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Author Topic: Rise of Dragons RTD:Turn 30, For the Evilz  (Read 66635 times)


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Re: Rise of Dragons RTD:Turn 21, !!PLOT!!
« Reply #465 on: October 27, 2011, 07:22:07 am »

(Did I just... I mean... Like... Wipe out my entire group of captors, tearing out of my chains and slaughtering them like death and rage incarnate?! :o Holy heck, what a badass moment! :D)

Koraeleth gives a savage grin, every fibre of his being thrilling to the slaughter he's just enacted. He shall have a look around his surroundings, checking for any further danger. If he sees none, he shall seize one of his slain foes in his claws and, pained but still escatic, with a beat of his mighty, if tattered, wings he shall rise into the air and seek a safer place to recuperate from battle.
"So you like that?! You like me killing, yes!" His eyes roll wildly as he communicates with the Other one in his mind.
"We shall make a deal, then! If I kill enough of these... Humans, you will go, get out, leave me alone! Yes? You agree?!" His eyes widen hopefully.

He flies somewhat erratically, although less madly than before as he seeks some sheltered place to land, rest and feed on the corpse in his claws.

Edit: Oh, and if he sees any further enemies nearby, he shall attempt to chase them away with a roar and then fly off as described. If they do not flee, though, then they must die.
Booze is Life for Yoink

To deprive him of Drink is to steal divinity from God.
you need to reconsider your life
If there's any cause worth dying for, it's memes.


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Re: Rise of Dragons RTD:Turn 21, !!PLOT!!
« Reply #466 on: October 27, 2011, 07:51:32 am »

Azkul tries to get up and fly away to the other village (whichever one it was)
Whereas !!ALCHEMY!! has, since the times of Kings Arthur and Charlemagne, been about transforming oneself into a horse using feces.
It turns out sleep is unnecessary because you can just get married and get infinite kisses


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Re: Rise of Dragons RTD:Turn 21, !!PLOT!!
« Reply #467 on: October 27, 2011, 12:04:15 pm »

Conchobar smirks and looks around.
"Luck seems to be on my side for the moment, this will be helpful indeed."
He closely inspects the golden rods for anything suspicious, then takes a drink from the fountain. He continues his search for anything he can use against the elves while finding some decent clothes.

Nirur Torir

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Re: Rise of Dragons RTD:Turn 21, !!PLOT!!
« Reply #468 on: October 27, 2011, 05:48:58 pm »

Nirathi quickly calculates the damage a titan would likely do to the fortress, and the location of Mother's eggs. If they're in more danger than they would be if she carried them through the hallways of potentially panicking dwarves and into a crowded room of potentially panicked dwarves, she will take them to one of the safe houses and put them under the care of a trusted friend. (I assume the dwarves gave her some sort of study and padded container in case the eggs need to be moved. If not, a chest hastily padded with whatever is available will work.)

Otherwise, she will go do whatever it is she's been assigned to do in case of such an emergency. (I don't think anyone wants a dragon cowering in a crowded bunker in a military emergency. I'd guess she'd be best suited to helping with last-minute temprary fortification shore-ups or helping to ensure a medical area is prepared for the possible influx of dwarves.)


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Re: Rise of Dragons RTD:Turn 21, !!PLOT!!
« Reply #469 on: October 28, 2011, 11:43:01 am »

 Astaroth goes to the battlefield and tries to predict the possible combat scenarios and prepare for the battle.

 I will be away for 3~ days starting from the day after tomorrow, so take over. Try to avoid damage and run away from fights that can't be won. Back.
« Last Edit: November 02, 2011, 09:45:20 am by tomas1297 »
There was a time when cocksuits would have offended me. It's kind of bad that the time has passed.


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Re: Rise of Dragons RTD:Turn 21, !!PLOT!!
« Reply #470 on: October 29, 2011, 10:31:26 am »

Kefka reluctantly follows this strange man looking for an explanation for all the teleporting trees.
Country Name: Lindiria
Name: Sir Alexei Robret
Region: North
In Thirteen Colonies Game


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Re: Rise of Dragons RTD:Turn 21, !!PLOT!!
« Reply #471 on: October 30, 2011, 10:06:11 am »

Amazing. I bet he's a bloody magician. Think they know it all.
Follow this fella, but haughtily. Is that even a word? Who knows.
That's nothing. I had something mate with a pile of dead meat.


