Did you know... there is a cannibal quest line...
Also, I feel real damn weak... well, there is the fact that I havn't upgraded my +damage perks... That the reason?
I also still get 2-3 shotted... which is not good. Forces me to rely more heavily on repeat sneak attacks and other fun stuff.
If you're getting 2-3 shotted, its either 1: Your armor rating is low, or 2: Your magic resistance is low, or 3: Both. On my Master Difficulty Orc Warrior (seen in the video I posted earlier), he can withstand physical attacks like a beast, but magic attacks kick his ass. You'll notice ice shards being thrown at him on some occasions, and those things, if they hit him, would take him down a notch in HP. This game requires you to invest heavily in armor and/or resistances if you want to stay competitive, especially on harder difficulties.
The same goes for your offense. If you haven't invested enough in weapon skills, offensive spell skills, or are not at least using some bad ass weaponry, you're not going to deal enough damage. Again, in my video, my one-handed weapon skill is rather high, and he deals a lot of damage with it. But his marskman skill is poor, and he does little damage with his bow, on the rare occasions when he needs to use it.
There are ways to offset both problems if you don't want to / can't level up the skills needed. For armor, just do your best not to get hit - kite, dodge, stay stealthy, or use followers/summons to soak up damage instead. For magic, look into getting potions of magic/fire/frost/shock resist, or armor with the resistances. Or for some cases, you can even attempt to burn the magikca from your enemies. As for increasing damage.. poisons are one of your best friends, unless its against undead or something immune/resistant to poisons. Sneak attacks too, are useful, or both in combination. You also have followers.. although I believe theres a glitch where they don't level up with you, and thus get weaker and weaker as time goes on.