Mileth: Conquest. Not a particularly bloody one, but still. Possibly a +1 to the roll.
[6+1] The people of Mileth quickly realize that life under the Dragon Empire is no different than life under their old rulers. Considering the ineptitude of their previous rulers, they actually seem to
prefer their new Draconian overlords.
Mileth becomes loyal to the Arctic Fox.The Dragon Empire Invades: Are the people going to under or over estimate this threat?
[5] The Dragon Empire is invading again? Welp, time to join the army. It's not much of a threat yet, but I remember my father telling me about the last time they invaded. 'tis the duty of every good Coaster to send those spud-eating dragons back to their mountain eyries.
People have a strong anti-DE sentiment, which decreases the difficulty of recruiting soldiers.Growth:
Talama: [5+
2] Population increases. Prosperity increases.
Vasir: [2,3+
1] Population decreases. Prosperity increases.
Moun: [6,5] Population increases. Prosperity increases. The Archbishop's radical new policies conveniently clear out large sections of the city, which are rezoned in a more efficient manner. Population increases, but a rumour spreads that his actions are not motivated purely by a desire to follow the Creed.
The population is unhappy. Shola: [3,2] Population remains the same. Prosperity decreases.
Mileth: [4
-1+1] Population increases. Prosperity remains the same. The Arctic Fox's careful policies leave the city unharmed. The population even increases slightly.
Do other cities need to be done? One feels that they can be left to stagnate unless players interact seriously with them.