Okay, so let's take a look on a scene from the game with phoebus tileset.
If I was just booting the game for the first time and got dumped in that exact scene I would immediately realize "ok I'm the little guy in the middle holding a sword and a shield, I' on a clearing of sorts with some trees, there are rabbits, a bovine like creature and some horses", all that just by looking at the scene.
Not only it's way more pleasing and easily recognizable, but a lot of the features are more clear, like where you can stand or not, because I can clearly see what's a grass tile, water tile, what's a rock, what's a wall and so on, also the view range, since it actually has some contrast to it the fact that I can't see or be seen behind a tree for example is very clear.
And I'm sorry, but if you think those look like a "blob of colors", then there's not much I can do for you other than recommend stronger glasses.
now let's take a look at the exact same scene only in default "graphics".
Unless the person playing is a seasoned veteran of the game all this will look like is a garbled mess of random characters that makes little to no sense, which is exactly what it is.
The imagination thing I think may be the strongest thing going for it, but a good bit of imagination still has to be used even with real graphics, I mean it's not like we have detailed animations, facial characteristics, 1:1 appearance changed according to your equipment and so on, at least I know that when a character of mine is in the middle of combat or just traveling around it is all going in my head at the same time the way I imagine it, because with or without tilesets all you are seeing are still just little figures moving around on a 2d plane, the difference is actually being able to identify those little figures.
Now I can understand that you guys prefer default "graphics", maybe because it makes you feel more hardcore or whatever, but saying that it's actually better? I'm sorry but that IS nonsense.