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Author Topic: Roll to Be a Gentleman Spy - Chapter Three Part Twenty One.  (Read 74772 times)


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Re: Roll to Be a Gentleman Spy - Chapter Three Part Fifteen.
« Reply #705 on: March 05, 2012, 04:52:51 pm »

Now, how did that happen...

Put on my smashing coat and look for some more clothes. Again. Then proceed in the direction the stampede came from. Surely, there will be some Germans who will be kind enough to provide me a suit if I can't find one in the wilds of Norway.


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Re: Roll to Be a Gentleman Spy - Chapter Three Part Fifteen.
« Reply #706 on: March 05, 2012, 11:05:26 pm »

Onward, to chase the Prussians!
Have I now become your enemy by telling you the truth? (Gal 4:16)


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Re: Roll to Be a Gentleman Spy - Chapter Three Part Fifteen.
« Reply #707 on: March 08, 2012, 03:10:56 am »

A scriver and Geen bump.


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Re: Roll to Be a Gentleman Spy - Calling McGeenyton and von Fersen.
« Reply #708 on: March 08, 2012, 11:23:21 am »

I have been bumped from inaction!

Take some time and see to the wounds before we continue (possibly using the dictionary paper as makeshift bandage), and take a couple of strengthening puffs from the pipe.

"Thanks for getting us out of there, old boy. Can I offer you a puff or two to keep up your warmth and spirits?
Love, scriver~


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Roll to Be a Gentleman Spy - Chapter Three Part Sixteen.
« Reply #709 on: March 09, 2012, 07:39:01 am »

Early evening, Wednesday 10th April, 1906.

Onward, to chase the Prussians!

”Onward, my friends and countrymen, eh what!” exclaims Mr Wellington. ”Huzzah!”

Wellington starts strolling determinedly towards the north east in pursuit of the perfidious Prussians, presumed capturers of the precious Professor Bythington-Smythe. Making remarkably good time, he suddenly halts, kneels down, and puts his top hat to the ground, and his ear to his top hat.

He appears to be listening intently.

”I say! Something appears to be coming our way! Take cover, Mr McGeenyton! Take cover!”

With just enough time to take cover, Mr Wellington watches in astonishment as a herd of ravenous Elk start rushing by where the two gentlemen were a brief moment ago strolling. Taken by a flash of inspiration, as the tail end of the herd gallop past the brave gent jumps out, leaping onto the neck of a mighty Elk and wrestling him to the ground, where he subdues him with a few sharp blows of the top hat.

”That’ll show him who’s in charge!” he shouts. ”Climb aboard, McGeenyton! We’re taking the Elk express to Prussian-town! You know, I’m quite an expert at Elk pilotage, have no fear!”


Mr McGeenyton, looking moderately convinced – almost as if he doesn’t have much of a choice and some strange higher mystical being is taking over control of his body – quickly scrambles onto the back of the Elk behind Mr Wellington.

”Lead the way, honourable friend! Lead the way! For England and Freedom! Well, gentlemanly freedom, anyway, eh what. Blast. For England and Glory! Charrrge!”

Mr Wellington kicks his heels against the mighty beast’s flanks, and he gallops off into the spreading darkness. The Elk seems to instinctively follow the trail of its fellow Elk, who zoom off eastwards towards the low range of mountains that encircle the town of Hammerfest. Eventually, total darkness envelopes the savage looking countryside, but the noble Elk keeps galloping onwards through the chilly air and the glistening snow crunching underfoot. A short while passes, with the Elk speeding on with little encouragement needed from his gentlemanly passengers, and soon enough he catches up with his Elky companions, and skids to a halt at the foot of an imposing mountainside.

Thousands of Elk mill about, almost as if talking amongst themselves, gnawing on the tufts of frozen grass that push resolutely through the cold and trampled ground before the mountainside. Enormous stone doors are carved into its vertical cliff-face.

Take some time and see to the wounds before we continue (possibly using the dictionary paper as makeshift bandage), and take a couple of strengthening puffs from the pipe.

