66627 times)


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Re: Rise of Dragons RTD:Turn 29, Awkward Conversation and Insane Ramblings
« Reply #615 on: December 08, 2011, 11:52:32 am »

continue attacking the peasants
Whereas !!ALCHEMY!! has, since the times of Kings Arthur and Charlemagne, been about transforming oneself into a horse using feces.
It turns out sleep is unnecessary because you can just get married and get infinite kisses

Nirur Torir

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Re: Rise of Dragons RTD:Turn 29, Awkward Conversation and Insane Ramblings
« Reply #616 on: December 14, 2011, 09:22:36 am »



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Re: Rise of Dragons RTD:Turn 29, Awkward Conversation and Insane Ramblings
« Reply #617 on: December 14, 2011, 03:37:53 pm »

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Re: Rise of Dragons RTD:Turn 30, For the Evilz
« Reply #618 on: December 15, 2011, 03:49:11 am »

((Sorry for delay...Was lazy. Remembered I wrote up most of the turn ages ago. Derp. Also, would anyone mind if I abandoned this? I think I screwed up the game system far too much to be enjoyable...))

 Nirathi(Nirur Torir)

(3+5+2) The spell has been weaved and fitted with another. You unleash the spell not on the slaves themselves, but the slavedrivers. For a minute, nothing changes. The slaves fight on and the slavedrivers seem unchanged, but then they all fall over, as if struck by arrows. (1) While the slaves around the leaders are shocked and seem less aggressive, most of the slaves have no idea of what has happened. They fight on. (4d2=4)

-7 mp
-4 hp


(3+2) You leap out of battle and cast a spell. A ring of flame appears around you, capable of burning all around you, friend and foe alike. (6-1) Your skin remains hardened for battle. You charge back and continue battle, although the dwarves are loathe to go near you. (2) vs (2). While the flame around you protects you from enemies getting too close, it takes some time getting used to; you constantly burn yourself as you move forward. Even though, your enemies seem fearful to attack, in the end, you hurt yourself more than you hurt the enemies.

As you try to kill more slaves, flames start spewing from one of the breaches. Out of it emerges a dragon. A huge one, fully grown. It casts some kind of spell-must be a spell- and a large amount of the slaves just melt away. Literally.

-4 hp

 The Prisoner
 Conchobar (Sinpwn)

(2) Thralls, being as they are, are noted for a slight lessening in overall intelligence. But then again, their intelligence wasn't much to begin with, besides the mage, that is. (2-1) For followers, they have no idea. (2-1) Weapons are hard to get unless your a guard...Or you look outside of the stronghold; in the forests above and below ground. (1-1) As for causes...They suggest an increase in dental education. (5-1) While their ideas are completely idiotic, they have an on getting weapons. They suggest bribing the guards or perhaps joining the guards. Not too hard. Secondly, they could sneak out into the forests and make some weapons out of raw material and equipment lying about. They further say that many of the logging camps below ground are deserted for large parts of the year; lack of workers and all.

The Watcher


You listen.

The Pack


You know those artifacts are bad to have. Instead, you scoop up as much gold as you can, and hightail it out of there. You swear you heard chiming sounds as you left the room. (2+1) vs (4). As you hastily try to leave, you see Koraeleth coming you way. You try to hide and circle around him, but he notices you. He doesn't stop to do anything however, just keeps on walking, looked angered though. You head back outside and prepare to fly. As you do, the whole ruin starts shaking...

1200 Gold



Your murderous kin continues his attack on the peasants, tearing and throwing them. (5+1) vs (2-1) You mumble something about Azkul's honour, his shame at killing such lowly creatures. He actually looks at you, thinking upon it. Then you try and bite him. (4+1) vs (6+2) He doesn't even flinch.

[Azkul Roll:6]. Random Event. As your fail killing your brother, the peasants fall to the ground clutching and tearing at their ears. You look around for a threat, and at first see none. Then you see what looks to be a black-clothed humanoid at the edge of the village. As you look, you feel something entering your very mind. As you feel it, you start hearing a (2) feminine, demanding, and painful-to-hear voice. "doT daKe. PlAYYiing whIn Busness needs DonE. A series of images appear within your mind. A gleaming fortress, of trees and stone. TEk It FO uS.

Spell gained: Gleam of Insanity- Turns target(s) insane while giving caster complete control over them. -2 Good Stat.


