It took a bit longer than I thought, but you can try this (after a good backup of course)
-- magically dig all designations (use with caution)
-- does not currently propogate light, or reveal surrounding tiles,
-- or clean up plants whose tiles become open air, and might not
-- make empty open air tiles when channeling two or more tiles deep.
NO_DIRECTION = '--------'
function findTileType(shape, material, variant, special, dir)
local tt_attrs
for tt=0,698 do
tt_attrs = df.tiletype.attrs[tt]
if shape ~= df.tiletype_shape.NONE and shape ~= tt_attrs.shape then
elseif material ~= df.tiletype_material.NONE and material ~= tt_attrs.material then
-- Don't require variant to match if the destination tile doesn't even have one
elseif variant ~= df.tiletype_variant.NONE and variant ~= tt_attrs.variant and
tt_attrs.variant ~= df.tiletype_variant.NONE then
-- Same for special
elseif special ~= df.tiletype_special.NONE and special ~= tt_attrs.special and
tt_attrs.special ~= df.tiletype_special.NONE then
elseif dir ~= NO_DIRECTION and dir ~= tt_attrs.direction then -- if (tdir && tdir != tileDirection(tt)),
return tt
return df.tiletype.Void
function paint(mb,mbx,mby, attrs)
local shape, material, variant, special, direction
shape = attrs.shape
material = attrs.material
variant = attrs.variant
special = attrs.special
direction = attrs.direction
-- Remove direction from directionless tiles
if not (material == df.tiletype_material.RIVER or shape == df.tiletype_shape.BROOK_BED or shape == df.tiletype_shape.WALL and
(material == df.tiletype_material.CONSTRUCTION or special == df.tiletype_special.SMOOTH) ) then
direction = NO_DIRECTION
local tt = findTileType(shape, material, variant, special, direction)
-- hack for empty space
-- this might not work when we are trying to create air by digging channels/ramps
if shape == df.tiletype_shape.EMPTY and material == df.tiletype_material.AIR and
variant == df.tiletype_variant.VAR_1 and special == df.tiletype_special.NORMAL and
direction == NO_DIRECTION then
tt = df.tiletype.OpenSpace
if tt ~= df.tiletype.Void then
mb.tiletype[mbx][mby] = tt
mb.designation[mbx][mby].hidden = false -- reveal?
-- mb.designation[mbx][mby].light = true -- light?
-- mb.designation[mbx][mby].outside = true -- outside?
local d = mb.designation[mbx][mby] -- this wont work if lua doesn't treat it as a pointer
-- Remove liquid from walls, etc
if tt and df.tiletype_shape.attrs[ df.tiletype.attrs[tt].shape ].passable_flow then
d.flow_size = false
--des.bits.liquid_type = DFHack::liquid_water;
--des.bits.water_table = 0;
d.flow_forbid = false
--des.bits.liquid_static = 0;
--des.bits.water_stagnant = 0;
--des.bits.water_salt = 0;
-- clear dig designation
d.dig = 0 -- or df.tile_dig_designation.No
function do_dig_designations()
local x_maxblock, y_maxblock, z_maxblock = dfhack.maps.getSize()
local d, tt, tt_attrs, mb2, tt2, tt2_attrs
for _,b in ipairs( do
if b.flags.designated then
for bx = 0,15 do
for by = 0,15 do
d = b.designation[bx][by].dig
tt = b.tiletype[bx][by]
if d > 0 then
tt_attrs = copyall(df.tiletype.attrs[tt])
if d == df.tile_dig_designation.Default then -- dig
tt_attrs.shape = df.tiletype_shape.FLOOR
tt_attrs.special = df.tiletype_special.NORMAL
tt_attrs.variant = math.random(0,3)
elseif d == df.tile_dig_designation.UpDownStair then
tt_attrs.shape = df.tiletype_shape.STAIR_UPDOWN
elseif d == df.tile_dig_designation.Channel then
tt_attrs.shape = df.tiletype_shape.RAMP_TOP
tt_attrs.material = df.tiletype_material.AIR
-- change tile type to a ramp top and below tile to ramp
b2 = dfhack.maps.getTileBlock(b.map_pos.x,b.map_pos.y,b.map_pos.z - 1)
if b2 then
tt2 = b2.tiletype[bx][by]
tt2_attrs = copyall( df.tiletype.attrs[tt2] )
tt2_attrs.shape = df.tiletype_shape.RAMP
paint(b2,bx,by, tt2_attrs)
elseif d == df.tile_dig_designation.Ramp then
tt_attrs.shape = df.tiletype_shape.RAMP
-- change tile type to ramp and above tile to ramp top
-- similar to channel but the other way around
b2 = dfhack.maps.getTileBlock(b.map_pos.x,b.map_pos.y,b.map_pos.z + 1)
if b2 then
tt2 = b2.tiletype[bx][by]
tt2_attrs = copyall( df.tiletype.attrs[tt] )
tt2_attrs.shape = df.tiletype_shape.RAMP_TOP
tt2_attrs.material = df.tiletype_material.AIR
paint(b2,bx,by, tt2_attrs)
elseif d == df.tile_dig_designation.DownStair then
tt_attrs.shape = df.tiletype_shape.STAIR_DOWN
elseif d == df.tile_dig_designation.UpStair then
tt_attrs.shape = df.tiletype_shape.STAIR_UP
paint(b,bx,by, tt_attrs)
end--if designated
-- Force the game to recompute its walkability cache = true
if not dfhack.isMapLoaded() then
printerr("map not loaded")
It uses some trimmed and modified code ported from tiletypes. It isn't perfect so there may be issues with continuing to play a game after using it. Issues will most likely be related to reveal, light from being opened to the sky, and plants when their tile gets channeled.
EDIT: Found out that it isn't working for simple dig ...
EDIT2: Fixed part of the problem ...
EDIT3: Ahh, found the last problem. it should now dig.
EDIT4: performance improvement, only check each tile for designations if has block.flags.designated set .. and fix a refactoring bug I made when fixing the plain dig