... My biggest problem with this game: I can't carry ALL the loot.
So many things left behind... it saddens me. On that note, ALL my level up points go to stamina for the +5 carry weight. Also, Lydia is great friend, carrying my burdens for me, still not enough though...
Who else has the same problem?
No problem. A bit tedious, perhaps, but I'm a hoarder and hates to leave stuff I want behind. Scriver's Standard Looting Procedure:
1. Loot things until inventory is full (no really!)
2. Run back to dungeon entrance, store loot in container closest to the door.
3. Repeat 1 & 2 untill dungeon is cleared.
(4. If you have no horse outside the dungeon, go outside and fast travel to the dungeon you're at to magically teleport your horse there)
5. Go back to container and grab all the loot.
6. Go outside, mount horse.
7. Fast travel to town (because you can do that if mounted), sell off loot.
Or at least that's what I used to do, before I got so much money I only bother to grab the most expensive stuff, besides my ongoing quest to have a full set of every kind of armour, of course. I also used to store the loot in containers throughout the dungeon, as I got overencumbered, but I realised it was faster to just run back to the entrance (unless it's one of the few long dungeons) several times than it was to walk back once after I got encumbered again at the first massed loot container.