How do you make tiletypes do anything? I'm trying to turn a down staircase into plain floor but it keeps asking me to 'set the paint first'. 'paint ?' doesn't do anything, and while I can get the option lists up I can't do anything with them. I've tried 'set paint', 'paint FLOOR', 'paint [combination]', 'set paint [combination]' and the cursor is pointing at the correct tile.
It's probably the single one dfhack tool that would benefit from having a GUI the most.
Basically, you have three sets of tile properties: what's extracted from the original tile, a filter and a mask. The tool takes the existing properties, checks if they match the filter and then applies the mask.
So: 'paint shape FLOOR' will set the shape of the mask to FLOOR and make the tool change any kind of tile into the equivalent floor tile, if there is such a tile. You can as well do this with filters and the range brush. For example, use 'filter shape STAIR_DOWN', 'paint shape FLOOR' and then you can use the range brush to turn all stairs in a range into floors.
Would it be possible to make a scaled mode for fastdwarf, such that instead of being just a toggle between speed 0 on and speed 0 off, it moniters the current FPS and assigns a speed value based off of this?
Yes, although this would be a bit more complex... and there's the potential for a feedback loop in that. Making creatures faster makes them think more and lowers your FPS, lowering FPS makes the tool speed up creatures, etc. I'd have to work out the math so that kind of stuff couldn't happen.
For example, at 100 FPS, dwarves are speed 900. If it dropped to 10 FPS, speeddwarf would turn on speed 90?
Here's the thing: it doesn't tweak some kind of speed value. It lowers the time it takes to finish the current creature action to 0. Different actions take different amount of time, so again, this would have to remember that it set the time for that particular action and that particular creature and decide when to set the time again. That's much more complex and requires the ability to determine the identity of an action.
Even better would be doing the above to all creatures, not just dwarves. Of course, it may need a new name at that point.
I agree that this would be awesome. I just don't see it happening for a while. I added this to my TODO list though