With extreme anger, you enter the ruins. The ruins are old and dusty that you know...But you can sense something familiar about the place. (4) You also see that the walls, ceiling, and even the floor are marked with some runic script...Somehow, your able to understand sections of it. (2+1) vs (4). As you trudge on, you see Alterix. He seems to be hiding from you, not very good at it, he is. You reach a room filled with some treasures...and the artifacts you searched for. So many. It's not just a shelf of them, but a whole room of them! You notice that the whole room is made of the cubes! All of them emit a chiming sound...You break each and every one of them open. (4) As you open each cube, you feel calm...No voices entering your body and even the Other is silent. Finally you dismantle the room. Nothing remains but dust and gold. PAWN. As the Other screams that word, it falls silent and disappears...For now. The whole ruin starts shaking and moving.

+15 EVIL

(2) You hit the pedestal. The egg moves not at all.

-2 hp


(1) Utterly no life...Not even a corpse or wilted plant.

The Monster


Your murderous kin continues his attack on the peasants, tearing and throwing them. (5+1) vs (2-1)  (4+1) vs (6+2) tries to tear your foot off, but fails. Hah!

[6]. Random Event. As your slaughter of the villagers continues, they all suddenly fall onto the ground, tearing at their ears. Both you and your brother-rival look confused, but unaffected. Looking around, you see black-clothed humanoids, at the edge of the village. It looks at you and suddenly you fall onto the dirt, grabbing at your head. A voice speaks to you. No, not a voice, a thought. It felt strong, ancient, knowing. ENOUGH FOOLISHNESS. (6) You suddenly "see" images in your mind, of a great figure. It is surrounded by snow and slaves of all kinds. ABSORB POWER.

Spell Gained: Devour Soul-Takes the soul of a creature. May give the caster new traits or abilities. Absorbs health. -1d4 to random attribute.

Spoiler: Yoink/Koraeleth (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Firelordsky/Kefka (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Spaghetti7/Jaxar (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Azkul/Azkul (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Tomas1297/Astaroth (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Sinpwn/Conchobar (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Aklyon/Alterix (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Nirur Torir/Nirathi (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Tarran/Acheran (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Schketz/Shiney (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: December 15, 2011, 04:43:55 am by micelus »
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Re: Rise of Dragons RTD:Turn 30, For the Evilz
« Reply #619 on: December 15, 2011, 04:02:08 am »

Abandon it? Aww, well okay, if you really want to. Goddammit I'm running out of RTDs I'm in! D:

What did you think you screwed up, anyway?

Regardless, oh dear lord Akzul's got a godspell.
Quote from: Phantom
Unknown to most but the insane and the mystics, Tarran is actually Earth itself, as Earth is sentient like that planet in Avatar. Originally Earth used names such as Terra on the internet, but to protect it's identity it changed letters, now becoming the Tarran you know today.
Quote from: Ze Spy
Tarran has the "Tarran Bug", a bug which causes the affected character to repeatedly hit teammates while dual-wielding instead of whatever the hell he is shooting at.


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Re: Rise of Dragons RTD:Turn 30, For the Evilz
« Reply #620 on: December 15, 2011, 04:07:31 am »

Godspell? *reads over* Oops. He has to kill the creature first.

And why I feel like abandoning it? I've stripped the system of proper combat, given out obsolete traits, and I don't follow my own rules very well...But meh, I'll probably keep this going until everyone gets bored of it. Just wanted to say that I do feel like abandoning it every now and then.

And if I do abandon this, I was planning to do a stripped-down version from scratch...
You win Nakeen
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Inanna is my husbando


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Re: Rise of Dragons RTD:Turn 30, For the Evilz
« Reply #621 on: December 15, 2011, 04:18:43 am »

Godspell? *reads over* Oops. He has to kill the creature first.
Whew, thank goodness.

And why I feel like abandoning it? I've stripped the system of proper combat, given out obsolete traits, and I don't follow my own rules very well...
Proper combat? What's proper combat supposed to be anyway?

Obsolete traits? Like what?

What kind of rules did you fail to follow? And I don't follow my own rules very well either, it doesn't truly matter in my opinion if you fail to follow rules unless it's something like a 5 turning into a 1 or such.

But meh, I'll probably keep this going until everyone gets bored of it.
No, dude, if you really don't like doing this, don't do it. I'm certainly not entire-actually, I am kinda getting bored due to the extremely long time fighting is taking. But still, the point is, it's not a matter of if we want to play this or not, it's a matter of if you want to GM this or not. This game becomes a job if you aren't at least slightly interested in what the players are doing or going to do.

Just wanted to say that I do feel like abandoning it every now and then.
Unless you fluctuate between loving it and feeling like abandoning it, I have a feeling you should just abandon it then. If you fluctuate, then you should only post when you feel like making a turn.

