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Author Topic: Randomconstructs: Out-megaproject the player preceding you!  (Read 10198 times)

The Master

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Re: Randomconstructs: Out-megaproject the player preceding you!
« Reply #45 on: September 13, 2011, 09:41:59 pm »

In case you guys didn't notice(in which case you should see a doctor), I based my dwarf off Sirroco from Syrupleaf. If you don't know what syrupleaf is...hey, can you pull that switch? yes, the one with the glass floor over the obsidian farm. *saws activate and slice the person to blood and gore*
Holy jesus I thought I was ready but nothing could have prepared me for this
Hush, little Asea, don't you cry.
If he notices we'll surely die!
You. Made. Asea. CRY.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Randomconstructs: Out-megaproject the player preceding you!
« Reply #46 on: September 17, 2011, 06:27:02 pm »

Alright; I guess I'll start out now.


Well, I suppose this is what I deserve.

Out in the distance I see a few figures, dark blots glimpsed briefly between the trees. In a few places, small clearings show the presence of frozen ponds, and as I get closer I notice some smaller plants, perhaps prickle berries. The blots become more defined as I approach, become the distant figures of dwarves going about their work. I see one who seems to be the leader of this expedition, 'Rick Ionic Demon', if I remember correctly. As I approach him, I hear a snap, much louder than the crunch of the snow I've been tramping though these last few days.

I am unsure which disturbs me more; the idea that this could well be an omen of what is to come, or the fact that somehow this corpse has been just left lying here long enough for the flesh to rot away. Are there no coffins? Or is the slaughter simply too great for the body of any one dwarf to matter? I warily approach Rick.

Once he notices my approach, Rick stumbles, drops the pickaxe he was holding. He picks it back up and tries to run away. I quickly grab him- or rather her, judging from the dress she is wearing, so probably this is not Rick after all- and ask whether or not I have reached the fortress Randomconstructs. The dwarf slowly nods. Pleased to know that I was at least in the right place, I asked where I could find the expedition leader, Rick. The dwarf froze up in a panic at this point, and quickly babbled out a long string of gibberish. I asked her to calm down and repeat herself more slowly. She says that Rick did not want to lead the expedition any more, and that he escaped and was killed and eaten by badgers, just like 'poor old Geshunteight', whoever that was. Not wanting to trouble this obviously distressed dwarf further, I look around to see if there was anyone else to talk to. I see a few dwarfs gathering plants and one or two woodcutters, all wearing dresses. Perhaps this fort had taken to that new fad I'd heard about. Suddenly the dwarf I'd caught reached up and grabbed my hand, shoved a scrap of paper into it and dashed away into the trees. The paper seemed to be a certificate of some kind, proclaiming the bearer to be the leader of the great fortress Hamlet Serkibaban "Randomconstructs". Prepared for the worst, wondering whether or not that dwarf had been Rick after all, I approach the fortress.

I had been prepared to find rooms full of corpses, or wounded recovering from battles. I would not have been surprised to find a monster or two roaming the halls, or a cohort of troglodytes or beastmen, judging from the scattered corpses - and occasional ghosts - which I'd seen on my approach. But this? This is just too much.

Some idiot had the bright idea to turn the whole lower part of the fortress into a maze, presumably to allow advance warning against invaders or something. As if any invaders would strike without understanding the complete layout of the fortress anyway. And this is nothing compared to the living areas, if you can call them that. To give you the general idea:

There seems to be one giant loop of a passage, with a few smaller rooms and shortcuts stuck through it, with the various workshops and stockpiles strewn randomly throughout. The food and drink are sitting around OUTSIDE, though I suppose that without even a single dining room it doesn't really matter where the food is, the metalsmith's forge is sitting in the middle of the ocean for some reason, with the corpse of, presumably, a former metalworker alongside it, and there is a kitchen and what looks like the foundations of a large building lying in the middle of nowhere to the north of the farm plots. The only way down into the fortress proper is through the long winding ice path, though really I'm not sure I can call it a proper fortress. The only things in it are a few workshops, a wood stockpile, and a trade depot someone built out of magnetite. There aren't even any bedrooms, apart from a line of beds in what looks like a makeshift jail down in the basement, as the two dwarfs sleeping in the food stockpile can attest. No one seems to be able to find Rick for some reason, and people seem to be doing what I tell them, so I'm taking charge for the time being. For all I know the workshops might actually be efficient, with all the trouble I have even finding them. I won't do anything about that for now, because the first order of business is to get some proper rooms built and a dining area set up. And to build some coffins. The number of ghosts flying around truly disturbs me. I've found a few more scraps of paper lying around, including what seem to be some plans for a massive barracks and an office which has been chiseled out from the frozen ocean. I'll use the office, since we are sorely in need of some bookkeeping. As to the barracks... well, it'll give the masons something to do while I mine out the bedrooms I guess.


