***Obligatory please don't take it personally statement***-
I think those comparisons start to point out where one =/= equal the other on the scale.
Immigration is unregulated.
The country is respected as an international leader on Moral Interrogation Practices.
American foreign policy is based on vigorous pursuit of economic prosperity.
The US is no longer a member of NATO, NAFTA, and the UN.
C+ doesn't address immigration except in a roundabout way. A moderate position on immigration implies at least some regulation. What's conservative about that portion of immigration policy? That it's beholden to economic prosperity? That's all implied. It's grey and written to be as palatable as possible to a moderate view point. "Unregulated immigration" implies all sorts of faults inherent in the assumption. Quid pro quo? 'Vigorous pursuit of economic prosperity' does too, but much less specifically and with a lot more wiggle room for positive interpretation.
All law enforcement positions are subject to election and recall.
Law enforcement is obliged to protect the people sparing no expense.
Again. One has a very clearly message. The other? Who DOESN'T want law enforcement to, most of the time, spare no expense when protecting us? It's written with barely a nod toward what is arguably the dark side of law enforcement taken too far. Therefore, to me, that reads as moderate, not C+. How about "Law enforcement is obliged to protect the public interest at any cost, and isn't subject to the oversight of civilian authority."
Nuclear power is illegal.
Industry is subject to zero-tolerance pollution regulations.
The United States is a lead innovator and net exporter of energy.
Assumes that being the lead exporter of energy is done without cost? It doesn't address it. The L+ issue has a very clear drawback, no nuclear power and the cost imposed on industry. In C+ America, the way that issue reads, we're either to assume that being a lead exporter of energy comes with maximum environmental damage....or we could assume it's a 100% clean fantasy power source. The issue doesn't really make it clear.
Corporations are subject to intense regulation, and there is a maximum wage law.
Corporations are rewarded significantly for helping the economy.
And again.
Free speech is universally supported.
Free speech is religiously protected.
This pretty much spells it out. Everyone wants free speech supported and/or protected. Is there really a difference here?
Part of it comes down to the thinking, I believe. As a liberal, I don't play LCS gloating that my liberal ideology finally reigns supreme. It's a mixed bag of absurdity, violence and occasionally, some good works and an opinion I agree with. It isn't "Pro-liberal" and implies Elite Liberal leadership is just as rife with problems as Arch Conservative. This is "Pro-conservative." Where liberalism is straight up bad from a conservative viewpoint and what conservatives are working for is more like a moderate conservative Shangrila.
To put it in plainer terms, when playing LCS I don't feel like I'm on the side of right. I'm an actor on one side of an absurd political drama. Reading through these issues, I feel like it's trying to make me feel like the good guy as an "equal response" to LCS. Which misses the spirit of what LCS captured that made it so good.