"Thanks for getting us out of there, old boy. Can I offer you a puff or two to keep up your warmth and spirits?”

Whilst Mr Smith searches about upon the snowy ground for some clothing, von Fersen starts tearing some pages out of the useless ‘Z’ volume of his dictionary set, licking them in as noble a fashion as is possible given the circumstances, before then proceeding to roll his blood soaked sleeve up to his shoulder. Using, where necessary, a few more dabs of spit, the enterprising young Swede forms a solid bandage over both sides of his severe Elk impalement wound!

”Ah,” he says, as he sits back and takes a refreshing puff or two on his pipe. ”That certainly feels a lot better. I was beginning to feel moderately faint. Arrrrhghgh!! Oh bloody blast! I’m on fire!”

A sudden gust of wind has thrown the embers of his pipe all over his new arm bandage! It rapidly dries out and sets alight!

Put on my smashing coat and look for some more clothes. Again. Then proceed in the direction the stampede came from. Surely, there will be some Germans who will be kind enough to provide me a suit if I can't find one in the wilds of Norway.

Digging his only slightly damp clothes out from the large pile of snow under which they flew in his supermanly enthusiasm for escape from the avalanche, Mr Smith quickly gets dressed and prepares to head in the direction of the Elk stampede. Following a clear Elk trail he gets a hundred yards to the east when he hears a sudden cry behind him. Sir August von Fersen appears to be alight!

…         …         …         …         …         …
Item Acquired! Mr McGeenyton: A Promise to Acquire Two New Suits! (twelve turns remaining)
State Acquired! Mr Smith: Tea-powered Super Manliness! (three turns remaining)

Current Gentlemen
Spoiler: areyoua; Winston Smith (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Geen; Henry McGeenyton (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Notes (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Be a Gentleman Spy - Chapter Three Part Sixteen.
« Reply #710 on: March 09, 2012, 07:07:39 pm »

Surely, fire is no problem on in snow-bound Norway.

Throw some snow on the fire to stop it and once again try to proceed along the elk trail.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Be a Gentleman Spy - Chapter Three Part Sixteen.
« Reply #711 on: March 09, 2012, 07:29:17 pm »

Woops, sorry about that chaps.
Look around for suits, I shall keep my promise to those fine butlers.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Be a Gentleman Spy - Chapter Three Part Sixteen.
« Reply #712 on: March 09, 2012, 08:01:57 pm »

Lie down in snow. Then repeat last action, though only sickle the pipe without lighting it this time.

At least nothing blew up this time.
Love, scriver~


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Re: Roll to Be a Gentleman Spy - Chapter Three Part Sixteen.
« Reply #713 on: March 11, 2012, 05:31:38 pm »

Somehow convince the elk to charge against the door, sacrificing themselves for the greater good of England?
Have I now become your enemy by telling you the truth? (Gal 4:16)


  • Bay Watcher
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Roll to Be a Gentleman Spy - Chapter Three Part Seventeen.
« Reply #714 on: March 12, 2012, 07:54:00 am »

Early evening, Wednesday 10th April, 1906.

Look around for suits, I shall keep my promise to those fine butlers.

Looking about amongst the enormous herd of Elk for some suits, Mr Henry McGeenyton soon becomes quite dispirited. There is nary a suit in sight!

There are, however, thousands of Elk, and Mr McGeenyton’s incessant searching soon sets their teeth on edge. Ignoring the warning signs of waving tails and snorting nostrils, McGeenyton searches hither and looks thither, bumbling along and disturbing many an Elk wishing only for to be left uninterrupted on this pleasant Wednesday evening whilst they chew thankfully on some of the lovely frozen grass that is such a speciality of the Norwegian steppe.

“Sorry!” cries out the Englishman, as he bumps the behind of another unfortunate victim. “Excuse me! Sorry about that!” he continues, as he bounces aimlessly from one Elk to the next. “Terribly sorry, old girl!”

...Alas! This seems to be the final straw that broke the Elk's kindly façade!

“I’m a man!” one of the Elks seems to trumpet in McGeenyton’s face.

