I supposed i should clarify a few things about combat as it currently is:
Yes a 10 v 5 battle of noobs vs professional army is weight heavily enough that the 10 have a good chance of winning. But heres the real math:
10x1str vs 5x3str (lets assume they're Heavy II) = +10 vs +15
Now say the battle rolls are 5v2, thats 15v17. Simply put, the 10 took 2 losses despite numbers but still caused 1 death. This is actually rather accurate. The advantage however lies in the Asymmetric warfare ruling: even rolls of 1v1 or even 6v6 still end in a +5 advantage for the 5 Professionals. They'd take no losses
This is why upgrades are important. This, combined with the
Conserve Forces tactic, leads to the advantage being in the better trained army. Especially since 5 Heavy II Tacticians would also manage a +5 on a conserve roll...hell, toss in a Rout or Split the Enemy and turn that 10 unit stack into 2 5s.
And now for something totally different, how big exactly is a parcel of land? Does it vary between parcels?
A parcel of land is about equal to a unit of manpower. They're relative values for a fixed amount of 'use'. A parcel of 'HQ Lumber" bearing land is worth more (and smaller) than a parcel of farmland. Same as a unit of Militia is a larger regiment than a unit of macemen or archers