Can someone do a better guide of the tyletypes command? I saw peterixs examples way back in september but this thing is really confusing.
Allow me!
Okay, so you've got DF and DFHack running. In your DFHack console, the first thing to do is enter the tiletypes mode by entering
tiletypes [Press Enter]
Now type
Help. [Press Enter]
You see two lists here: the
Commands and the
Options. Whenever you use this program, you always begin a sentence with a Command, followed by an Option, and then finally you specify the value of the Option.
When you enter a full command, you're simply changing the setup of the tool: actually executing the tool occurs by tabbing into DF, using the 'k' menu to hover over a tile, and then tabbing back to DFHack and hitting [Enter]. Or, if you already have a square targetted in DF, you just hit [Enter] again to commit the changes.
So let's make an example to show you how this works.
Your miners just hit an aquifer. Water is gushing down the passageways of your newly dug fort, and you face the prospect of losing hours of hard designation and digging work. You need to plug this hole.
paint shape wall [Enter]
You've just told the tool that you want to paint tiles of type 'wall'. Do you see how DFHack is displaying your current settings? It says "Filter: any / Paint: WALL / brush: point".
You head over to DF, 'k' over the leaking space, and then hit [Enter] in DFHack. The tile has become a pillar. Whoops. What went wrong?
paint special normal [Enter]
Now it says "Paint: Normal Wall". That's better. So 'shape' appears to be a broad category of tile types, and 'special' changes some specific properties. 'material' will let you specify what kind of wall it is.
paint material stone [Enter]
Now it says "Paint: Normal Stone Wall". See how this works? If you're still 'k' over the target square, all you need to do is hit [Enter] again to apply the change. Now look at DF: the tile has become an undug wall of stone. If you didn't specify a material type, it will revert to being an undug wall of whatever it's original type is.
To 'unselect' any option you didn't want to change, change that option's value to
All those other options work in the same way:
paint hidden 0 -- 1 is hidden, 0 is unhidden
Output: "Paint: Normal Stone Wall Visible"
The Filter command works using the same syntax as above. It's useful if you're using DFHack to change a big area of tiles, rather than 1 at a time. Filtering types of tiles will stop your painting commands from affecting those tiles.
Change a big area? How? With these commands: Point, Range, Block and Column. Range works a bit differently from the others. Simply type Range and hit [Enter], and DFHack will ask you the necessary dimensions. Do note, however, that the affected area doesn't spread outwards from the targetted tile- rather, it will spread
down and
right. So just make sure you 'k' target the top-leftmost tile of the range you wish to see affected.
I have not tested what Block and Column do, so I can't offer an explanation of those at this time. Sorry!Hope this helps a bit. That example was a personal one, btw.