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Author Topic: Roll to Be a Gentleman Spy - Chapter Three Part Twenty One.  (Read 74842 times)


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Re: Roll to Be a Gentleman Spy - Foreword
« Reply #30 on: August 23, 2011, 12:59:04 pm »

Also, is this gonna be realistic ish or are we gonna have crazy gadgets like laser monocles and explosive pocketwatches?


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Re: Roll to Be a Gentleman Spy - Foreword
« Reply #31 on: August 23, 2011, 01:03:41 pm »

explosive pocketwatches?
That sounds extremely suicidal.


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Re: Roll to Be a Gentleman Spy - Foreword
« Reply #32 on: August 23, 2011, 01:19:12 pm »

Also, is this gonna be realistic ish or are we gonna have crazy gadgets like laser monocles and explosive pocketwatches?

Viking submarines

I shall also give a fuller answer which does not include a lengthy exposition of the economic state of turn of the century Norway and the subsequent unlikelihood of aforementioned nation developing a submarine in 1906:

Explosive pocket watches is an excellent idea. In. Lasers however sound quite unlikely. Not in. I think this will be the general rule. If it is feasible-ish for 1906, then I will certainly consider it. Feel free to suggest any gadgets you would be interested in acquiring.


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Re: Roll to Be a Gentleman Spy - Foreword
« Reply #33 on: August 23, 2011, 01:25:55 pm »

I'm totally cool with the +1 Caddishness regardless (I thought of adding it myself), but the second skill is very much a frivolous skill (I mean, "pipe holding"? It's not even "pipe handling" ;P), in the nature of what I thought the other have done. I realise now that it was you who added those, though ;) and I have no problem with it's removal would you deem it necessary - you are, after all, the Master of Gentlemannery.

Feel free to suggest any gadgets you would be interested in acquiring.
Cane Guns? Apache Revolvers? German Ax-Pistols?

Granted, those are both real majjingies and the two latter are not gentleman-like in any way but they are awesome as hell.
Love, scriver~


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Re: Roll to Be a Gentleman Spy - Foreword
« Reply #34 on: August 23, 2011, 01:56:06 pm »

Are steam powered Nazi robot spiders powered by living ape brains in glass jars going to be allowed?

I asked.
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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Re: Roll to Be a Gentleman Spy - Foreword
« Reply #35 on: August 23, 2011, 02:10:08 pm »

explosive pocketwatches?
That sounds extremely suicidal.
Exactly the point, Darvi. Exactly the point.

I'm up for a moncle that doubles as a telescope, or one possible of starting fires with light. Also, cane-katana. NOW.


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Re: Roll to Be a Gentleman Spy - Foreword
« Reply #36 on: August 23, 2011, 02:15:54 pm »

explosive pocketwatches?
That sounds extremely suicidal.
Exactly the point, Darvi. Exactly the point.


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Re: Roll to Be a Gentleman Spy - Foreword
« Reply #37 on: August 23, 2011, 03:18:16 pm »

Are steam powered Nazi robot spiders powered by living ape brains in glass jars going to be allowed?

I asked.

Obviously they would in all likelihood not be allowed. Germany's defeat in World War 1 could be considered to be the vital catalyst in the formation of the National Socialist party, and the deadly arms race between Germany and the British Empire that we are accurately recreating is some time before World War 1 and its nefarious consequences. So a Nazi in 1906 would be incredibly improbable, unless time travel was invented.


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Re: Roll to Be a Gentleman Spy - Foreword
« Reply #38 on: August 23, 2011, 03:19:28 pm »

So a Nazi in 1906 would be incredibly improbable, unless time travel was invented.
It most likely is.


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Re: Roll to Be a Gentleman Spy - The End of the Foreword
« Reply #39 on: August 23, 2011, 04:01:11 pm »

The End of the Foreword.
Weep a gentlemanly tear. Wipe it away with the napkin.
"Gentlemen, I must excuse myself. I have something to attend to."
Stand up and leave. Calmly.

[5] Like an experienced Gentleman, Mr John Link calmly rises and excuses himself from the table, expertly manipulating his napkin. Those closest to him even remark a gentlemanly tear roll gently down his cheek, an extraordinarily appropriate display of emotion in this distressing time.
Trait gained!
Knows When To Display Feelings (+1 when speaking to ladies)
Become left-handed and Leave, silently.

