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Author Topic: You Are a Vampire  (Read 34096 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You Are a Vampire
« Reply #315 on: September 13, 2011, 02:24:44 pm »

Tell them that you have a plan to get them beyond the the castles. Tell them you have to go now to enact it.

Get back to Reginald and report; leave out the details about you becoming their leader. After that, head back to castle and read up of tribes, lycanism, and vampirism in Francis' library.
You win Nakeen
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You Are a Vampire
« Reply #316 on: September 13, 2011, 02:41:12 pm »

Tell them that you have a plan to get them beyond the the castles. Tell them you have to go now to enact it.

Get back to Reginald and report; leave out the details about you becoming their leader. After that, head back to castle and read up of tribes, lycanism, and vampirism in Francis' library.
Your bone is the best Pandar honey. The best.
[Cheeetar] Pandar doesn't have issues, he has style.
Fuck off, you fucking fucker-fuck :I


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Re: You Are a Vampire
« Reply #317 on: September 13, 2011, 05:41:35 pm »

Tell them that you have a plan to get them beyond the the castles. Tell them you have to go now to enact it.

Get back to Reginald and report; leave out the details about you becoming their leader. After that, head back to castle and read up of tribes, lycanism, and vampirism in Francis' library.
Long Live Arst- United Forenia!
"Wanna be a better liberal? Go get shot in the fuckin' face."
Contemplate why we have a sociopathic necrophiliac RAPIST sadomasochist bipolar monster in our ranks, also find some cheese.

The Fool

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Re: You Are a Vampire
« Reply #318 on: September 13, 2011, 05:49:20 pm »

Tell them that you have a plan to get them beyond the the castles. Tell them you have to go now to enact it.

Get back to Reginald and report; leave out the details about you becoming their leader. After that, head back to castle and read up of tribes, lycanism, and vampirism in Francis' library.

Steam ID: The Fool [B12]
A Flexible Mind (Suggestion Game)


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Re: You Are a Vampire
« Reply #319 on: September 14, 2011, 07:48:15 am »

Unanimous, eh? 


You can't stay in this place for long, you must do something.  Not to mention the fact that you have to report back to Reginald.  But before you leave...

"Gramo, I must go.  I have a plan, to get this tribe, and maybe even a few others beyond the castle.  You have to trust me."

"Alright.  Stay true, and the Crakoy will follow you into hell." he says, with what appears to be a salute. 

You take your leave, and head south.  It's no trouble for someone as fast as you, and you head to Reginald's castle in less than an hour.  You enter and greet the lord himself. 

"Ah, so it's the vampire.  Did the mission go well?"

"It was fine, nothing out of the ordinary.  I saw a few barbarians, but I avoided them.  They don't seem to be doing anything."

You'd best leave out how you fight with a vampire, how your usurped the Crakoy leadership, and how they're currently building an army to infiltrate the province. 

"I'll let my own men be the judge of that.  Anyway, not bad.  You have my leave."

Bowing, trying to hold back a sly grin, you take your leave, and head back to your castle. 

By the time you get there, everyone's asleep.  Good, it means less people to disturb you. 

You walk into Francis' ( yours, you remind yourself ) library, with all its tomes and treasures.  You casually walk to one shelf, and pick a book called "The Savage Ones: Tribes of the North".  In it, it says that the only reason a single tribe has never achieved the status of a kingdom or empire, was because the leader of the tribe would never live long enough to see his plans fulfilled. 

That's why the Crakoy are this strong, their leader doesn't die of old age, and he's far too strong for any normal human to defeat you think with a smile. 

The next book is about werewolves, and their history, apart from what you've learned from Ben.  According to this, lycanism spreads through bites, and if the condition was spread through surgical or artificial means, like with alchemical tools, the subject would die, despite having no wounds.  As it turns out, the condition only works in humans strong enough to survive being mangled by a werewolf.   