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Re: Rise of Dragons RTD:Turn 21, !!PLOT!!
« Reply #472 on: October 30, 2011, 05:04:15 pm »

Follow this fella, but haughtily. Is that even a word? Who knows.

Yes, It effectively means you are letting people know that you think you are better than them, through whatever you are doing.

Soo.... Yes. Yes It Is.
« Last Edit: October 30, 2011, 09:22:36 pm by Shiney »


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Re: Rise of Dragons RTD:Turn 21, !!PLOT!!
« Reply #473 on: November 02, 2011, 09:45:00 am »

 Back. Huh. You didn't even need to take over.
There was a time when cocksuits would have offended me. It's kind of bad that the time has passed.


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Re: Rise of Dragons RTD:Turn 21, !!PLOT!!
« Reply #474 on: November 02, 2011, 02:24:51 pm »

Nega hasn't posted yet...So yeah.
You win Nakeen
Marduk is my waifu
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Re: Rise of Dragons RTD:Turn 21, !!PLOT!!
« Reply #475 on: November 02, 2011, 04:43:53 pm »

Has Been Nearly a week This time...


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Re: Rise of Dragons RTD:Turn 21, !!PLOT!!
« Reply #476 on: November 02, 2011, 05:17:58 pm »

Yeah, just go on without me. I'm getting these periods of Writer's Block, just like in this RP Forum I go to. Carry on without me.


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Re: Rise of Dragons RTD:Turn 21, !!PLOT!!
« Reply #477 on: November 02, 2011, 05:19:36 pm »

Well...Ok then. I'll probably post an update somewhere this week.
You win Nakeen
Marduk is my waifu
Inanna is my husbando


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Re: Rise of Dragons RTD:Turn 22, People Get Hurt
« Reply #478 on: November 04, 2011, 03:24:50 am »

 (You may have noticed the simplification of combat and shortening of turns. Sorry, but I need to.)

 Nirathi(Nirur Torir)

((You were extremely lucky. Had those rolls been too bad, the titan would be inside, have a disease, children, and the traps would have triggered on you.))

(6) You think about the safety of the eggs and decide that the eggs are safer where they are. The dwarves would probably knock them over. The titan couldn't possibly get that far deep...

(6) Your role in this situation is to stay near the militia and bring them back to safety if they're dying or too injured and also to heal them. You run  towards the depot, all the while the civilians are rushing to the safe areas. Once you get to the depot, you find a large number of dwarves readying defenses and several of them marching out to the Trap Fields just outside the Fort...(6) The Titan seems to be alone, and non-disease bringing. It doesn't seem to have any spawn either...But the militia-commander says that it has several slaves with it. He also tells you to go out there and recover any injured dwarves.

You leave the safety of the Fort and enter the Trap Fields. These traps are usually disabled, but can bet put on in a pinch. (6) You don't trigger any at all and soon enough you find a group of dwarves fighting off some goblins. (3) Neither side seems to be winning...Where's the titan anyway?


You run pass the guarding dwarves and into the gates-which immediately close. Looking around, you see an old ruin of sorts-ancient structures of a long dead people. (1) You don't have time to think up of scenarios before something comes and attacks. (3) It's the size of a human with a strange squid-like head with an insectoid body. (1vs6) It jumps onto your back before you can even react! (6) Luckily however, it has little offensive capabilities, only doing 5 damage to you.

-5 hp

(1) You try to shake it off your back but fail utterly. (1) It screams something foul and dark, causing you pain and attracting more of it's demented brethren.

-15 hp

 The Prisoner
 Conchobar (Sinpwn)

(4) You look at the golden rods and analyse them. Nope, just your average floating decor. You take a sip from the Fount (2)….AAGGHHH!! It burns of acid and holiness.

"Fool. You don't truly think it would be this easy, did you?

