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Author Topic: Randomconstructs: Out-megaproject the player preceding you!  (Read 10185 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Randomconstructs: Out-megaproject the player preceding you!
« Reply #60 on: September 21, 2011, 03:39:48 pm »

You left out the [POP_RATIO] tags. I added them, said that for ever four males there would be four females, one male webber and one female webber. Also, right now they shoot obsidian webs. I'm leaving that as is for now, but I can change that too if you want.
Obsidian, iron, it was something creepy and inorganic. I did this a while ago. They actually web things? That's good.

In case you're interested in the specifics, having [POP_RATIO:10] in one caste and [POP_RATIO:1] in another means that for every ten of the first caste that are born, one of the second is. Any castes without the [POP_RATIO] tag are equally likely, but I'm not sure how they compare to those which have the tag. I always put it in every caste, just to be safe.
I forgot the pop ratio tags? Oh, I forgot that I forgot.

I didn't manage to get very far today, so I'm going to hold off until tomorrow before updating. With luck I'll have something more interesting than 'we hid from goblins and dug a lot'. At least the underground farm plots were finished before the siege, so food shouldn't be a problem...
Good. Can't wait for the update.
Are you a GM with players who haven't posted? TheDelinquent Players Help will have Bay12 give you an action!
[GreatWyrmGold] gets a little crown. May it forever be his mark of Cain; let no one argue pointless subjects with him lest they receive the same.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Randomconstructs: Out-megaproject the player preceding you!
« Reply #61 on: September 22, 2011, 12:56:51 am »

Sorry for the delay!

19 Galena: Things are looking really bad...

Goblins have nearly reached the entrance, and are picking off the stragglers who waited to grab personal items before entering the fortress. At this rate the barricade I have ordered constructed will be insufficient to stop them, so I have ordered the construction of a second one further into the fortress. Again, I must complain about the long roundabout needed to get anywhere useful. If, as it's constructor obviously intended, it had been paved with a series of traps, it would at least prevent any incursions, but as it is all it does is lengthen the time that the goblins have to shoot. Perhaps fortune will smile upon us yet. If not...

21 Galena: NO!

24 Galena: YES!

The walls are built, the door in place. We are safe, for the time being. We are not without our losses though.

A single goblin entered our fortress, killed Tosid Anilkol the animal caretaker and a dog, and severely injured the doctor. We left the large part of our livestock outside, and a few slow or sleeping dwarves fell to the enemy. This cannot be allowed to happen again.

25 Galena: Damage control is the issue now. Most of the dwarves are unhappy, for obvious reasons. In an attempt to raise morale, I've ordered construction of a statue garden. Something tells me that this might not be the best idea, but I can't think of anything else that might help. Oh, and I've ordered the cook to start preparing lavish meals. With any luck the food will keep people's mind off of the recent carnage.

28 Galena: Total casualties: Uzol Zastosed, Peasant. Two Yak Calfs. One Capybara. One Buck Rabbit. Nil Zulbanvucar, Nanny Goat. One Cat. One Stray Horse. Lolor Sakzulfath, Drake. Uvash Cattenatast, Ewe. Mafol Kololin, Weaver. Thob Gebmosus, Water Buffalo Bull. Udib Zesrimtar, Dog. Aban Lorlek, Dog. Tosid Anilkol, Animal Caretaker. Nil Uzolurrith, Yak Bull. Two Alpacas. One Water Buffalo Calf. One Cow Calf. One Piglet.

29 Galena: I attended the funeral of Avuz Thikutbekar today. There wasn't much of a ceremony. We have not been able to retrieve her body, but we have engraved a slab in her honor and set it in her tomb.

Her lover, the militia commander Ber Sazirlokum, gave the eulogy.
"Let this stand as a testament to Avuz Thikutbekar, Bookdipped, Bonecrafter. Wrestler of the Icy Clasp, and fire of my life.
"In death, her actions speak for themselves. While we ran and panicked, scrambling for stones and bars to wall out the goblins, she entered the battle. While the others in her squad chased after the the single intruder, she alone stood to guard the entrance. And she succeeded. How many of us would have died, had she not held the goblins at bay, for however short a time? Even as we locked the gate, condemning her to her fate, she did not falter; did not cry for help or beat against the door in vain.

