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Author Topic: You Are a Vampire  (Read 34130 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You Are a Vampire
« Reply #30 on: August 23, 2011, 02:32:10 am »

...Wouldn't she run around telling everyone we drank her blood? Hrm.
Let's get her too drunk to remember anything anyway. :P
Booze is Life for Yoink

To deprive him of Drink is to steal divinity from God.
you need to reconsider your life
If there's any cause worth dying for, it's memes.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You Are a Vampire
« Reply #31 on: August 23, 2011, 02:34:09 am »

Well, since she's hypnotized ( or will be, when I right the turn ) she won't actually remember anything.  The whole get her drunk thing is still optional.  Her blood will actually have alcohol in it. 
NRDL will roll a die and decide how sadistic and insane he's feeling well you do.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You Are a Vampire
« Reply #32 on: August 23, 2011, 02:39:41 am »

Get her drunk and in a kinky mood. Actually bother to pay her a price, and then hynpotise and then drink blood. Intercourse only if she's not drunk enough and if the hypnotosis dosen't work.
You win Nakeen
Marduk is my waifu
Inanna is my husbando


  • Bay Watcher
  • I Actually Like Elves
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Re: You Are a Vampire
« Reply #33 on: August 23, 2011, 02:42:21 am »

...being a GM for you people is [censored] difficult. 

I don't wanna make this R-rated, so I'll roll to see if she breaks out of the trance, if she wins, then I'll make the actual thing very brief.  Like, a few words, that's how brief it'll be. 
NRDL will roll a die and decide how sadistic and insane he's feeling well you do.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You Are a Vampire
« Reply #34 on: August 23, 2011, 04:42:53 am »

Heh, I totally didn't mean for it to go this way... :P You're the one who wrote in the 'immodestly dressed' bit!
Maybe we should kill her afterwards anyway, just to re-assure ourselves of our own evilness? We don't want to be a self-doubting villain. Although being out there in that castle for so long must've been pretty lonely, too. Anyway, shutting up now.  :-X
« Last Edit: August 23, 2011, 04:46:02 am by Yoink »
Booze is Life for Yoink

To deprive him of Drink is to steal divinity from God.
you need to reconsider your life
If there's any cause worth dying for, it's memes.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You Are a Vampire
« Reply #35 on: August 23, 2011, 05:04:40 am »

If we kill her, some dhamypr or hero will be coming out of nowhere and trying to slay us. Soon we would have one of those angry mobs storming the castle. Don't kill her; too risky. Unless of course we take her on as a mistress...
You win Nakeen
Marduk is my waifu
Inanna is my husbando


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You Are a Vampire
« Reply #36 on: August 23, 2011, 05:08:23 am »

Ya know, that could be a good idea. Renewable food source! Plus, when the inevitable angry mobs do eventually turn up, we can leave her and Kevin to distract the blood-baying peasants while we make a getaway. ;D
Booze is Life for Yoink

To deprive him of Drink is to steal divinity from God.
you need to reconsider your life
If there's any cause worth dying for, it's memes.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You Are a Vampire
« Reply #37 on: August 23, 2011, 07:48:33 am » pretty confusing.  Please put your actions in bold. 
NRDL will roll a die and decide how sadistic and insane he's feeling well you do.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You Are a Vampire
« Reply #38 on: August 23, 2011, 09:07:24 am »

Um, I think we're pretty much still on the same action... Sorry! :P
Get peasant drunk, lure her out of the tavern and drink her blood. Then possibly attempt to recruit her as a mistress/minion!
Booze is Life for Yoink

To deprive him of Drink is to steal divinity from God.
you need to reconsider your life
If there's any cause worth dying for, it's memes.


  • Bay Watcher
  • I Actually Like Elves
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Re: You Are a Vampire
« Reply #39 on: August 23, 2011, 09:10:18 am »

Um, I think we're pretty much still on the same action... Sorry! :P
Get peasant drunk, lure her out of the tavern and drink her blood. Then possibly attempt to recruit her as a mistress/minion!

I just need one more vote for this, or two votes for anything else. 
NRDL will roll a die and decide how sadistic and insane he's feeling well you do.


  • Bay Watcher
  • I Actually Like Elves
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Re: You Are a Vampire
« Reply #40 on: August 23, 2011, 10:51:48 am »

Never mind, gonna make an update


The woman smiles at you alluringly.  She isn't beautiful, but is attractive enough by human standards.  She smiles and leans forward slightly.

"My name is Arianne, what's yours?"


"Do you have a last name?"

"Do you really need to know?"

She giggles, and you realize that this is the prime opportunity to entrap her mind.  You stare into her eyes, hoping that no one notices you.  Considering her state of dress, though, a lot of men must have started at her. 

You feel through her mind, grasping vague thoughts and emotions, but for some reason, you find yourself halting after a certain distance.  You can't hypnotize her.  Amazing.  She is obviously not strong willed, but apparently, instinct and experience throughout her entire life rooted one lesson in her mind: never go with a stranger in the middle of the night unless he gives you money. 

Since you didn't bother to bring even a bit of coin, you're stumped.  Thinking quickly, you find a solution.  You pour some cheap wine into her mug, and she drinks it, watching you closely the whole time.  You repeat this action several times, until she is giggling constantly and looks as if she will faint.  You ask her to come outside, without hypnotizing her.  She drunkenly obliges.