Finally, you read a book on vampirism.  You know most of the stuff in there, apart from how to make progeny, something which you never bothered to ask Francis before.  According to the book, you cannot forcibly turn someone, they must choose it for themselves, or else the blood of the vampire kills them.  The actual procedure involves having the human willingly drink vampire blood, and then the human would fall into a coma.  It would fall to the vampiric maker to bury his progeny somewhere where no sunlight could reach, and then after a single night, the new vampire would rise.

This is all fascinating, and quite useful.  What will you use it for?


I'm actually not sure what Micelus' plan involves, but I'll roll with it.  Any more questions on tribes, werewolves and vampires, I will answer them OOC.  We can assume Drake learned all there is to know, for now. 

So, what next? 
NRDL will roll a die and decide how sadistic and insane he's feeling well you do.

The Fool

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Re: You Are a Vampire
« Reply #320 on: September 14, 2011, 08:22:50 am »

Look into finding someone to turn into a vampire. It would be nice to have another character that can specialize as a weapon (strength, endurance, and agility) and still be controlled by us. Making a werewolf army seems like a fast way to die right now.

Look into hiring molemen to dig tunnels from your castle to Reginald's castle. May as well get ready to clear the field.

EDIT: Do familiars exist in this? As I recall Dracula kept a massive black dog, and was able to manipulate the animals near his mansion. I could be wrong though, it has been a long time since I read it.
« Last Edit: September 14, 2011, 09:00:02 am by The Fool »

Steam ID: The Fool [B12]
A Flexible Mind (Suggestion Game)


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Re: You Are a Vampire
« Reply #321 on: September 14, 2011, 10:34:13 am »

Erm, I don't think Drake can post some want ads on "potential vampire progeny".  It would be weird if he actively sought out new people and characters JUST for this, you can really turn any human you have already met into a vampire.  The trick is to have them willingly choose it.  As Drake encounters more characters, more opportunities can arrive. 

Also, I need to focus more on Kevin. 
NRDL will roll a die and decide how sadistic and insane he's feeling well you do.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You Are a Vampire
« Reply #322 on: September 14, 2011, 10:57:13 am »

Yeah we don't know too much about Kevin.
Maybe ask him to tell us about himself later, all we know right now is that he's good at fixing roofs.
« Last Edit: September 14, 2011, 12:10:39 pm by Audioworm333 »
I didn't really understand why I died until I discovered I was teleporting my own spine into my enemies' body as a primary way of attack.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You Are a Vampire
« Reply #323 on: September 14, 2011, 02:44:33 pm »

Yeah, been neglecting ol' Kevin ever since we got him. Find him in the castle, ask how work's been and then ask him what he was before he came here. Ask him about previous employers and finally, ask if he knows anyone known by the name of Igor or a family called Igor. Or if he's an Igor himself (Discword Igors). See if he's found any thing while he's been cleaning up.

Afterwords, ask Ben about those werewolves he talked about before. His father right? Well we'll have to meet with him eventually. Very soon actually.

Get the silver sword from the blacksmith then commission several silver bracelets and a small, unadorned silver ring that looks like gold/iron.

Finally, find these molemen and meet with them. Ask them if they could build a few tunnels for you.

Oh and about my plan; its going to take a while to accomplish, but when its done, we should have control of the province, a network of tunnels beneath the ground, a small army of werewolves, and the Crakoy should be able to reach the lands to the south.
You win Nakeen
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Re: You Are a Vampire
« Reply #324 on: September 14, 2011, 10:48:07 pm »

That is...ambitious.  I like it. 
NRDL will roll a die and decide how sadistic and insane he's feeling well you do.

The Fool

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Re: You Are a Vampire
« Reply #325 on: September 14, 2011, 11:53:14 pm »

I feel like turning this into a world conquest once all that is all done. I personally don't see the advantage of stopping at a single province.

It'll be like Napoleon... with vampires.

Steam ID: The Fool [B12]
A Flexible Mind (Suggestion Game)


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Re: You Are a Vampire
« Reply #326 on: September 15, 2011, 02:39:00 am »

It'll be like Napoleon... with vampires.

