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Author Topic: Your Gamer Quirks  (Read 2588 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Your Gamer Quirks
« on: April 06, 2008, 07:17:00 pm »

Is there anything you consistently do that's completely irrational or crazy in almost all of your games? (in Dwarf Fortress, that is)

I have a quirk.  I always bring rhesus macaque leather if I bring leather at all. Because I hate those g**-d***ed rhesus f***ing macaques.  Ever since a pack of them starved one of my first fortresses to death by stealing all of my food, I make sure in my delusional way that I've slaughtered a bunch of the b**tards.

*deep, calming breaths*

I really hate rhesus macaques.

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Your Gamer Quirks
« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2008, 07:32:00 pm »

I always give my dwarves proper 3 by 3 rooms, or at least until the overload comes.

I always pamper and name the leader after myself.

I always enlist peasants and worthless dwarves like soap makers.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Your Gamer Quirks
« Reply #2 on: April 06, 2008, 07:51:00 pm »

I try to give every single dwarf (including military dwarves) a 2x2 bedroom with smoothed walls, a cabinet directly across from the door, a chest to the left of the door, a square of walking space in front of the door, and a bed in the far corner from the door.

Like this:

# h#

The most horrible thing is getting to the economy and seeing 3/4 of my dwarves sleeping on the floor of the barracks.

[ April 06, 2008: Message edited by: Tahin ]



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Your Gamer Quirks
« Reply #3 on: April 06, 2008, 08:22:00 pm »

The first time I saw a pack of rhesus maquaches raid my temporary outside food-stockpile, i literally nearly fell on the floor laughing!

Not exactly crazy or weird, but it's a quirk I have I guess...
I always spend atleast 10-20 minutes near the beginning of a fort, planning out the food-economysystem. I take great care to make sure the food will get as efficiently as possible from the farm to the brewer and possibly the dining hall. I also make sure the booze ends up close to the brewer, but also close to the rest of the fort. The kitchen of course is always placed near the booze, but in such a ways that the food will be quickly brought near the dininghall..
I always plan it out completely with hallways and all rooms designated for mining before I unpause the game...

I always do this, and always enjoy seeing my miner dig out stockpile after stockpile, allowing the other 3-5 idle dwarves to carry stuff inside from the wagon as it gets its own designated stockpile (1 for booze, 1 for finished food, 1 for plants etc). I also always enjoy seeing the production of booze/food start up slowly and fall into place while I wait for the first immigrants ^^ Just feels so organized amongst the sea of chaos and drunken beardbearers.

Uberubert cancels forum post: Interrupted by Dwarf Fortress


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Your Gamer Quirks
« Reply #4 on: April 06, 2008, 08:28:00 pm »

I always try to keep my total imported goods as low as possible and my total exported goods as high as possible.  I don't know why.

Also I give everyone 6x6 rooms.

And no matter how hard I try to make new patterns and designs for rooms I always end up making them square.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Your Gamer Quirks
« Reply #5 on: April 06, 2008, 08:44:00 pm »

I always seem to build a large room for a necropolis that has the same sort of design.  It's a mostly square room with a mostly square uncarved section in the middle.  There are always three spaces in between the two, and if there are multiple uncarved sections, then those also have three spaces between them.  I line the ways with coffins, leaving the center open for access to the dead.  Military dwarves get tombs in the middle of the (initially) uncarved sections, which eventually get every other block carved out, chessboard-style.

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Re: Your Gamer Quirks
« Reply #6 on: April 06, 2008, 09:33:00 pm »

I always give as many dwarves as possible 3x3 rooms with a bed, two cabinets, two chests, a table, a chair, and two floor squares for access, and try not to export very much to prevent immies coming before I can house them.

I am also obsessive about building space-efficient fortresses, and always fill every wasted square with a statue so it won't be wasted anymore.

I also have trouble stopping myself from surrounding my entrance with a constructed hollow wall at least three Z-levels high and five tiles thick. I usually run out of stone and have to hollow out a lot of useless empty rooms before getting enough to complete the project. Somehow.