And if I do abandon this, I was planning to do a stripped-down version from scratch...
Really? I thought my original idea was striped down already. ???
Quote from: Phantom
Unknown to most but the insane and the mystics, Tarran is actually Earth itself, as Earth is sentient like that planet in Avatar. Originally Earth used names such as Terra on the internet, but to protect it's identity it changed letters, now becoming the Tarran you know today.
Quote from: Ze Spy
Tarran has the "Tarran Bug", a bug which causes the affected character to repeatedly hit teammates while dual-wielding instead of whatever the hell he is shooting at.


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Re: Rise of Dragons RTD:Turn 30, For the Evilz
« Reply #622 on: December 15, 2011, 04:22:34 am »

Oh sorry, I meant Dwarmin's combat in his dragon RTD...Got tired of doing that. As for obsolete trait, refer to Azkul. And yeah, it does fluctuate between love-hate...And forgetting this even exists.
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Re: Rise of Dragons RTD:Turn 30, For the Evilz
« Reply #623 on: December 15, 2011, 04:37:21 am »

If you don't like the obsolite trait, 'frickin remove it man! It's hardly an excuse.

And if it's a love-hate relationship... Well, only you can figure out if you really want to do with it then.

If you're planning on continuing it then, okay.

"What... why... who... GET OUT OF MY MIND! I WILL NOT ACCEPT YOU SCREWING AROUND IN MY MIND! And go take that fortress yourself you lazy bastards!"

Eye of Insanity on Azkul. Make him charge into something poky, like a pitchfork or such. If none are available, have him charge the figure.
Quote from: Phantom
Unknown to most but the insane and the mystics, Tarran is actually Earth itself, as Earth is sentient like that planet in Avatar. Originally Earth used names such as Terra on the internet, but to protect it's identity it changed letters, now becoming the Tarran you know today.
Quote from: Ze Spy
Tarran has the "Tarran Bug", a bug which causes the affected character to repeatedly hit teammates while dual-wielding instead of whatever the hell he is shooting at.


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Re: Rise of Dragons RTD:Turn 30, For the Evilz
« Reply #624 on: December 15, 2011, 04:44:39 am »

Yeah I feel pretty dumb from saying that..
You win Nakeen
Marduk is my waifu
Inanna is my husbando


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Re: Rise of Dragons RTD:Turn 30, For the Evilz
« Reply #625 on: December 15, 2011, 07:24:07 am »

Also, would anyone mind if I abandoned this? I think I screwed up the game system far too much to be enjoyable...

I would mind, because I have put some effort behind my character, but I wouldn't blame you.
I've run these kinds of things before and they can become extremely tedious if you're not absolutely happy with what you have.
I've also tried to create a game using a very open world as you have, with many players, and distant places... If you can manage it all, its a great game, but it's very easy for it to become a confused mess with little story that exists only to eat hours from your day on a regular basis.

I will say I'm enjoying this little game however, though I've noticed one blaring oddity with it:

There is no unified concept of time.

In one turn one character might perform a simple action within a few seconds, while another might do some serious cross country traveling, or fight an entire battle, or do something that requires hours or days.
Given the spread of the characters, this hasn't had much of an effect yet, but as more come together, this could prove to be a problem.
Not that having no unified concept of time cant be a good thing. It gives us more freedom in what we do.
The problem lies in that each of your players have different play styles And you have no structure at all.

Take Azkul for example. He typically posts a single, simple, action.
This play style is good for games updated every day, or more even, but this one averages at a week. Just how long has he been in this fight with Tarran?

Now lets shift to the other end of the spectrum. Look how I post. I try to make my turns as complex as possible because of the slow update speed, that way the story keeps moving. I Got through a number of encounters in very few turns, Albeit Schketz ran, But even if I had her Fight, I would have given you enough information to finish that fight within 1-2 turns. My turn would be like a little program, with If's, Then's, and Else's.

But consider this... What if I was fighting Azkul?
How would you handle our two styles?

I would would have a turn full of tactics and conditions, Azkul would have his simple, perhaps somewhat reactive turn.

It wouldn't be fair to Azkul to run the entire fight using my conditionals if he didn't have any to match, because I'd have a meta advantage from play style. But I as a player certainly don't want to be ignored, nor do I want to be locked in combat for over a month.

You could force me to write short turns, or Azkul to write long ones, but suddenly changing the rules of play for a single occasion would be jarring to us both.

What you need is some sort of... standard, for turns, be it something as complex as an enforcement of time, or something as simple as recommending a style of play.

However, this brings me to another folly of your turn construction:
The way you End turns is Erratic at Best.
What Do I mean this?
Look at a few of the turns, Look at how many decisions each of the players have at the end of each of their turns.