"In life, she was kindness itself. She befriended me, even though she was the life and soul of the party while I sat alone in a corner. She was always slow to anger, and when roused, always for a good reason. She was open to new ideas, and expressed them often in her work. And yet there was another side to her, one she never showed. Even at the height of her success, she would always think of herself as a failure. No matter how wonderful her craft, she always felt she could have done better. She was a friend to many of us here, and I think I can speak for most of you when I say that she never brought this fear to light, such was her consideration for our peace of mind. And again, we come to her death. Suffering, so that we would not need to suffer. Keeping her pain inside, so that others would not need to feel it. This is her legacy, and it lives on in all of us."
A few others spoke, mainly about her legendary artifact Ilromatham Murakcilob, the llama bone war hammer. After the speeches, there was a moment of silence, and then everyone went back to work.

Engraved on the slab is an image of her death:

Two Goblin Lashers and a Bowman walk up to her as she lies, vomiting on the ground, one arm and one leg ruined by the goblin-wroght bolts. She sees them coming, and stumbles to her feet. The first bolt strikes in her good arm, chipping the bone. The next in the stomach. Avuz falls once more. One of the lashers walks up, pauses a moment. Perhaps to relish the indignity that her enemy has been brought to, or perhaps as a sign of respect. Then it is finished- a strike to the head, shattering the skull and tearing through the brain.

8 Limestone: The goblins don't seem to be leaving.

They've gathered into two groups, the larger of which is loitering around our incomplete barracks. I've taken on the position of chief medical dwarf, seeing as I've more experience as a doctor than any of the other dwarves here. I've ordered some weapons forged, but there isn't really anything to do against the goblins for now. More to give the dwarves work than anything else, I've set that dwarf that looks like Rick to dig deep down into the earth, maybe strike magma. I've canceled that statue garden idea; we have enough demands on our masons as it is, with blocks to carve and doors and coffers to build. In the long term, finishing the bedrooms should do more good than a simple statue garden. Meanwhile I've started gathering stone near the mason's workshops, both for ease of use and to keep hands from lying idle. We have suffered an injury, but we shall recover.

This was perhaps the closest I've ever come to losing a fort without it actually falling apart. Everything worked out just right (for a given definition of 'right'...), the bulk of the goblins went after the livestock, the one that went through to the main fortress arrived in a swarm of military, albeit a swarm of unarmed military. Avuz distracted the remaining goblins long enough that a group of masons got up walls in time to keep the rest out, almost exactly like in the story. And after all this, everyone was just unhappy enough to have a flashing red arrow without being sad enough to go into a tantrum spiral and they all recovered almost disturbingly quickly. As for the goblin webbers, they don't seem to actually web anything as near as I can tell, though if I manage to catch one (unlikely) I can test it out more effectively. I think that it's because they don't see anything here as prey, and so just kill it.

I might or might not get off another update tomorrow, it depends on how school goes. I'm not sure whether or not I'll finish my full project in just the year without access to wood, so I might have just the framework done. Basically it will be a dining/meeting room, two or three z-levels high, with a waterfall pouring through the ceiling. I'll provide mechanical details if they become necessary; I should have the framework finished at least by the end, since that requires only stone and digging, but I might need someone else to finish the pump stack feeding it. And I'll definitely need someone else to provide a steady source of power.
I got a female and male dragon on my embark. I got cagetraps on the exits but im struggling to find a way to make them path into it.
Live bait.
3 dwarfs out of 7 dead so far

The Master

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Re: Randomconstructs: Out-megaproject the player preceding you!
« Reply #62 on: September 22, 2011, 06:31:37 am »

I sure hope more people signup to be overseer! I guess when you're done I could do a long turn(more than one year) until we get some more people. I'd need Wyrm's permission first of course.
Holy jesus I thought I was ready but nothing could have prepared me for this
Hush, little Asea, don't you cry.
If he notices we'll surely die!
You. Made. Asea. CRY.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Randomconstructs: Out-megaproject the player preceding you!
« Reply #63 on: September 22, 2011, 12:17:41 pm »

19 Limestone: Things are starting to look up. Our food situation seems to be stable, miraculously, and almost all of the dead bodies inside the fortress are cleaned up. Work has begun on the pump stack, due to the lack of distractions afforded by the goblins, and there has been much progress in digging downwards.

I've moved my site to under the barracks, as once the shaft is finished it could serve as a convenient underground route between the barracks and the fortress proper, as well as making it possible to seal off the barracks from the outside world without separating it from the fortress.

27 Limestone: Since the goblins aren't leaving, I've decided to set a trap for them. I'm going to dig a small tunnel to the surface, with a path lined in traps leading to it, then open the door in and let them come. Until the goblins leave there can be no more progress in the stack, as there is no wood to make the pumps out of and we have yet to hit magma for our forges.