Don't worry, I'll get around to finishing the barracks once the rest of the fortress is liveable.  And I won't destroy the maze, though I'll probably suspend engraving down there for awhile and maybe build some rooms off of it. Expect an update tomorrow, with an elaboration on the backstory.
I got a female and male dragon on my embark. I got cagetraps on the exits but im struggling to find a way to make them path into it.
Live bait.
3 dwarfs out of 7 dead so far


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Randomconstructs: Out-megaproject the player preceding you!
« Reply #47 on: September 17, 2011, 07:10:50 pm »

Oh, some observations:
Almost everyone had only the default labors enabled. I took all the cheesemakers beekeepers and milkers and told them to be masons, to speed up construction time. Also, the masonry workshop had been set to require skilled masons to use it, of which there are none, so for now I'm letting it be used by anyone. Once we have a good mason then we can be more restrictive. I also cant seem to find the still, so I'm building a new one.
I got a female and male dragon on my embark. I got cagetraps on the exits but im struggling to find a way to make them path into it.
Live bait.
3 dwarfs out of 7 dead so far

The Master

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Re: Randomconstructs: Out-megaproject the player preceding you!
« Reply #48 on: September 18, 2011, 12:11:12 am »

I love the update!
Also, for cannon purposes, Rick left in search of a nice fortress in the swamp fortress. She finds one alright. A hole in time and space opens and swallows her up, then spits her out in some fort known as gemclods. Of course, knowing the risks of inter-dimensional travel, she was reduced to Urist-Atoms.
Holy jesus I thought I was ready but nothing could have prepared me for this
Hush, little Asea, don't you cry.
If he notices we'll surely die!
You. Made. Asea. CRY.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Randomconstructs: Out-megaproject the player preceding you!
« Reply #49 on: September 18, 2011, 01:16:05 am »

As it happens, I got bored, so here's the next update early.

3 Granite: I've begun mining out space for bedrooms. This is only a temporary setup.

Once every dwarf has a room I will begin mining out proper rooms for them out of stone, and the rooms here can be cleared out and used for grazing livestock or underground farms. I have yet to find a good place to put the dining room. I found what looks like the blueprints for some sort of massive barracks, with an order from Rick that they be constructed over the next year. I'm not sure what to make of this, but I'm going to go ahead and build it. There's room for plenty more than just barracks in that building, and I'm considering putting a prison and archery range in as well, on the upper floors.

11 Slate: Migrants have come, for some reason. We've got a new cheese-maker, a high master siege engineer and animal trainer, a... crutch walker, and a few nondescript pump operators and farmers. On the useful side of things, we've now got a fairly talented carpenter, someone who says he is an expert mason and engraver, an adept mechanic and a glazer who looks like he could be some use in a fight... they just keep coming and coming. We end up with a population of 62, risen from 40. Wow.

21 Slate: I've tried asking the other dwarves what happened to Rick, but none of them seem to know or care. I can't spend too long talking to them; progress on all fronts is moving slowly, and I need to pull my share of the work to build up some trust with them. I'd been sent here just to check up on the place when the capitol received a report on what had been found here, but I had been warned that something like this could happen. Well, perhaps warned is not the best word...

2 Felsite: The bedrooms are completely mined out and I've started work on a modest dining room. I'm starting to gather stone in the area underneath the mason's workshop, and I've built a second workshop next to it. With the extra hands of the migrants things are moving along much faster, though still not as fast as I would like. I keep seeing that dwarf I met on the first day, the one I mistook for Rick. I once pulled him aside while he was on his way to dig one of the bedrooms out and asked him directly who he was. He seemed somewhat offended by the question and responded that he was a girl. Having settled that question at least, I turned to the other dwarf for answers. I hadn't spent much time getting to known them in the short time since I'd come, being more focused on getting my various projects finished, and I think they might distrust me somewhat. They all insist that they had no idea what had happened to Rick or where he had gone. They say they had assumed that I had been sent from delethonul to be his replacement.