You'll note that sometimes, a players choice is completely open, with or without a plot for them to explore, But other times, They only have have a limited decision to make, and then still other times They have only one obvious action available.
When you Started Schketz, You said There's a guy in the forest surrounded by unfriendly things. My only choice is to try to save the guy.
Yes, I could Technically ignore him, but I wont, because doing that wouldn't move the game along, or be fun for that matter.

A few turns back you stopped me at a door.
My only choice to go through the door.
Did you expect me to not go through the door? My character had no motivation not to.
You even knew how Schketz would enter the door, because I mentioned her decision to try and be sneaky.
But you stopped me at the door.
Effectively costing me a turn, slowing the game down.

And I'm not the only one who this has been done to.

One of the biggest challenges of writing an RTD is putting your players in open or decision making positions Every Turn.
I can think of only two exceptions to this, When your getting exposition out of the way, or when a player has somehow been incapacitated, and when that happens, it should be dramatic and fun.

If you can do that, the game will be more fun for both you and the players. If you cant, this will become a chore for you, and a bore to the players.

The fun for you isn't in writing a story or creating a world, it's seeing what your players do with it, and the fun for them is seeing what they Can do.

In my Honest opinion, it doesn't matter that your system has been largely ignored up to this point.
This game doesn't need more numbers to be fun.

If you want my advice...
Try to get people to post more than simple actions. The more time the characters are in the hands of the dice each turn the better. Why is it better? Well my next piece of advice is to...
-Kill some people. 3 Sounds like a good number. Based on your comments about many turns, you seem to have difficulty running so many at once. I honestly HATE it every time I read "Shortened Turns". I can understand why you do, but if you have to do that, you have too many people playing. Don't do it arbitrarily, but you cant be afraid to be lethal.
And finally...
Put some more effort into the turns. Even if that means delaying the turn a few days. (This will be easier with fewer people obviously)
If you don't put a little love into this kind of thing, it will feel like you have to drag everything along, But if you do it right, we'll write the story for you, and all you'll have to do is give us a nudge here or there. But We'll never be able to do that with constantly "Shortened Turns", and if we cant, then this wont be much fun for you.
« Last Edit: December 15, 2011, 07:31:40 am by Shiney »


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Re: Rise of Dragons RTD:Turn 30, For the Evilz
« Reply #626 on: December 15, 2011, 07:46:00 am »

Try to get people to post more than simple actions. The more time the characters are in the hands of the dice each turn the better. Why is it better? Well my next piece of advice is to...
Yeah, people sometimes need to post more complex actions. Azkul just makes me upset by how darn simple his actions are. It feels like he's not even trying, sometimes just skimming by without capitalization even. It doesn't make fighting him fun, it makes it annoying.

I, myself, would post more complex actions...

...but I lack anything I can see what I can be complex about.

-Kill some people. 3 Sounds like a good number. Based on your comments about many turns, you seem to have difficulty running so many at once. I honestly HATE it every time I read "Shortened Turns". I can understand why you do, but if you have to do that, you have too many people playing. Don't do it arbitrarily, but you cant be afraid to be lethal.
...For recommending this, I volunteer you to be killed.

Put some more effort into the turns. Even if that means delaying the turn a few days. (This will be easier with fewer people obviously)
Hey, man, sometimes people just lack artistic talent, sometimes they just don't want to post all sorts of complex fluff, and sometimes action results can't be fluffed. If you were telling me to put more effort into my turns, I'd be quite annoyed.
Quote from: Phantom
Unknown to most but the insane and the mystics, Tarran is actually Earth itself, as Earth is sentient like that planet in Avatar. Originally Earth used names such as Terra on the internet, but to protect it's identity it changed letters, now becoming the Tarran you know today.
Quote from: Ze Spy
Tarran has the "Tarran Bug", a bug which causes the affected character to repeatedly hit teammates while dual-wielding instead of whatever the hell he is shooting at.


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Re: Rise of Dragons RTD:Turn 30, For the Evilz
« Reply #627 on: December 15, 2011, 08:18:49 am »

...For recommending this, I volunteer you to be killed.
Hey, I understand for such a recommendation, I'm on the chopping block as well, I wouldn't expect otherwise.
It's not like I want him to Choose people to "Kill off"
Rather, perhaps make a few situations that will very likely end up in deaths, but could be avoided if the players have a little luck on there side and put some thought and effort into their actions.

I played some Dungeons and Dragons a couple years back, where somehow, throughout the course of the game, everyone had control of two characters for... some reason. The DM got overworked, so he gave us a ridiculously hard quest, that required us to take alot of risks. It culled our numbers, and we where able to continue playing, if the Game Master is overwhelmed by the number of PC's, then either someone has to die, or the game risks collapsing.