9 Sandstone: The miner who had been digging for magma has made a most interesting discovery.

It seems to be a collection of tiny caverns, each no more than 20 U to a side, each connected to the next. As we have no particular need of magma or mining at this moment, I have ordered him to investigate. Work elsewhere progresses slowly, as there are no skilled mechanics in the fort.

Expect another update later today. I've never seen something like this before, so please don't tell me what, if anything, it is. No message popped up on finding it, so I'd assume it's not something important but...

Anyway, sorry for the relative lack of images in this update. This will probably continue until I'm ready to build the dining room, as there really isn't anything to see with pump stacks. If this collection of tiny caverns hits anything there might be some stuff to see there though.
I got a female and male dragon on my embark. I got cagetraps on the exits but im struggling to find a way to make them path into it.
Live bait.
3 dwarfs out of 7 dead so far


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Randomconstructs: Out-megaproject the player preceding you!
« Reply #64 on: September 22, 2011, 08:41:11 pm »

I sure hope more people signup to be overseer! I guess when you're done I could do a long turn(more than one year) until we get some more people. I'd need Wyrm's permission first of course.
Go ahead, I guess. I'd volunteer for another go, but I don't know how the FPS would hold. Hopefully someone else will come...

Two other things: Don't forget the megaproject, and I figured out the web thingy. Go into the reqion file's raws, open creature_standard, go to the goblin castes, and change [WEBBER:OBSIDIAN] to [WEBBER:INORGANIC:OBSIDIAN]. Stupid me, why didn't the errorlog say something, et cetera. Go ahead an change it if you understand how. And maybe see if you can weave obsidian strands.
Are you a GM with players who haven't posted? TheDelinquent Players Help will have Bay12 give you an action!
[GreatWyrmGold] gets a little crown. May it forever be his mark of Cain; let no one argue pointless subjects with him lest they receive the same.


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Re: Randomconstructs: Out-megaproject the player preceding you!
« Reply #65 on: September 23, 2011, 12:21:10 am »

Again, sorry for the delay.

11 Sandstone: After digging through some layers of these small caves, our miner happened across another enormous cavern.

It seems quite similar to those we found above, only with a proliferation of black caps. I've ordered it sealed off for now; once the situation with the goblins has been resolved, we can worry about exploring.

18 Sandstone: Migrants! This can't end well...

I'll just have to hope they can injure the goblins enough that they flee.

19 Sandstone: All dead.

28 Sandstone: In better news, while digging out the dining room we stumbled upon a vein of native platinum.

Work has begun on building cages, and the goblin problem should be dealt with before the season is out.

13 Timber: Ooh, this should be interesting.

These dwarfs had better have some good fighters with them. I've got about three goblins captured, and I've been making the rest run back and forth between entrances by locking and unlocking the doors. With luck they'll finish off these goblins and I can work on cleaning up the outside a bit.

14 Timber: Or... not.

I must resign myself to these merchants facing the same fate as the immigrants, and move on with my goblin-trapping.

15 Timber: I was mistaken after all. Although the liaison from the mountainhomes was killed quickly, the swordsdwarf the caravan employed made short work of one goblin swordsman, and so terrified the other goblins that they fled immediately. Should he engage the remaining goblins, this crisis will be at an end.

16 Timber: It worked.

The goblins are fleeing, and the merchants are heading for the depot.

Next update should be interesting.
I have updated the raws, and I haven't forgotten the megaproject, though it is somewhat less mega than it could be. As I described before, it is basically a waterfall which runs through the dining room and memorial chamber and can double as a drowning chamber. I might add some more bells and whistles, like rigging it to run magma, if I have time. If this isn't mega enough, blame the goblins. There is a good chance I cannot finish the pump stack, and I am unlikely to complete the barracks either though I am already done the first floor, but the dining room is already excavated and I'm working on the water transfer setup. I will definitely not be able to power it beyond dwarf power though, which means I won't be the person to test it...
I got a female and male dragon on my embark. I got cagetraps on the exits but im struggling to find a way to make them path into it.
Live bait.
3 dwarfs out of 7 dead so far


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Randomconstructs: Out-megaproject the player preceding you!
« Reply #66 on: September 23, 2011, 06:30:20 am »

That's plenty mega. You also made the fortress liveable.
Are you a GM with players who haven't posted? TheDelinquent Players Help will have Bay12 give you an action!
[GreatWyrmGold] gets a little crown. May it forever be his mark of Cain; let no one argue pointless subjects with him lest they receive the same.