10 Felsite: A goblin thief tried to make off with something or other, but was quickly spotted and escaped. There's one good thing about having such a huge distance between the surface and anything you want done. Also, the elves showed up. They seemed kind of annoyed for some reason. I found that we don't have any trade goods to speak of, so I've ordered some bones carved. I haven't yet managed to furnish that office, so I'm still not sure what we've got in this fortress for food. I'll play it safe and buy all they have.

24 Felsite: Finally got that office finished. I gave it to the manager Atir Tizotkogan, a fine old dwarf, though a bit crazed. I made her the bookkeeper too and set her to taking stock, since we don't have much space for offices to go around at the moment. I heard that Rith tried to trade with the elves last year, deliberately offered them wood. What was wrong with this idiot? Sure, sure it's not like the elves aren't complete jerks, but they might the jerks keeping us supplied with drink at the moment, until I get the whole dining room/food preparation area set up at least. I bought what food they had, along with some barrels, chests, and a few caged animals. I'm happy about the grizzly bear; if we are lucky and get a male next time, we can start breeding them for our army.

26 Felsite: I've got a rudimentary dining room set up.

Like the bedrooms, it is mainly a temporary thing. I've also begun mining out a place to put a kitchen, brewery and farmer's workshop nearby to make best use of the space. Meanwhile, Atir has been complaining of the ghost of Urdim Olinstigil, who has apparently been troubling him. I've ordered coffins built and have started digging out space for a tomb, deep in the labyrinth below.

With a bit of luck, by the time fall comes around I'll have finished all this and begun work on my own plan for this fortress...

I'll incorporate what's been said about Rick, but I'm going to keep my dwarf guessing for awhile. He's gonna find out that Rick was actually female as well, and at about the same time learn something which causes him to take a completely new view of his predecessor. And then he'll confront 'Rick' and then... you'll see.
I got a female and male dragon on my embark. I got cagetraps on the exits but im struggling to find a way to make them path into it.
Live bait.
3 dwarfs out of 7 dead so far

The Master

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Re: Randomconstructs: Out-megaproject the player preceding you!
« Reply #50 on: September 18, 2011, 02:10:01 am »

I CAN'T WAIT, I'M SO EXCITED I THINK I'M GOING T- *Cue thermonuclear explosion*
Holy jesus I thought I was ready but nothing could have prepared me for this
Hush, little Asea, don't you cry.
If he notices we'll surely die!
You. Made. Asea. CRY.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Randomconstructs: Out-megaproject the player preceding you!
« Reply #51 on: September 18, 2011, 02:18:18 pm »

Here's another update:

10 Hematite: Well, time to see if any of those new recruits of ours are any good. A cave crocodile got into the fortress, but fortunately it has been distracted by a dog and thus hasn't attacked any dwarves yet. I'm sending the military after them...

11 Hematite: Alas, too late. They arrive in time to see the shattered remains of the animal caretaker Alath Cattenthosbut being shaken to pieces.

The fighting is fierce, one of our wrestlers has his left arm ripped off...

12 Hematite: I cannot think of a way in which this battle could be going worse.

We've lost six dogs, two puppies, our axedwarf has lost a leg, one of our wrestlers has lost an arm while another has lost an arm and a leg, but last victory seems near.

The creature has been knocked unconscious, and is being pummeled by the one-armed wrestler.


While a dog and a couple of bystanders join in. If nothing else, this serves to show how stupid it is to leave the entrance to the caverns open and unguarded. That shall be my next project. Once I finish the graveyard.

15 Hematite: The Cave Crocodile Atridzolak finally succumbed to its wounds, after one hundred and twelve pages of battle, after having it's throat ripped out by the puppy Tosid Rashkib.

I shall have a slab engraved in its honor, along with those who fought and lost limbs to it this past week

2 Malachite: Well, I got up this morning, ready to start installing coffins in that tomb I've got set up, when Ilral Mengedtul walks up to me, a sort of condescending half-smile on his face. He informed me that he had been elected mayor, and that it would suit him quite well if I did not export any pig iron items for an undetermined time. I told him, why would I ever sell pig iron items? I'd be throwing away free steel! That seemed to put him off his stride, but he didn't make a big fuss about it. I suppose I'll need to worry more about this stuff in the future.

