Crystal: general swarm. 1 kg, 1" by .75". will be gained all of the time unless you guys want more Major crystals. Worth 1 spark.
Major Crystal: Command hubs, space fillers, other important things. Or just for heavier ammo if theres quite a lot of them. 4 kg, 4" by 3.75". Worth 2 sparks.
Flawless Crystal: Excellent at utilizing magic and good at intelligence/memory, however are extremely fragile and highly coveted by the other sentients. 2 kg, 2" by 2". Worth 8 sparks, Rare.
Going with this.
The swarm sends a duo to poke the bull in the ass to distract it, but not kill it, while the rest form into a Small_flyer and divebomb the human, (20) Piercing through the skull and lodging in the brain! The swarm then carefully extracts all but a quad of crystals before the guy actually realizes he is in major pain from the crystal-filled hole in his head and starts screaming loud enough to put a chalkboard scratcher to shame.
Forms: Human (requires many, many, more swarm to correctly detail), Dog_Small
Other Knowledge: Crop names/shapes, vague map of the area (not really any better than you already knew, except for the village to the north), cow.wav
Ignored: Fear of Wizard
61 parts, 4 inside a Farmer.
Creativity: 96 (+1)
Logic: 4 (-1)
Forms: Walker_Twoleg, Nonform, *Small_Flyer, Walker_Quad, Human, Dog_Small
Memory: cow.wav, vague map, Crop knowledge.