I suspect the timestamp change is an artifact of git SCCS, or maybe from a cp without -p option. Would it be possible to have that file (only) keep its original timestamp?
I just copypasted the file around... doesn't seem all that important. It's the same file after all. I'll try.
I dig that you can bind commands to hotkeys, but are you not able to add options to them? For example, "vdig" works just fine from a hotkey, but it seems that "vdig -x" does not. Sorry if that's covered in the readme, but I didn't see it.
Well then. What determines which plugins or commands work via hotkey? Basically, is there a way to create a command alias for an existing plugin/command that isn't used by the hotkey system or won't fit in the 9-character limit, e.g. 'lua myscript.lua'?
Not yet, I'll have to restructure a few things for that...
Aliases will be added for sure.
I think vdig is one of the few commands, if not the only one, that would actually fit the 9 character limit with its option...
Here's an example of how it should work in the future:
alias rth="revtoggle hell" (set the alias, this will be remembered between sessions)
rth (use the alias)
It should be then possible to fit a command of any length to the limit... and it will work. I also want to add tab completion for commands.
also peterix how do you feel about having a GitCarry command for Gitfusion?
Hmm, I don't know. Can't be that hard to add
Oh, and one more thing. I spent some time debugging and poking around in my Ubuntu VMs and I fixed one bug that caused crashes. So, here's a new, updated package to try:
https://github.com/downloads/peterix/dfhack/dfhack-0.31.25-r2-Linux.tar.gzIt's bigger and it has debug symbols in it too.