[4] Clearly having dealt with similar tragedy before in his distinguished life, Mr Wallace employs the traditional Harrow Method for dealing with a great upset, and becomes left handed. He gets up to leave, wordlessly.
Trait gained!
Left Handed (+1 to being left-handed)

Remove my top hat, cry a bit, then replace my top hat and convince everyone that I have to leave, doing so afterward.

[5] William Wellington removes the telegram from the silver platter that it is brought on, and reads the contents without so much as a flicker of movement crossing his stylishly accessorised figure. He de-accessorises his figure, and in a brief and remarkably controlled manner cries several honest English tears. He replaces his hat, and, just before von Fersen rises to his feet, convinces the table that he must leave, and he turns to do so.

Trait gained!
Extraordinarily Convincing (+1 to convincing)

Cry into my monocle, give the butler my regards, pay my bill, and leave for the funeral. Also, admire Zero's top hat and ask if he has a spare.

[5] Your display of emotion is appropriate, your respect towards the butler is appreciated. Whether or not Mr Wellington has a spare top hat is for him to decide, but your fine eye for fashion even in a time of distress is well noted.

Trait gained!
Particularly Calm (+1 to remaining calm)
Gentlemanliness Increased!
The butlers of London's finest clubs will soon know who this polite and well-dressed man is. And if there is something more important to a Gentleman than his favourite dog, well, whether he know it or not, it is his butler.

What happened to the stiff upper lip?
[editor's note - excellent question]
First of all, question the spelling of this note, what kind of country spells favorite like that? Then, ask the butler from whom the telegram came.

[2] Questioning the butler, Winston Smith makes the faux pas of questioning the King's English, leading to a rather sullen attitude towards him from the aforementioned butler, and no satisfactory response.

Trait gained!
Fallible Pedant! (-1 to Pedantry)
Skill Acquired!
Knowledge of the English Gentleman (+1 to discerning real English Gentlemen)
Caddishness Increased!
The butlers of London will soon all have heard about your terrible faux pas!

Puff my pipe while solemnly and quietly reminiscing the many fine adventures we had together, then share the bad news and raise a glass to her honour.
"It is a sad day to see such a good hound pass away from us, a finer and more loyal companion I could never ask for. Ah, how I wish now that we would have had time for a last hunt together. But such is life, that good friends depart at the most inconvenient times. I say instead, that we should appreciate our comrades while they are alive, and take a moment to remember those dear to us that has gone away from us, through death or distance. A cheer, I would ask, to those we wish would grace our company once more."

[6] Informed of his loss, August von Fersen pauses for reflection, and then rises to his feet to propose a toast. His speech is a moving one, and appeals to the best in all men. Several gentlemen at a neighbouring table are witnessed to have turned to face our valiant group of gentlemen, and more than one was seen to wipe away a tear.

Skill Acquired!
Tremendous Orator (+1 to Speeches)
Gentlemanliness Increased!
Renowned for his apposite toasting!

[traits and skills will not be so easily gained in future turns]
« Last Edit: August 23, 2011, 04:18:08 pm by lawastooshort »


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Re: Roll to Be a Gentleman Spy - Prologue
« Reply #40 on: August 23, 2011, 04:12:46 pm »

As most of the gentlemen get up to leave after having politely listened to von Fersen's tremendous speech, but before any get more than 3 strides from the table, a rather tall and distinguished looking man walks in and addresses the table.
“Gentlemen! Worry not – your dogs are, in fact, safe. My humblest apologies for this ghastly sleight of hand. Such a thing shall never be repeated, and this I swear upon my honour.”
He has a significant moustache, one that you know, from your experience,  requires some considerable grooming each morning. You all manage to withhold a gasp - it's Sir William Melville! Originator of the Melville Moustache and one of the most powerful and important men in the Empire, although few know of him outside a select social circle.
"Gentlemen," he begins. "You have passed you first, second, and third tests. First - you are here this evening, in response to my telegram requesting your Patriotism. So I assume you are Patriots. Or at least,” he continues, raising an eyebrow adroitly in the direction of Mr Smith, “you must wish to show that you a true gentleman, and capable of Proper British Patriotism and Language.”
“Secondly, you have all, to a Gentleman, reacted correctly in the face of tragedy! When I was 7, Jenkins, my Dachshund, fell into a mine when Mother and Father were taking me around Europe on the Grand Tour. He died, and I have never forgiven the Europeans since. Never. I haven’t forgiven them in the fields, I haven’t forgiven them in the streets. I haven’t forgiven them in the hills! I will never forgive! But I didn’t show that at the time! No Sirs. My upper lip was as stiff as... I say... as stiff as a stiff breeze at sea!”
“ Where was I? Ah. Yes. Thirdly! You seem to all recognise me - so you clearly have more wherewithal than the average gentleman, and clearly have some interest in the fortunes of the Empire!"
"Your last test is this: to come with me to my rooms on Oxford Street, where I shall describe to you in comfort and in detail the foul machinations of the Prussians. Foul Machinations that must be stopped! We shall also have brandy, and cigars"
And with this seemingly over-theatrical but eminently sensible final flourish, he turns, and in a deep and commanding voice orders the nearest butler to ready his carriage.
You all follow.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2011, 04:27:31 pm by lawastooshort »