The Master

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Re: Randomconstructs: Out-megaproject the player preceding you!
« Reply #67 on: September 23, 2011, 07:05:49 am »

You also made the fortress liveable.
Looks like i'll have to fix that. Heheheheheh...
Holy jesus I thought I was ready but nothing could have prepared me for this
Hush, little Asea, don't you cry.
If he notices we'll surely die!
You. Made. Asea. CRY.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Randomconstructs: Out-megaproject the player preceding you!
« Reply #68 on: September 23, 2011, 03:15:04 pm »

Uh oh...
Are you a GM with players who haven't posted? TheDelinquent Players Help will have Bay12 give you an action!
[GreatWyrmGold] gets a little crown. May it forever be his mark of Cain; let no one argue pointless subjects with him lest they receive the same.

The Master

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Re: Randomconstructs: Out-megaproject the player preceding you!
« Reply #69 on: September 23, 2011, 04:51:26 pm »

Uh oh...
anybody remember the phrase "magma solves everything"  ;D
Holy jesus I thought I was ready but nothing could have prepared me for this
Hush, little Asea, don't you cry.
If he notices we'll surely die!
You. Made. Asea. CRY.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Randomconstructs: Out-megaproject the player preceding you!
« Reply #70 on: September 23, 2011, 11:56:34 pm »

Uh oh...


21 Timber: We have been hard at work cleaning up after the goblins.

All else has been put to a halt until the cleanup is complete. The merchants are waiting in the depot, plainly expecting a large surplus this year. I can't really blame them.

1 Moonstone: We have traded all of our gems and most of our spare clothes to buy food, some weapons and cages, and a pair of reindeer. Sadly, both are male, but we have a good chance of obtaining a breeding pair in the future. They also brought news of the mountainhomes, most of it somewhat disturbing. It seems that goblin activity has been on the rise lately, and that strikes similar to the one which happened at our fortress have been occurring across the land. It lends a new light on the strings of immigrants we have been receiving lately; how many are fleeing their homes, beset by goblins? This leads naturally to the thought: did the immigrants lead these goblins here? These thoughts can lead to nothing but mutiny; I have told the merchants not to speak to anyone else of this.

2 Moonstone: Our spirits were raised by the possession of onul Asizkivish the Tanner this day.

Some fear this will only be a repeat of what happened with Tun, but others are more optimistic. Perhaps fate has begun to smile on us at last.

7 Moonstone: Due to poor digging management, one of our miners managed to knock himself down a hole.

He is surprisingly fit for someone who has fallen three z-levels, and managed to limp to the hospital. Many of the dwarfs are unsure whether they should idolize him for his sturdiness or curse him for his stupidity. In either case, I've assigned two more dwarfs to mining duty. Meanwhile, onul has been standing on one of the chairs in the dining room, blankly staring into space. I assume she wants some sort of workshop we don't have yet; I've ordered construction of a tanner's and leatherworker's shop down in the lower levels.

10 Moonstone: onul has claimed the leatherworks. She immediately rushed off and began gathering ingredients for... something or other. Involving leather, of course.

17 Moonstone: The merchants have departed, straight into the middle of a snowstorm. This is about the same time, unfortunately, as onul has locked herself in the workshop and begun muttering about thread cloth. I've ordered a loom built, and pig tails processed. The new dining room is nearly finished, needing only to be smoothed, engraved and furnished. I've begun construction on a mechanism which should create a waterfall running through the center of the room, providing a pleasing atmosphere.

As an added bonus, this waterfall passes through the memorial hall I dedicated to Avuz.

I've also added an area above the main dining room for food storage, to stop dwarves from needing to carry food long distances.

27 Moonstone: I've been having difficulty in tending to my patients, as there is currently no source of water in the fortress. This is something which needs to be taken care of, but not by me. I've decided, based on the tragedies which occurred under my rule, that I should hand over control of the fortress to another once the year is out, and become the chief medical dwarf full time. I do not regret my time as ruler of this fortress; my life back in the mountainhomes, while pleasant, could never have compared to this. I have experienced tragedy, and happiness. Frustration and joy. I am grateful for having had the chance to work with these dwarves, and I hope to care for them better in the future.

But in the meantime, there is work to be done. The first floor of the barracks is finally complete, after the goblin-inspired hiatus.

