Party A vs Party B
Party A forces: Three infantry
Party B forces: Three infantry
So, this means a Str 3 army for both sides, and would take a prolonged battle to destroy one another.
Party A: [6+3] vs Party B: [2+3].
A lost one unit, and B lost two, so we'll mark them down.
Party A:
Infantry: 0 XP
Infantry: 0 XP
Infantry: 0 XP DEAD
Party B:
Infantry: 0 XP
Infantry: 0 XP DEAD
Infantry: 0 XP DEAD
Those units marked as dead can't get XP, but the battle still rages.
[+2] vs [+1]
Party A has just barely beaten B, which leaves all but one of Party A's regiments alive.
Thus, the after battle report should look like this:
Party A
Infantry: 38 XP
Infantry: 0 XP DEAD
Infantry: 0 XP DEAD
Party B
Infantry: 0 XP DEAD
Infantry: 0 XP DEAD
Infantry: 0 XP DEAD
This means the only surviving regiment has received 4 XP from the Battle(s) it participated in.
A unit gains XP for every battle it's in, the longer one goes on that the unit survives the more the unit has learnt. A unit can only gain one level from the same battle however (In order to balance the system).
A list of things a unit should get XP for
- A unit receives 10 XP per enemy strength that participated in the battle.
- A unit recieves 10 XP per tactic it particpated in.
- A unit recieves a multiplier of 1.2 per enemy strength above it's own (As an army-wide thing).
- A unit receives a divisor of 1.2 per strength ratio that it's army has against the enemy. (so the first penatly comes after it has a one point advantage, the second after three, stopping at a 7 points (As they'll at least gain drill excersize from being sent up against such a weak foe))
- A unit gets a divisor of 1.2 for every XP level the enemy is uner them by. Of course, this means that for every level the enemy is higher than them they get a mulitplier of 1.2.
Units gain XP on a 100 point system, needing 100 XP to get to the next level. The amount stays static however.
Rank 0: Quick recruited units are considered conscripts. They cannot be used in tactics, and if the enemy has atleast a 1 point strength advantage all tactics against the conscripts auto-succeed.
Rank 1: Standard recruits, No penalties. Most units can be recruited as standard, providing the recruiter sets a season aside for drills and weapons training.
Rank 2: Regulars, +1 to all tactics rolls involving the units.
Rank 3: Veterans, +1 to base strength, +.5 ducats to upkeep (For the strength increase)
Rank 4: Crack, +2 to tactics rolls involving the unit, gains third slot for upgrades.
Rank 5: Elite, +1 to base strength (Culumative with the veteran bonus.), halves upkeep for upgrades, +3 to tactics, +.5 upkeep costs.