Guys, we need to breathe a little life back into this. OOC is useless for most purposes and forgotten, while IC is too big for any new players to catch up.
I propose we keep things as they are, but start new OOC and IC. Spring update is perfect for it, with new rules and so on, we can do a mini-revival of this.
I had a little talk with Shootandrun and it became apparent that the game as it is now is not really thrilling. But seeing the invested time and effort it would be a shame to throw away our PCs or the setting. To an extent, some of it is due to the fact that people are on at differnet times and that GMs are people too and have thieir own things going on. But that does not stop us from speeding up the pace by encouraging more people to join. Current PCs, seen as the big players, can offer posts for new PCs, delegate and get people onboard of their quests.
Yeah, quests or tasks of various kind. So far this has been a pretty relaxed, almost sandbox affair and it seems that it is too slow and open for anyone to do anything meaningful. I'm having fun, but only because I have engaged in a quest while Shoot, vagel and others are left to their own devices, but not really doing anything without a GM to give them some thing to do.
And boy, is GMing for this thing a chore. We had our ups and downs, but GMs remain the engine of the entire thing, and should not be bored out of their minds while PC just sit there and wait. Its a curious case of disengagement between players and GMs, again due to the freeform nature and verry erratic presence of players online. But that should not discourage us.
I have my quest. I recall someone having their own quest lined out and we should encourage each other to work together more.
Another, last thing: YaK is assumed to be a game of political intrigue and power. We kinda let it go all over the place and PCs have little incentive to stay in Ligoria, be it due to the relatively little power there or simple lack of anything interesting. Do we keep the format open as it is or do we want specific changes in focus or scope of the game?
I personally would be in favour of reducing the playing field and encourage people to stay closer to everyone else by making the playing area smaller.