I have a plethora of War Naked Mole Dogs and War Rhesus Macaques thanks to some cage traps and liberal re-tagging of raws. They breed like crazy, so I have way more than I can ever assign, so they wander the fortress. Mainly they stay in the meeting area with the rest of the dwarves, by the well. (This is all important exposition, got it?)
I just got a forgotten beast show up. Litheme! An enormous three-eyed bee. It has a curling trunk and it belches and croaks. It's purple & taupe exoskeleton is wrinkled. Beware its poisonous sting!
A giant, purple and taupe, belching, croaking, wrinkly bee. That's just ... gross.
So I recall my citizens to the "Inside" burrow, send my military to the panic zone in the tunnel leading up from the caverns. I have a wooden door standing by as bait for any building destroyers who come up from the caverns and the panic zone is just past the ... uh ... where is the door. Oh crap. Did I forget to rebuild it after the last building destroyer showed up?
Where the hell did Litheme just go.
Up the well. Woops.
So now I'm imagining my 12-year old fort, with its elite military and only a handful of deaths over its lifetime, succumbing to a stupid bee that decided to fly up the well into the midst of the majority of my citizens, with my military too far away to make much of a difference. I figure I'm in for either annihilation by bee or tantrum spiral once it kills enough dwarfs.
Only that is the same room where a dozen War Naked Mole Dogs, a War Buzzard and a couple of War Rhesus Macaques also happened to be hanging around. I was stunned to see that they eliminated the FB before my military had a chance to even get halfway there, without a single death and the only injury being the War Buzzard getting its left knee broken. (Buzzards have knees?)
When going back over the combat reports, the mole dogs mainly bit at its legs and thorax, tearing chunks out and opening up arteries and tearing tendons. Meanwhile one of the macaques had jumped on the beast's head and was busy tearing its eyes out and biting it in the head. (Mmm, tastes like filth.) Pretty quickly, the FB succumbed to something (the reports didn't show any specific death blow, so I guess it was blood loss/failed saving throw?) and keeled over dead.
I have about fifty naked mole puppies in a cage, waiting for them to mature. Sadly they only live about four years. Happily, they are constantly shooting out litters of 2-3 pups at a time. I'm setting "Train War Animal" on repeat and making an army of these little buggers. I can't help but think about Molenarok from Syrupleaf. Only this time ... IT WILL WORK!
NAKED Molenarok!