I just had the most awesome mental image ever.  I wish I could sig this, but for some reason, an error pops up every time. 

Oh, and turn coming later, much later, today.  But it will be today. 
NRDL will roll a die and decide how sadistic and insane he's feeling well you do.


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Re: You Are a Vampire
« Reply #327 on: September 15, 2011, 04:10:11 am »

Ambitious turn, coming up.


As you walk out of the study, you see Kevin having just woken up, eating a piece of meat in between two slices of bread.  Fascinating.

"Hello, Kevin."

"Hello, boss."

"I'd like to know more about you." 

"What's to know?  I'm just some guy, looking for a job."

He is lying.

"Come now, tell me the truth.  This can't be you, some menial servant.  I can sense something underneath this facade, but I can't tell what."

With a sigh, he speaks.

"Well, I come from a land far from the empire.  It was a nation-state-"

"What is that?"

"It's like a city, only it functions like a kingdom, with its own ruler.  Anyway, it was a good city, clean, advanced, but not enough space, and not enough jobs.  It was really difficult to make money, especially considering my....talents."

"Please, don't be so vague, elaborate."

" see....I'm kind of a necromancer."



"Oh yeah.  That's why I had to get out, necromancy was banned in that place."

"Does necromancy have an effect on-"

"Vampires?  No, only human corpses.  Don't worry, I'm not some sort of diabolical mastermind, I'm just an average guy."

"So...this magic-"

"Oh no, contrary to what some people think, necromancy involves less magic and more science."

"Really now?"

"Oh yes.  It's all about finding new ways for the bodies to stay animated without having to rely on cellular growth."

"...Ok.  I think that's enough for now."

"Sure boss, oh, and I found something while cleaning this place."

"What is it?"

"This." he says, reaching into his pocket and bringing out a gem.

You examine it, and gasp in surprise.  It is a blood ruby, diamonds literally infused with human blood.  Stones like these were used in ancient vampiric rituals. 

"Good work, Kevin.  Now if you'll excuse me, I have other business to attend to."

You exit your castle, you have some errands to run.


Alright, enough of the spotlight on Kevin, it's back to Drake now.  I coudn't really do the Discworld questions, they wouldn't have made any sense. 

Part two coming up quickly.   
NRDL will roll a die and decide how sadistic and insane he's feeling well you do.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You Are a Vampire
« Reply #328 on: September 15, 2011, 04:15:45 am »

Continue with errands listed in my post. I have another gambit with the blood ruby and Kevin's necromancy but it will have to wait.
You win Nakeen
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Inanna is my husbando


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Re: You Are a Vampire
« Reply #329 on: September 15, 2011, 04:20:32 am »

Part two  ;)


Just before you leave, though, you approach Ben, who had stumbled out of his sleep when you began talking with Kevin. 

"What is it now, vampire."

"I just needed some information.  Tell me about your father."

He smiles, out of pride, and begins speaking.

"Well, my pop is a real werewolf, very well respected.  He used to be a chieftain, before his tribe dissolved.  Now, he still commands respect, as he should.  What else is there to know?"

"Where is he?"

"...Why do ya want to know?" he asks, warily. 

"Don't worry I'm not going to try and kill your father, he's much stronger than me, I'm sure.  I just want to keep this in mind, for the future."

"...Alright.  He's down south, in the forest near Gulham port."

"So that's how your father and Arianne's father met."

"Yup.  He just got into a bit of a money problem, and he couldn't just tear out the crime boss' throat, he was pretty well protected.  Arianne's father, Will, I think it was, knew about werewolves, got enough silver to supply an army.  I swear, my pop, John, he wouldn't have lost if they had normal swords and knives."

"Stop trying to defend your father, I'm not judging anyone.  Thank you for your time."

And you finally head out of the castle.


Part three coming up. 
NRDL will roll a die and decide how sadistic and insane he's feeling well you do.
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