Work on a second floor has begun. I have no real hopes of finishing the project during my time here, but I shall get as much finished as I can. Progress is progressing on the pump stack in the normal incredibly slow manner. Constant accidents have caused multiple collapses, though fortunately of only a small part of the system at a time.

14 Opal: At last!

onul has gathered a lot of cloth, leather, and some metal, and keeps muttering long names under his breath. What could he be doing...

19 Opal: The work is complete!

Most dwarfs, including onul himself, are more puzzled by this artifact than anything else. Some of the dwarves are seeking meaning in it however, saying that the creation of a shield this soon after a battle must be significant of something. One of the odder ones suggested that it's name refers to a goblin fortress in the swamps, where a great treasure lies. Thankfully he is too lazy to try and find it himself.

23 Opal: Astounding!

This truly amazing occurrence, immediately after the creation of Dudgothidrath Ekiroltud Zuntir, has inspired many dwarves to new levels of productivity. Morale has not been this high since the goblins. This is a promising sign, if it does indeed show what is to come.

Just to tie up some loose ends: I'd intended originally for most of the non-game story to involve my dwarf speculating on Rick, what he did and what happened to him, but I got kind of sidetracked by the goblins and decided to take that as the main thread. I've been sort of trying to write in the mood of my dwarf, so when he was miserable during the aftermath of the goblins he got all emotional and tense and now that he's feeling happier things are a bit more normal. I'm not going to finish the whole goblin plot-thread, so the next overseer can keep it going or kill it if they want to. It should be useful once we start getting sieges, maybe my dwarf confides in the overseer about the goblins during a siege, or if he dies he leaves a piece of paper behind detailing the story.

Also, sorry about the barracks. It was pretty much a doomed effort from the goblins onwards.
I got a female and male dragon on my embark. I got cagetraps on the exits but im struggling to find a way to make them path into it.
Live bait.
3 dwarfs out of 7 dead so far


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Randomconstructs: Out-megaproject the player preceding you!
« Reply #71 on: September 24, 2011, 10:20:15 am »

Uh oh...
anybody remember the phrase "magma solves everything"  ;D
Bear in mind that part of our fortress is MADE OUT IF ICE.


TSTwizby, did you (try to) fix the webbers the way I suggested? If so, did they work?
Are you a GM with players who haven't posted? TheDelinquent Players Help will have Bay12 give you an action!
[GreatWyrmGold] gets a little crown. May it forever be his mark of Cain; let no one argue pointless subjects with him lest they receive the same.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Randomconstructs: Out-megaproject the player preceding you!
« Reply #72 on: September 25, 2011, 04:30:35 am »

Sorry for the delay!

12 Obsidian: Our military has begun putting the barracks to good use.

In the meantime, the bizarre omens continue.

Work is now progressing quickly on the second floor of the barracks, as well as the pump stack. The only area in which progress is noticeably lacking is in our mining; I am currently working on setting the broken bones of our fallen miner Thob Nosingoddom, but with scarce resources and no access to water the healing process is slow. No other dwarves seem inclined to take up his work, however, and as there is little mining left to do I have not taken issue with this.

13 Obsidian: Oh gods no.

I've ordered the civilians inside, and our military to attack. If it had been anything but bowmen...

14 Obsidian: This does not help!

There is something strange about these goblins. Every once in a while, one of them will do something, and a large number of odd black threads will shoot out from them. This took the commander by surprise, fatally.

It being too late to save any of the other dwarves, I've ordered the remaining militia back inside while the crossbowmen waste their ammo on the wildlife, and if we are lucky stumble into our traps. They've killed four wrestlers, a clothier, a woodcrafter and an axedwarf already.

16 Obsidian: A pair of goblin macemen decided to go after the only competent dwarf in the military, a swordsdwarf named Rimtar Oltarsashas.

She couldn't outrun them, but as neither of these goblins show that odd ability she stands a chance.

Yes, the goblin webbers shoot webs. Which about triples their effective fighting strength. Honestly, I think that if this had worked properly the first time around the dwarves would all have been dead within a few minutes. I'm just lucky I have this one swordsdwarf and that neither of her attackers had webs. In any case, most of the rest of the goblins seem to be running straight for the cage traps, so the problem should be resolved pretty quickly.

And seriously, what is with these dwarves? It's like the females here are ultrapowered! All the skilled military are female, the mayor, all of our legendary dwarves, all but one of our artifacts... and two sets of quadruplets in a row!

Alright, rant over. Back to update.