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Re: Roll to Be a Gentleman Spy - Prologue
« Reply #41 on: August 23, 2011, 04:14:02 pm »

10.57pm, Thursday 17th, January, 1906.
A comfortable drawing room, 4, Oxford Street, London.

Melville has been speaking for nearly an hour. It is clear it is something he enjoys.
“…so I sent Smythe to fetch another ruddy bottle and shot the pesky fellow! I say…”
His voice once again dissolves into laughter, and he stops to take a sip of brandy. Leaning forward to cut the end off a third cigar, he starts again.
“Now, where was I. Ah yes. Our chaps down in Portsmouth have been building a splendid battleship. A rather loud and dirty thing, a battleship.  Anyway, perhaps I’ll tell you about that another time. You see gentlemen, this battleship, HMS Dreadnought she’s called, well, this battleship will change the course of History! She will be more powerful than any other machine of war built by Man. And this ruddy Prussian, Hans von Junker, has only gone and ruddy stolen the damnable blueprints!”
“Our man in Portsmouth has just telegrammed to say that he has boarded the Portsmouth to London night train. He must not be allowed to leave the country with those plans. And no one else must find out about this! If anyone finds out that Lord Pointington-Smythe-Jones lost the bloody blueprints to a German there will be no end of trouble. Especially not if they find out how. I say, what!”
He lights the cigar.
“Now, this von Junker is a dangerous man. You must all have heard of the disgraceful affair of the Damaged Hat last year? Well, it was he tha…”
He is cut off by a startling commotion coming from the hallway, by uncouthly loud and violent voices, and finally by a butler running breathlessly into the room, barely pausing to knock.
“I say, Sir Melville, awfully sorry – it’s the Germans”
And with that horrifying warning, he falls over, dead. He appears to be bleeding onto the carpet!
“I say,” says Melville, pulling a revolver from his desk, “Those fiends are probably after my cigar collection again! Here, I have a pair of revolvers in that commode,” he adds, addressing your group of gentlemen and pointing to an ornate piece of furniture in the corner of the room. He appears to muse for a second. “I say. Perhaps they’re after me this time. That would make sense, having discovered their plotting. Damn their eyes! No Sirs, you won’t be getting me yet,” he proclaims, rising to his feet. “I have gentlemen to command and a Nation to protect!”
Protect Sir Melville from the Germans at all cost!


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Re: Roll to Be a Gentleman Spy - Prologue
« Reply #42 on: August 23, 2011, 04:23:58 pm »

Now that im ambidextrous i can dual-wield. Get out my trusty claymore(Scottish version of greatsword) and prepare to "greet" them.crap that
Help out Mr.John Link
« Last Edit: August 23, 2011, 05:52:00 pm by Firelordsky »
Country Name: Lindiria
Name: Sir Alexei Robret
Region: North
In Thirteen Colonies Game


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Re: Roll to Be a Gentleman Spy - Prologue
« Reply #43 on: August 23, 2011, 04:24:26 pm »

It's Dachshund.



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Re: Roll to Be a Gentleman Spy - Prologue
« Reply #44 on: August 23, 2011, 04:26:53 pm »

Men, it's not the 16th century, take a revolver with you.

Take one of the two revolvers in one hand, my stick in the other. Prepare to shoot the Germans, and once out of ammunition, Cave in their skulls with the bat walking stick.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2011, 04:38:53 pm by areyoua »
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