“I say,” says the Englishman, “Steady on, old bean!”

“I’m thirty seven!” the Elk seems to reply with a mournful hoot, “I’m not old!”

“Oh, rather!” protests McGeenyton, “Ouch! Blimey! Hey! Stop that!”

“Moooooooooo!” the Elk seems to bleat, in a rather aggressive tone, “Moooooooooooo!”

“Help!” asks McGeenyton, “Help! I say! Oh! Golly!”


“Oh stop th- Leave me al- Oh, good Lord.”


“Arrg! Oh blast.”


As suddenly as he started, the Elk stops and leaves Mr McGeenyton alone, running off to join his many friends. Bewildered and afraid, McGeenyton stands naked but for a top hat amidst a river of stampeding Elk!

Wound Acquired! Mr McGeenyton: Heavy Head Bleeding!
Item Lost! Mr McGeenyton: Suit.

Lie down in snow. Then repeat last action, though only sickle the pipe without lighting it this time.

Lying down in the snow with all the haste afforded a gentleman by the overriding necessity to keep one’s dignity, Sir August von Fersen stretches out his legs and gets comfortable. Suddenly a great quantity of snow covers the fellow!

“I say, Mr Smith,” says von Fersen, “That’s terribly thoughtful of you! Thanks awfully, old chap!”

...The fire on the Swede’s arm is extinguished!

“Righty-ho. Time for a comfortable chomp on the old pipe then, eh what. Worry not, Mr Smith, I haven’t the intention of actually lighting the blighter this time, ho ho! Hey, wait for me! I say!”

With all the haste and so on and so forth and dignity and such like, von Fersen leaps to his feet as well as his tree-crushed leg permits. He hobbles after Mr Smith!

Throw some snow on the fire to stop it and once again try to proceed along the elk trail.

With his mighty manly hands, Mr Winston Smith shovels a good square yard of delightfully cold snow onto his companion’s burning arm whilst this latter chap lies down. With such carefully coordinated teamwork, the fire is quickly put out.

“Eureka!” shouts Mr Smith, “Now, let us head east to find where these maddened Elk were headed. Come, von Fersen, we have no time to lose. Those Elk were surely heading in the same direction as our friends, and they may be in grievous danger! We must get to the bottom of all this!”

...Running with amazing manly power, Mr Smith makes excellent time, but suddenly realises he is leaving his broken-legged companion behind. He runs back to the limping Swede, and hefts him onto his back, before turning once more and sprinting off in the direction of the Elk trail. Several minutes later the two brave agents of the King find themselves before a rising mountain cliff-face, behind a herd of many thousand Elk. The Elk seem to be stampeding!

Suddenly there is an enormous explosion at the head of the herd! A vast cloud of dust and debris sprays into the air!

Somehow convince the elk to charge against the door, sacrificing themselves for the greater good of England!

“Help!” Wellington hears a voice cry, “Help! I say! Oh! Golly!”

It’s his gentlemanly companion Mr McGeenyton! He appears to be in quite some distress!

“Mooooooooooooooooooooooo!” hears Wellington, before one last faintly heard call for aid rings out. “Oh stop th- Leave me al- Oh, good Lord.”

“My word!” exclaims Wellington, “What a magnificent idea! If ever there was a time for harnessing the power of the mighty Elk it must be now!”

Leaving Mr McGeenyton to his fate, Mr Wellington climbs atop a nearby rock and addresses the great horde of Elk.

“I say!” he starts, “Friends! Scandinavians! Elk-folk! Lend me your ears! I come but to open these blasted doors, not to search for suits and thus disturb your rest! The evil Prussians may come after you, so bury not the good Englishmen under a torrent of Elken blows! So let it be thus: direct your Elken rage against these vast and noble stone doors, for they alone stand between you and freedom!”

“Hear hear!”
a few Elks seem to murmur. Wellington continues.