I buy turtles by the metric ton, because I'm paranoid about shells. Like, I never set out without at least 50-100. Same applies to wood, and on aquifer maps, stone.

I would rather have my fisherdwarves not catch anything than have their throats torn out by a GCS, so they are only ever permitted to fish at ponds within my wagon camp or controlled underground water sources.

Finally, I always build a (7 by Crazy Long) Hall of Ancestors in every fort, engraved as soon as possible and laid out like so:

Top View:
OΩ@   @ΩO
OΩ@   @ΩO
OΩ@   @ΩO
OΩ@   @ΩO

Any dwarf who dies gets a statue (&#937 ;) and a coffin (@) assigned in the Hall of Ancestors. If possible, one of their personal effects is placed in front of the coffin and forbidden. Anyone who dies performing a really heroic deed gets a monument and a special tomb at or near the spot where they performed it. If they don't die, they just get a statue. Some of the cooler dwarves have a lot of statues around.  The Hall of Ancestors and all monuments are marked as meeting places, so that parties are thrown there (which is good because of the many masterwork statues and coffins keeping everyone ecstatic) and animals gather to play. I like to think of parties thrown by children as field trips for a Dwarven Badassery class



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Your Gamer Quirks
« Reply #7 on: April 06, 2008, 09:59:00 pm »

I don't bring dogs or train any animals as war-animals, because whenever I do, they get hurt in battle and wind up with crippling war-wounds; horrible, insanely painful injuries that never heal, causing them to collapse into unconsciousness every 3 steps.


It's too sad, I can't take it. =/


Slappy Moose

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Re: Your Gamer Quirks
« Reply #8 on: April 06, 2008, 10:22:00 pm »

I always kill EVERY animal except dogs (for war dogs and emergency food) or death pit animals (megabeasts, bears, cougars, etc).

I always give every dwarf a 2x2 engraved room.

I give every dwarf a 1x3 grave,however: soldiers who died defending the fort get engraved walls, legendary or special dwarves get smoothed walls, and epic dwarves (such as Zaneg Thazor, Armok reincarnate) get huge rooms with statues, weapon racks and armor stands.

I wall off everything. I try to wall off as much as possible so that I can have trees growing within the safety of my fort.

Zaneg Thazor: Armok Reincarnate Story

[Healthcare Update Thread] Personally, I can't wait for doctors to get possessed and start surgically attaching axes to champion soldier's arms.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Your Gamer Quirks
« Reply #9 on: April 06, 2008, 11:07:00 pm »

For me every room has to be in prime numbers. 1,2,3,5, and 7 mostly. As in, it has to be a prime number wide and a prime number wide and tall, and hallways have to be a prime number wide. If I'm making a string of rooms there will never be more than 7.


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Re: Your Gamer Quirks
« Reply #10 on: April 06, 2008, 11:53:00 pm »

Everything that can be made out of blocks or raw stone, I make out of blocks (except the first mason shop, of course.. though I could BRING a block now I guess).

I don't know why, it makes basically no difference and adds quite a bit to the construction time (especially for walls and large bridges) but I just can't help myself.

I also do the square room thing - I sometimes see nicely designed forts with different shape rooms and such and think 'oh! I should do that!' but then next time I need to make some bedrooms or a dining hall I just slap together a square and call it a day. All my forts end up looking almost exactly the same and it's even worse now that we don't have the chasm or river messing up things like we used to.

An ambush! curse all friends of nature!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Your Gamer Quirks
« Reply #11 on: April 07, 2008, 10:44:00 am »

I tend to micromanage the materials that go into building my fort.  That is to say, if I'm building a double door I'll try to have both doors of the same kind of wood/stone and preferably the same quality- that is, I'll pick two exceptional orthoclase doors over a feather tree and a mahogany, or a masterwork and an superior.  I've started setting up pairs of workshops, with the profiles altered so that one turns out high quality goods while the other knocks out cheap stuff for general use/poorer neighbourhoods (ironically, of course, mass-manufacturing masterpieces is much faster).  For things like tombs and sometimes noble rooms, if while digging them I hit different-coloured stone, I will dig out an extra tile and build walls in the preferred colour, and cover over wrong-coloured floor.

