I play as a Dunmeri man, whose parents were displaced in the Red Year. Haven't really thought of a backstory yet beyond that, though. Might as well make one up now!
I guess one of his parents must have been an ashlander who moved to Ald Ruun for some reason, the other one was a Redoran guard. As such he was raised with great respect for the law. He was raised at first in Redoran warrior tradition, learning how to use a sword at an early age, and how to use war axes and spears by his ashlander parent. One of them died of natural causes, the other went off the the Legion and lost contact at the start of the Great War. Thus from his teens to his adulthood he was cared for by an Orcish godparent, who taught him smithing, and this orc was married to an alchemist and hedge wizard, who tried to get him to get into school and learn either magic or a trade, to avoid her mistakes of leaving her education so early. When he was nearly 50 (still young adulthood for a dunmer), he'd been helping the old orc at the shop for a while, but the old-timer finally died. His step-mother was dragged off by the Thalmor for protesting the ban on Talos worship, and thus he had to flee before they came after him as well. Drath headed for Skyrim, hearing rumors that the Thalmor had much less sway there...