“These doors alone stand between you and fresh grass! You did love fresh grass once! And not without cause! ‘Tis better than this frozen rubbish that the Germans force upon you! Yes! ‘Tis all their fault! They love you not! They have not the Englishman’s natural appreciation for your noble beauty! I beg of thee, crush yon door of evil, for the greater good of England!”

 “Bloody well said, what!”
a few more Elks seem to moo, “Bloody good show. For England! For the King!”

...Suddenly the whole herd of thousands of Elk takes up the rallying call, and moos in unison!


“For England!”
they seem to hoot!

The Elk circle briefly; they take a short run up; they charge directly at the giant stone doors blocking the Englishman’s path into the underground hideout.


The doors tumble under the terrific force of the mighty Elk! There is a deafening explosion of sound as the giant doors fall to the ground! A great pile of debris and dust shoots into the air and showers the now re-assembled gentlemen as hundreds upon hundreds of noble beasts rush past into the Viking stronghold!

The way is open!

…         …         …         …         …         …
Item Acquired! Mr McGeenyton: A Promise to Acquire Two New Suits! (eleven turns remaining)
State Acquired! Mr Smith: Tea-powered Super Manliness! (two turns remaining)

Current Gentlemen
Spoiler: areyoua; Winston Smith (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Geen; Henry McGeenyton (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Notes (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: March 12, 2012, 08:07:20 am by lawastooshort »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Be a Gentleman Spy - Chapter Three Part Seventeen.
« Reply #715 on: March 12, 2012, 08:03:14 am »

"Oh dear!"

Swoon and cling to Smith's neck.
Love, scriver~


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Be a Gentleman Spy - Chapter Three Part Seventeen.
« Reply #716 on: March 12, 2012, 04:03:56 pm »

Oh dear indeed...

Try not to suffocate from von Ferson's grip on my neck and put him down, offering him an arm to help him forwards as befits a true gentleman, and proceed into the Viking stronghold.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Be a Gentleman Spy - Chapter Three Part Seventeen.
« Reply #717 on: March 13, 2012, 05:57:31 pm »

Proceed into the base, thanking the elk-folk dearly.
Have I now become your enemy by telling you the truth? (Gal 4:16)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Be a Gentleman Spy - Chapter Three Part Seventeen.
« Reply #718 on: March 14, 2012, 08:05:09 pm »

Oh dear.
Attempt to find something to clothe myself with, apologize for this embarrassment.
I'll be gone thursday-saturday, be warned.


  • Bay Watcher
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Roll to Be a Gentleman Spy - Chapter Three Part Eighteen.
« Reply #719 on: March 19, 2012, 11:44:14 am »

Early evening, Wednesday 10th April, 1906.

Proceed into the base, thanking the elk-folk dearly.

“Terribly kind of you, old chaps,” says Mr Wellington to the few remaining Elk outside. “I don’t know what we would have done without you.”

“Oh no,”
the foremost Elk seems to moo in reply. “Thank you for freeing us from the yoke of the awful Germans! We have spent the whole spring so far greatly unnerved by the constant to-ing and fro-ing, and it has upset the lady Elk! So, one and all, great and small, the Elk-folk thank you for your rousing speech! Here,” the Elk moos, “Climb on my back and do me the honour of riding me into battle!”

“I say!” replies Wellington. “Tally ho!”


...Wellington jumps aboard the great Elk’s back, two hands firmly planted on his magnificent horns as the Elk rears on his two hind legs and charges straight into the enemy stronghold!

Item Acquired! Great Horned Elk Mount!

Suddenly the screaming Mr Smith rushes past!

Swoon and cling to Smith's neck.

...Meanwhile, back outside, von Fersen cries in alarm as he loses consciousness, clinging manfully to Smith’s neck.

"Oh dear!"

Suddenly he awakes with a jolt! Mr Smith is nowhere to be seen!

Try not to suffocate from von Fersen's grip on my neck and put him down, offering him an arm to help him forwards as befits a true gentleman, and proceed into the Viking stronghold.

Frightfully concerned for the well-being of the wilting Swede upon his neck, Mr Smith strides manfully on for several paces before ...throwing von Fersen violently to the ground like a master of judo, shattering his stomach and fracturing his guts on a nearby rock!