8 Malachite: The weather cleared today. For the first time since I got here, we have a sunny day.

Most of the snow on the ground has melted, though fortunately the ponds and ocean are still iced over. It's actually quite nice here, now that I've gotten used to wearing three layers of coats at all times. I still haven't found out what happened to Rick, but I've found myself worrying less about that lately. The tomb is almost complete, and ghosts are starting to vanish. I successfully blocked off the caverns, though I shall have to think about setting some traps down there later, and the first floor of the barracks is nearing completion. All in all, the year seems to be going quite well.

9 Malachite: It seemed the mountainhomes though the same as I did. Another wave of migrants!

27 Felsite: I woke up this morning, felt really odd. I can sort of vaguely recall this dream, we got migrants, there was something about a cave crocodile... Ah! What was I thinking! How come I haven't sealed off the caverns yet, stupid, stupid stupid stupid! Well, there's one mistake I won't make again. Lucky I had that dream, isn't it?

I stupidly didn't save at all during this session and my computer reset itself to install some windows update or other. Too bad about losing the crocodile, but not much I can do except play through it again. I'll post another update later today to get the game back to where it was.
I got a female and male dragon on my embark. I got cagetraps on the exits but im struggling to find a way to make them path into it.
Live bait.
3 dwarfs out of 7 dead so far

The Master

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Re: Randomconstructs: Out-megaproject the player preceding you!
« Reply #52 on: September 18, 2011, 08:14:55 pm »

Hopefully wyrm discovers that randomconstructs is back!
Holy jesus I thought I was ready but nothing could have prepared me for this
Hush, little Asea, don't you cry.
If he notices we'll surely die!
You. Made. Asea. CRY.


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Re: Randomconstructs: Out-megaproject the player preceding you!
« Reply #53 on: September 18, 2011, 10:12:38 pm »

Here we go:

26 Hematite: I've got the tombs mined out, now I just need to build some coffins. I've been wondering about Rich lately. It's not really a name you'd... ever associate with females, but I've heard some dwarves talking about what 'she' used to do, something about group hugs. Perhaps I was wrong about that one mining dwarf...

Anyway, I've started work on a project I really think will help out the fort.I'm digging down through a column of rock down to the caverns, where I'll... well, heh, you'll see soon enough.s

26 Hematite (addn.): I've been feeling kind of funny today, just an odd sense of deja vu. I just was walking back to the dining room after taking a look at how my tunnel was doing when Ilral Mengedtul walked up to me, a sort of condescending half-smile on his face. He informed me that he had been elected mayor, and demanded that I order the production of pig-iron items immediately. I told him, of course I'm going to make pig iron items! How are we supposed to get steel weapons without pig iron? At this point we both sort of felt a chill run down our backs. She turned pale suddenly, muttered something about thanking me for being so considerate and ran off down the corridor. I felt kind of weird too.

27 Hematite: Migrants! Again! But it seems too soon! Why? I have no idea! Just wait, wait and see... Still feeling kind of funny I guess. You can tell, can't you?

28 Hematite: Wow, I was really out of it yesterday. Not sure why. Must have been something in my drink. Anyway, to elaborate, the notable newcomers were a proficient carpenter (who is also a fair tanner, though that is of secondary importance for now), a talented blacksmith, a high master animal trainer and legendary fighter (I am not certain I should believe that last. She had a shifty look to her.) and a competent swordsdwarf who also keeps bees. All in all, not a bad bunch. They seemed surprised to see me here instead of Nick. I asked them about what had been happening in the mountainhomes, and they looked kind of nervous. I wonder why?

9 Malachite: Wonderful news!

One of our farmers has been possessed by unknown forces! Perhaps we shall learn something of interest from how he acts. I have ordered the construction of a farmer's workshop, in case the deity requires it to express its words, and am taking the opportunity to mine out an area for planting some crops later. Work progresses slowly on the barracks, unfortunately, even with the migrants.