I always build roads out of blocks of the same material where possible, or arrange them into same-colour sections except for a couple of steel ones to get the value up.

I immediately put any military dwarf who gives birth on maternity leave, undrafting them until I notice that they no longer carry the baby.

I almost never use nicknames, and reserve custom job titles for special cases- "Medic" or "nurse" for peasants with only health care enabled, and special acheivements.  (One of my peasants, a swordsdwarf on maternity leave, managed to buy a shop. I gave her "Entrepreneur".  Also one of my nurses got elected so she got "Mayoress" instead.)

-The Violent Council of Breakfast


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Your Gamer Quirks
« Reply #12 on: April 07, 2008, 12:22:00 pm »

I'm a stickler about all the wall colors matching? ALUNITE AND OBSIDIAN? OH NO YOU DIDNT IDORT

I always rename my military based on merit and time served rather then at random. The scheme usually goes - High Overlord - (Speciality Overlord) - Overlord - standard ranks.

Can't stand loose stone. CANNOT. STAND. LOOSE. STONE. I'll spend YEARS clearing it and manually dumping it all. I don't care.

I am relatively set in my ways regarding construction and fort design. I rarely build forts any other way, and when I do I really find it to be annoying.

I try to make everything out of blocks. This is extremely time consuming and rarely pays any exact dividends.


Kogan Loloklam

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Re: Your Gamer Quirks
« Reply #13 on: April 07, 2008, 12:29:00 pm »

I share a lot of the 'weirdness' of other people, but I have my own too. I always get a royal dining hall built for a meeting place for my dwarves, and a royal throne room made too before I have anybody that could possibly use it.

I do the "same materials" door thing, but I do it on a large scale(Every object in the fortress is made out of the same stone, coffers, cabinets, frigging levers, as soon as I have a legendary mason it starts.)

My dwarves all start out with 2x3 rooms at least, usually bigger

I always work on replacing farms smaller then 10x10 with 10x10 farms.

And my weirdest quark of all...

Every fortress I always build at least 40 2x2 jail cells, with a fortification and a door on one wall leading into a 2 wide hallway. The fortress guard is always high-strength, never under strength, and the captain of the guard always has his rooms at the start of the jail area when the jail is completed.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Your Gamer Quirks
« Reply #14 on: April 07, 2008, 01:22:00 pm »

I had always though my ways were "normal", but it seems like 75-85% of the fortresses in the DFMA are built by people with more-or-less the same mind-set, a mind-set totally different than mine (not better or worse, mind, just different).

1.  I seldom make square or rectangular rooms.  The last time I housed a dwarf in your bog-standard 2x2 or 3x3 chamber carved out of the rock was in a succession game.

2.  I almost never put workshops or stockpiles in individual rooms; the two usually go in the same room (or at least one is on top of the other).  I can't remember the last time I felt obliged to give anyone a lockable workshop.  My forts tend to be laid out as caverns and chambers rather than rooms and corridors.

3.  I hate idleness, and (this is apparently very unusual) almost invariably find more than enough work for all.  Partying's rare in my forts.  Even partying children.  I love immigrants.  I hate pathfinding lag.

4.  I always have a large group - often 50% of the adult dwarves - with the title "hauler" who do pretty much nothing but tote and carry.  I also tend to have unusually few (but unusually highly-skilled) dwarves making stuff - never had more than two weaponsmiths, or four smelters, or two clothiers, and so forth.

5.  I set up unusually elaborate food stockpiles...but also have unusually few non-food stockpiles, preferring to demolish and rebuild workshops as needed.

6.  I'm a quality fanatic, and have been ever since I learnt (about day four of playing this game) that dwarves appreciate well-made architecture, buildings, and furniture.

7.  I'm very nice to the elves.  Gifts, buy 'em out, accept quotas, you name it.  Wouldn't even DREAM of locking them up or stealing their stuff.

8.  I loathe cats (in DF; I'm very fond of them in Real Life).

[ April 07, 2008: Message edited by: Fedor ]

Fedor Andreev is a citizen of the Federated Endeavor. He is a member of the Wandering Minds.
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