Wound Acquired! Sir August von Fersen: Fractured Guts!

“First Aid!” cries the American, “We must have some First Aid This man has had an accident! We must find a doctor!”

Mr Smith runs screaming into the enemy base to search for some First Aid, striding with such manly purpose that he overtakes the Elk-riding Mr Wellington and charges straight down the main corridor. Suddenly he hears a strange clicking kind of sound, and even more suddenly his manly stride is interrupted by his face hitting a metal bar! Some form of cage based trap has fallen down around him! He is trapped! He is caged!

“Aha!” he hears suddenly. “Ein intruder! Alert! Achtung! Where are the Viking mercenaries! What are all these Elk doing in here?! Bring out the Viking sharp stick squad! Vite! Er I mean schnell!”

Attempt to find something to clothe myself with, apologize for this embarrassment.

“A fine tailor!” Mr McGeenyton hears Smith cry out, “I spy a fine tailor! This man needs a suit! We must find a tailor!”

“I say!”
exclaims McGeenyton in desperation. “I say! A tailor?!”

...The naked Englishman rushes forward into the enemy base with his top hat bobbing proudly in the breeze, charging between the few remaining Elk lingering outside, sprinting after the by-now-caged American and the Elk-mounted Englishman, dashing past the crumpled Swede on the rocky floor, before then jumping through the window of the first fine tailor’s boutique he comes across in the main entrance-way of the enemy fortress.

Spotting what looks to be some form of particularly modern style gentleman’s suit, Mr McGeenyton mounts the ladder to climb inside. As he sits down on the Interiorly Integrated Gentleman’s Chair, a glass bowler hat suddenly seems to swing down shut on the top of the suit!

“Arg!” cries McGeenyton. “I hate these blasted barbarian bowler hats! Get me out of here! Help! My sense of sartorial decency is being gravely assaulted! Help! Oh blast. I’m trapped! I say, chaps! Can anyone get me out of this strange metallic suit? It’s rather uncomfortably tight around the crotch area, and I can’t stand the cut of this ridiculous glass hat, and I don’t like the thickness of the pinstr- ooh, I say. I’ve never worn a suit before with so many knobs and dials and levers inside it. Golly. I wonder what this one does?”

Item Acquired! Henry McGeenyton: Robospider Steam Suit!

…   …   …   …   …   …

Suddenly a piercing yet soulfully manful cry rings out. Mr Smith sounds a little distressed!

“I say? Chaps? Sorry to be a nuisance but these blasted Vikings keep poking me with sticks, and they’re rather sharp. Would you mind awfully rescuing me for a bit?”

Mr Wellington looks ahead, vision blurring from the tremendous speed with which his war-elk is carrying him forth, and sets his eyes on the problem. Some thirty yards ahead in the gloom of the tunnel, Mr Smith appears to be in a cage! Surrounded by Vikings! Who are poking him with sticks!

Wound Acquired! Mr Winston Smith: Badly Bleeding Leg!

August von Fersen, left lying outside the fortress entrance, is nowhere to be seen, and Mr McGeenyton was last seen dashing past Mr Wellington and through the door of an enemy storeroom!

“Blast!” blasts Wellington, “It looks like there’s only me left! Tally ho, Mr Smith! I’m coming!”

Suddenly the wall next to Mr Wellington explodes in a shower of dust and bricks! A metallic looking robospider suit in tasteful light grey pinstripes bursts through!

“Hang about!” thinks Mr Wellington. “Those light grey pinstripes are actually rather too thick for my liking! Good Lord! What a monstrosity!”

…   …   …   …   …   …

Item Acquired! Mr McGeenyton: A Promise to Acquire Two New Suits! (ten turns remaining)
State Acquired! Mr Smith: Tea-powered Super Manliness! (one turn remaining)

Current Gentlemen
Spoiler: areyoua; Winston Smith (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Geen; Henry McGeenyton (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Notes (click to show/hide)
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