20 Obsidian: The goblins have fled, leaving us a good number of prisoners.

Let us hope that this is a lesson to them, and that we can learn something of why the goblins have been attacking.

Our casualties, while not as high as last time, were unacceptable. I've ordered some armor forged for those few left in the military. This is unlikely to help in the long run, however. To stop these 'webber' goblins, by far the best defense is traps.

1 Granite: Here ends my rule of Randomconstructs. The other dwarves have chosen a successor, and from this day forward, I am just the chief medical dwarf. I wish well to my successor, and, should they have need of it, I will gladly tell them what I have learned this past year, both of these dwarves and the goblins. I fear that there is something happening in the world, bigger than this fortress, or any one fortress. But we shall survive, and grow stronger. If we can survive what has happened this past year, I know we can survive whatever challenges come to us in the future. Good luck!

Some closing details, addressed to my successor:
I've left some notes scattered around, mostly to let you know what is/isn't finished. If a note doesn't make sense, look to what I've written here.

I didn't quite finish the dining room, in the end due to a shortage of mechanisms which I didn't notice until too late. The lever near the room's entrance (marked 'Waterfall Shutdown') is currently being linked to the appropriate floodgate, the others haven't been constructed yet, with only one of the two others even ordered built yet. For instructions on what to do:

Once you have a reservoir, have water flow into the passage on the uppermost level. Make sure that the water is pumped onto that level and not dropped from above, or else there will be massive catastrophic flooding. On the lower levels, the pressure plate needs to be linked to the floodgate in the upper part of the room. Have this passage end in a drain of some sort, after making sure that it will never be clogged or filled. I recommend channeling down to the caverns again from there to be on the safe side. Have the other one of these drain back into the reservoir if possible, though this is not necessary. It just saves a bit of water.

There will eventually be three levers here. I have notes marking the location of each, though only one is currently being constructed. Link the lower one to the floodgate on the higher z-level, the middle one to the gear assembly which will be powering the small pump stack to the right of the room, and the uppermost one to the lower of the two floodgates on the lower z-level.

When this is done, it will mean that water will flow into the top part of the waterfall when the lowermost of the three levers is pulled, and stop flowing when it is pulled again. When water reaches a depth of 6 or higher in the lower part, the pressure plate will activate and start dumping water into the caverns to prevent flooding. The waterfall will be powered by a pump stack connected to the second of the three levers, and the last lever, when pulled drains the water back into the reservoir. Just in case, there is an emergency lever near the dining room which, when pulled, should dump all the water into the caverns. In case a dwarf falls into the water somehow, I've left ramps in place which should let them escape into the memorial hall.

I haven't used pressure plates much, so this might not work perfectly, but I am pretty sure that under that system there is no possibility of flooding unless you do something stupid like pressurize the water flowing into the waterfall or plug up the drain somehow.

Apart from the waterfall, I have constructed a drawbridge which could act as a more effective barrier than doors to the main entrance to the fortress, but it hasn't been linked to anything yet. This is noted. I recommend adding some traps to the long path and then walling off the shorter one I made and lined with cage traps, as it would be kind of superfluous, unless you want to keep that one as well. I recommend using the captive non-webber goblins as training dummies for the (currently pathetic) military as well, though I also recommend NOT entering into direct conflict with webber goblins if you can possibly avoid it, for obvious reasons. Finally, I've about used up all the space in the tomb. You might want to build a new one, or empty all the coffins which had pets in them whose owners have died. Or something.

If there's anything I left out, let me know. And, good luck. If things keep going for you the way they did for me, you'll need it.

I got a female and male dragon on my embark. I got cagetraps on the exits but im struggling to find a way to make them path into it.
Live bait.
3 dwarfs out of 7 dead so far

(name here)

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Randomconstructs: Out-megaproject the player preceding you!
« Reply #73 on: September 25, 2011, 03:34:02 pm »

Downloaded the save. I'll get to it sometime tomorrow, probably.
Only in Dwarf Fortress would you try to catch a mermaid to butcher her and make trophies out of her bones 

The Master

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Re: Randomconstructs: Out-megaproject the player preceding you!
« Reply #74 on: September 25, 2011, 10:37:36 pm »

I am too sick anyway...oh well. Also, wyrm, would it kill you to keep an overseer list?
Holy jesus I thought I was ready but nothing could have prepared me for this
Hush, little Asea, don't you cry.
If he notices we'll surely die!
You. Made. Asea. CRY.
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