I might be able to pull an update off by tomorrow, might not. It depends on how school goes.
I got a female and male dragon on my embark. I got cagetraps on the exits but im struggling to find a way to make them path into it.
Live bait.
3 dwarfs out of 7 dead so far

The Master

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Re: Randomconstructs: Out-megaproject the player preceding you!
« Reply #54 on: September 18, 2011, 11:12:27 pm »

honestly, you write like a pro! I love the detail-rich storyline!
Holy jesus I thought I was ready but nothing could have prepared me for this
Hush, little Asea, don't you cry.
If he notices we'll surely die!
You. Made. Asea. CRY.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Randomconstructs: Out-megaproject the player preceding you!
« Reply #55 on: September 19, 2011, 12:05:17 am »

honestly, you write like a pro! I love the detail-rich storyline!

Thanks a lot! I enjoy writing, and do it a lot in my spare time. One last update, just because.

19 Malachite: The last ghost has been put to rest. Tun Egulkel the farmer has begun a mysterious construction in our crafting workshop. I've begun smelting iron to make some steel, the better to arm our fledgling military. Work on the first floor of the baracks is perhaps nine tenths completed, and the first crop of plump helmets has been planted.

24 Malachite: Tun Egulkel has finished his masterpiece, Ittasakmam, the magnetite bracelet!

Very impressive, but no words of wisdom seem to be forthcoming. Tun seems not to recall the past week at all; it is as though his body and soul were not his own. Unfortunately, this means we do not have a legendary stone crafter on hand. In better news, that dwarf that looks like Rick has finished digging downwards to the cavern's water. Now to start building pumps...

16 Galena: Well, I put off making some weapons and now that's come back to bite me. A group of goblins has just arrived, ready to start killing everything in sight. I've ordered all our dwarves underground, but really there isn't much else I can do I'll try to set up some doors or something to lock them out while they murder our livestock. With luck none of them will get inside before we do.

By the way, what are goblin 'webber' crossbowmen? About half of the goblins are listed as that. I see that they are listed in the raws too, as a caste of goblins.
I got a female and male dragon on my embark. I got cagetraps on the exits but im struggling to find a way to make them path into it.
Live bait.
3 dwarfs out of 7 dead so far


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Randomconstructs: Out-megaproject the player preceding you!
« Reply #56 on: September 19, 2011, 10:54:32 pm »

No update today, sorry. I should have one by tomorrow though.
I got a female and male dragon on my embark. I got cagetraps on the exits but im struggling to find a way to make them path into it.
Live bait.
3 dwarfs out of 7 dead so far


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Re: Randomconstructs: Out-megaproject the player preceding you!
« Reply #57 on: September 20, 2011, 09:04:32 am »

I really like your update style.
A very effective combination of both words and pictures.

And you use ASCII (which is awesome btw).
The over-detailed tilesets that everyone else likes to use are nice, but they never seem to really get to me.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Randomconstructs: Out-megaproject the player preceding you!
« Reply #58 on: September 20, 2011, 03:58:04 pm »

Hopefully wyrm discovers that randomconstructs is back!
Yes. Thanks. Updating the list ASAP.

About the goblin webbers: Oh yeah, I forgot. I tried to get some goblins to shoot webs of iron, only supposed to be about 1/5 though. Did I succeed there? If not, do you know what I can do to fix it?
Are you a GM with players who haven't posted? TheDelinquent Players Help will have Bay12 give you an action!
[GreatWyrmGold] gets a little crown. May it forever be his mark of Cain; let no one argue pointless subjects with him lest they receive the same.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Randomconstructs: Out-megaproject the player preceding you!
« Reply #59 on: September 21, 2011, 01:34:35 am »

You left out the [POP_RATIO] tags. I added them, said that for ever four males there would be four females, one male webber and one female webber. Also, right now they shoot obsidian webs. I'm leaving that as is for now, but I can change that too if you want.

In case you're interested in the specifics, having [POP_RATIO:10] in one caste and [POP_RATIO:1] in another means that for every ten of the first caste that are born, one of the second is. Any castes without the [POP_RATIO] tag are equally likely, but I'm not sure how they compare to those which have the tag. I always put it in every caste, just to be safe.

I didn't manage to get very far today, so I'm going to hold off until tomorrow before updating. With luck I'll have something more interesting than 'we hid from goblins and dug a lot'. At least the underground farm plots were finished before the siege, so food shouldn't be a problem...

Also, thanks noodle. I always use ASCII, just because I'm used to it by now. I look at g d g and I think, poor dog.
I got a female and male dragon on my embark. I got cagetraps on the exits but im struggling to find a way to make them path into it.
Live bait.
3 dwarfs out of 7 dead so far
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