-30 hp
+3 mp

The Watcher


Throughout the journey, you question your little friend. He's visibly annoyed but you don't seem to notice this at all.

He tells you his master is in trouble, he was kidnapped as a child some time ago and is now looking for a way for revenge. The elf has been sent out by himself because the Master believed he looked the most inconspicuous. He tells you he's from Illyria. He refuses to answer anymore questions.

Eventually, the two of you arrive at what seems to be yet another forest, no different from the last one. He tells you however that under it is something of interest, a whole city. He leads you to one entrance, big enough for a dragon.

The Pack


With this little problem being finished, you say goodbye to your sibling and head off east. You travel for days, around a week you believe. (4) As you fly, you see something- a ruin. It's different than others though, for one thing it's shiny. The whole thing is shiny. Not with clay and glass but white gold! (4) You control yourself and cautiously fly down.


As you talk to the peasants, Azkul suddenly struggles and pushes all of you off! He doesn't fight however, rather he flies off. Bastard.

"Um, sir Acheran, are you going to go after him? I'm sure the arch-duke would be thankful, not to mention us of this village."


You look around with an evil grin, (4) and see little of great danger. However, you do see two chests that probably contain something important. But you W̢̛ͥͦ̆̿͗̿̓̾̈͡҉̧̭̪̤̰̬̥͉͓̝̫̹̼Ȩ̸̶̶̘͓̼͉̳͓̗̳͉̞͈̑͒ͮͯ̊ͥ͛͒͋ͭ͒́ͨ̚̚͠ must eat! You take a corpse and fly off to a nearby ledge and feast. Glorious flesh it ta-memories pass. Of undead hordes and a doomed city…Sharing a mind can get some time getting used too...

(4) You and your brother follow the man. You notice that everything looks old and worn and the candles are giving off light-but they emit no flame. The man brings both of you to a large spherical room. There is some kind of…rune in the centre.

"Now, both of you may be wondering why I have brought you two here…Well you two have been chosen to serve…the Great God of All! None get this chance! Do you accept?"

The man talks erratically and with a lisp. The whole room is dusty and you notice damaged paintings and objects scattered on the floor.


(4) You and your brother follow the man. You notice that everything looks old and worn and the candles are giving off light-but they emit no flame. The man brings both of you to a large spherical room. There is some kind of…rune in the centre.

"Now, both of you may be wondering why I have brought you two here…Well you two have been chosen to serve…the Great God of All! None get this chance! Do you accept?"

The man talks erratically and with a lisp. The whole room is dusty and you notice damaged paintings and objects scattered on the floor.

The Monster


(5) vs (1+2)

You erupt like a newly-born volcano god and take Acheran by surprise, as well as the traitorous peasants. Not time to fight, you decide. You fly off back to Fare, where your slaves are still loyal...somewhat.

Spoiler: Yoink/Koraeleth (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Firelordsky/Kefka (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Spaghetti7/Jaxar (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Azkul/Azkul (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Tomas1297/Astaroth (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Sinpwn/Conchobar (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Aklyon/Alterix (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Nirur Torir/Nirathi (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Tarran/Acheran (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Schketz/Shiney (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: November 05, 2011, 07:32:08 pm by micelus »
You win Nakeen
Marduk is my waifu
Inanna is my husbando


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Re: Rise of Dragons RTD:Turn 22, People Get Hurt
« Reply #479 on: November 04, 2011, 03:37:32 am »

((Goddamn my personality traits, this is a bad idea, but my character, with his traits, would do it anyway.))

"I suppose so. But, if possible, send any assistance you can. Azkul is a much stronger dragon than I, and in a straight fight I do not believe I would have a good chance at being victorious!"

Follow Azkul. Be cautious, however. Don't follow too closely.
Quote from: Phantom
Unknown to most but the insane and the mystics, Tarran is actually Earth itself, as Earth is sentient like that planet in Avatar. Originally Earth used names such as Terra on the internet, but to protect it's identity it changed letters, now becoming the Tarran you know today.
Quote from: Ze Spy
Tarran has the "Tarran Bug", a bug which causes the affected character to repeatedly hit teammates while dual-wielding instead of whatever the hell he is shooting at.
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