She stumbles after you and you both go behind the nearby butcher shop.  Acting quickly, you sink your fangs into her soft neck.  The sweet, sweet lifeblood ( both literally and figuratively ) flows from her neck and into your mouse.

Unfortunately, this act also drains the alcohol from her blood quickly, and she snaps to her senses.

"What are you doing?"

Another obstacle.  Your vampiric powers of charm and hypnotism only work on those who aren't wary of you.  Seeing no other option besides killing her, you tell her the truth.  You tell her that you are a vampire, the hunter of the night, and that you were draining her of her blood. 

She sizes you up, not with fear, but with what appears to be curiosity.  You continue talking, for some reason, and then you blurt out that you own a castle.

"You live in a castle? Like a king?".

"Not like a king no, but it's a castle all the same."

"Are rich as a king?".

You immediately sense what she's implying.  She appears to be a greedy woman.  Perhaps you can use this to your advantage. 

"No, but I am in no short supply of coin, and I can easily take more."

She thinks for a moment.  Just one moment. 

"If you have need of an..."escort", would you like me to stay wi-"


You don't hire her because of her more obvious attractions, but because this would allow you to keep your existence secret, without having to sloppily kill this woman.  And also, she could serve as a source of blood, if you're not out hunting.

Suddenly, a large, drunk man appears and shouts at you.  You immediately ask Arianne if she knew him.

"That's, erm, my husband".

Oh dear. 


The man is angry that you are with his wife, but is drunk, so you might be able to hypnotize him, but it'll be more difficult ( I'll roll for the results ).

Or you can just kill him.  You are much quicker and stronger than he is, although it would frighten Arianne, and perhaps someone might notice the fight.  Your choice? 
NRDL will roll a die and decide how sadistic and insane he's feeling well you do.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You Are a Vampire
« Reply #41 on: August 23, 2011, 02:25:52 pm »

Use our charm and intelligence and hynotosis to convince him not to kill us!
You win Nakeen
Marduk is my waifu
Inanna is my husbando


  • Bay Watcher
  • God of Blood
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Re: You Are a Vampire
« Reply #42 on: August 23, 2011, 04:10:38 pm »

Yea, use the mind controle
So says Armok, God of blood.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You Are a Vampire
« Reply #43 on: August 23, 2011, 04:41:54 pm »

"This is not the man you are looking for... Move along..."


  • Bay Watcher
  • I Actually Like Elves
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Re: You Are a Vampire
« Reply #44 on: August 24, 2011, 04:32:10 am »

Yeah, as if that'll work


You decide that a non-violent solution is best.  You really don't want to kill someone in the middle of this village, and in front of a witness. 

"Sir, I believe I have met you somewhere, please step closer."

This man, confused and drunk, steps forward, allowing you to get a good look at his eyes.  You feel power working...unfortunately your still a bit intoxicated with a taste of blood, and the man instantly snaps free.  For the umpteenth time this evening, you find something odd.  The man should not have been that resistant. 


How could he have you recognized what were you were so quickly?

Before you manage to speak, the strange man drops down on  all fours, heaving spasmodically.  Fur starts growing on him, his body becomes progressively larger, and claws start appearing on his feet. 

Everything clicks.  The full moon, his innate mental resistance, his instant recognition of what you are.  He could only be a-

"Sorry if I forgot to mention, but my husband's a werewolf." says Arianne a bit late.

The transformation is complete.  He was big enough before, but this creature was the size of a horse, and much more vicious.  He bares his fangs and growls, almost unnecessarily.

This just got interesting.


I actually wanted to add the whole werewolf thing to add to the plot, but I decided to roll anyway for the hypnotism.  Drake failed that ( got 11 versus Wolfie's 24 ) and I gladly added this.  Werewolves are much stronger than vampires, having strength and and agility and perception in the 70s to 80s range, at the cost of pretty impaired intelligence and absolutely zero charm.  He doesn't need to be charming to kill you, though. 

If you want to charge head on, I'll roll, and no matter what I roll for Drake, he will get a -20 penalty ( this wolf is stronger after all ) which means you better get a really high roll.  However, there is another option, besides fleeing.  You can suggest a certain maneuver or tactic.  For example:

Hit him in the *insert body part here*


Do a *Insert very awesome aerial martial arts maneuver here*.

No matter what you choose, I will role again, and whatever number drake gets ( only up to 50 though ) will add to his fighting score.  For example:

Drake rolls a 40, Angry werewolf husband rolls 60.  40-20 equals 20.  But if Drake rolls a 50 ( a very lucky roll, the max that he can get ) he gets a total 70 score, allowing him to beat wolfie.  It doesn't actually matter what he does, so long as it makes some sort of sense and isn't impossible for a vampire to execute.  Also, no Vulcan neck pinches.  You can only do this sort of thing if the enemy's INT is lower than yours ( in this case, it very much is ).  You don't want to do a Vulcan nerve pinch to say, Mr. Spock, who is undoubtedly smarter than you. 

How will you fight this beast?  Or will you flee?  Also, is the game good so far? 
NRDL will roll a die and decide how sadistic and insane he's feeling well you do.
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