Hey, man, sometimes people just lack artistic talent, sometimes they just don't want to post all sorts of complex fluff, and sometimes action results can't be fluffed. If you were telling me to put more effort into my turns, I'd be quite annoyed.

If I had an opinion of your turns that I wanted to share, Then I would give it to you whether or not you wanted to hear it. I consider it disrespectful to do anything otherwise.
I know both you, and Micelus, already put a lot of effort as it stands into what you do, and I can see how it might be a bit insulting to suggest you're not giving enough. The way I see it, Micelus DOES have artistic talent, he wouldn't be doing this if he didn't, and I like his style, but even he admits to being lazy about this whole thing. That's part of what I believe is killing this, and so I express that.
Because I want to see more of this game.
Because I want to see more of his "Art"
And because I want him to enjoy making it.

Thats why I said what I did.
It was out of a desire to see more, and a respect for the Artist.

So you can be annoyed.
« Last Edit: December 15, 2011, 10:28:26 am by Shiney »


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Re: Rise of Dragons RTD:Turn 30, For the Evilz
« Reply #628 on: December 15, 2011, 02:27:23 pm »

Devour the soul of a peasant

It's necessary to post simple turns because it is impossible to see the results of an action until a turn has been posted, thus limiting the size of posts.
Whereas !!ALCHEMY!! has, since the times of Kings Arthur and Charlemagne, been about transforming oneself into a horse using feces.
It turns out sleep is unnecessary because you can just get married and get infinite kisses


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Re: Rise of Dragons RTD:Turn 30, For the Evilz
« Reply #629 on: December 15, 2011, 06:01:02 pm »

If's and then's my friend, if's and then's
Like, IF your action succeeds, THEN do one thing
or IF your action Fails, THEN do another thing.

Or you could do something like:
Fight this way with this strategy, but IF I get down to X number of hitpoints THEN change to this other tactic.

or you can try to predict what an enemy might do, and prepare accordingly

Do Something
and then IF the enemy does this, THEN I do X
or IF the enemy does that, THEN I do Y
or IF the enemy does the other thing, THEN I do Z
and IF the enemy does none of the above, THEN go to Plan B.

and plan B can be a simple action, or another entire conditional list.
If you wanted to be really complex, X, Y, and Z could all have their own conditionals too, from the above fail or succeed check, to their own entire lists.

Now yes, each consecutive action you use conditionals to post gets exponentially more complicated, but think of it this way:
While it may take over an hour to type up enough conditions to perform say... 4 actions, If this game updates once a week, you just got an entire month worth of actions in one turn.
If you don't feel like spending that much time, 3 actions worth of conditions takes less than half as long to type out as 4 actions worth, and 2 actions worth generally only adds a few extra minutes more to what would be a standard reply, yet it doubles the speed of the game, moving things along tremendously.

Additionally, sometimes you can just post multiple actions that arn't dependent on each other.
Say right now, your devouring a peasant's soul. If you wanted, you could devour a peasants soul, AND THEN continue attacking your brother. You could add a conditional to that, say if the soul devour fails try it again, but you don't need to.
Your character will perform the second task if possible.
Not only that, but if there is some sort of unforeseen event, Micelus, historically, has been pretty good at adapting your intent to the situation.

Another thing you could do, is describe a style of fighting for your character, his general tactics, and then use a simple conditional to define when the combat or turn should end. Its more efficient than doing things action by action. (Note that I'm going to ignore the appearance of the black cloaks for this example) Instead of "Devour the soul of a peasant" You could say "I focus my attacks on the peasants [Until:X] and Devour one's soul while I do so [Optional failure reaction]. I won't focus on my brothers attacks [Unless:Y, or X].

What your doing now is a single action, but you could set your turn up to allow your character to make many actions. With my example, your character can be run entirely by the dice until the situation changes significantly, either by the Game Master's discretion, or by the evocation of one of your (or another PC's) conditions.

You've set up some of your actions this way, such as "Azkul continues attacking the peasants", but that's not a whole lot of information for Micelus to run on considering your situation. Peasants are present, and you've addressed them, if they where the only ones present, "Azkul continues attacking the peasants" could go on until either you, or the peasants, are defeated in some way, however, you have other forces around, PC's no less. Your actions MUST address all parties in the area, especially if one of those parties is another player, otherwise you'll find your turns constantly stunted, because the situation will continue to change outside of your direction.
« Last Edit: December 16, 2011, 04:15:01 am by Shiney »
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