Shadow President modules for UGE
Trade modules: (morenums.*)
These three modules let you edit the trading status with the 15 strongest
powers in the game/simulation. (1 is usually USA, 2 Soviet Union,
depending on the scenario & the events that happened in your saved game)
sptrade : trade status for all 168 countries with strongest 5 nations
sptrade2: trade status for all 168 countries with nations 6-10
sptrade3: trade status for all 168 countries with nations 11-15
UGE has a problem finding your saved files, so copy (in this case:
morenums.1 [or morenums.2 etc] ) into another dir.
Editing the trade status to cheat in the game...
1 = blocked
2 = restricted
3 = regulated
4 = most favoured nation status
Changing the trade status by editing the module doesn't affect the game
directly, but when you edit a countries trade status to blocked, then
go back in the game, and give them most favoured nation status, it will
act as if trade had been blocked, and add the full increase in GNP to
both countries

by doing this you can:
-Whip up your budgets, popularity etc by editing your allies to 1, then
restoring them to mfn in the game.
-Do the same but focus on allied countries that really need the increase
in budget, (look at average income).
If you go too much for the easy/faster way out, focussing on the larger
economical nations, they might become superpowers themselves, and drift
away from your alliance.
- block trade with ennemies multiple times (by editing them to mfn (4)
then blocking trade in the game) you can bring them to complete
bankruptcy this way)
oh, and remember to copy the morenums file back into the shadow president

It may look as if the trade status with nations 2-15 are not needed, but
as some games progress, you may find yourself in a situation where the
USA is trade nation 2, or worse... Also they are there because of the
additional modules i'm working on for the game.
The political editor module: (numbers.*)
Ambition lvl and ethic lvl fields are clear i think: high nr = high lvl.
Note that the country name is displayed BELOW the values for the country.
The ideology and landholdings fields are what will allow you to make your
own crazy scenario's. It works best when you save a game on the 31st of
december (edit iraq's ethic/ambition lvls, or make it owned by one of the
other countries to avoid trouble for those 6 months

), and edit those
games. As it takes the end of year calculations to result in any 'real'
The ideology field works with the following values:
-capitalism: 65
-communism: 66
-socialism: 67
-fascism: 68
-dem islam: 69
-fund islam: 70
-zionism: 71
-imperialism: 72
-environment: 73
-dev capital: 74
-nationalsim: 75
-centralism: 76
-centr islam: 77
The country name field displays the owner of the country. If the value is
the same as the county nr, it is independant. If it holds another value,
it is held by the country with that value in their country nr. (you can
check the list, it's alphabetically) change the country values to 156,
to make them US property
Note that there is still a lot of data that i haven't found yet. But the
combination of these and maybe some game interaction should make you able
to create some very cool scenarios.
how to make a scenario ?
Save the game in slot 1, copy all files with extention 1 as *.s5. copy
the file sequence.s1 and rename it to sequence.s5 and edit the text.
Then edit the file scenario.txt