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Author Topic: Worst Tantrum Spirals  (Read 1648 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Worst Tantrum Spirals
« on: August 14, 2011, 08:59:30 am »

What are the worst tantrum spirals you've ever gotten, mine is where a admantine sword using dwarf attacked the doctor. Who was married. Thsi caused the farmer wife to eventually go insane, and berserk. Killing everyone, but I child. Abandon fort much?

IT 000

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Worst Tantrum Spirals
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2011, 09:19:08 am »

When the legendary archer went crazy in the archer tower. 35 bolts, each one stuck in a dwarf's head.

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Re: Worst Tantrum Spirals
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2011, 12:40:24 pm »

A legendary hammerdwarf (with full steel armor and silver war hammer) first went into tantrum like everybody does sooner or later in a fort without any luxuries. Her husband and several pets may have died shortly before. In her rage, she knocked the head off some peasant, calmed down, got imprisoned, repeated the whole thing when she got out again and finally went berserk after being caught in the rain during patrol duty. She was pretty much the best, my militia had to offer, a dwarf that could take on entire sieges alone... so you can imagine, what happened next. Almost the whole military (none as good as her) was knocked out and about 10 civilians (of 60) dead. She only stopped when she dodged off a ledge after I commanded the whole fort to Zerg rush her. Ok, it wasn't just some ledge but the central spiral ramp that went down another 15z or so.
Afterwards, there were another few tantrums that could have ended badly as the military was dead or dying. Luckily, they mostly destroyed lots of furniture and calmed down again. The manager/broker and 3 other dwarves went insane, but not berserk, so the whole situation was rather relaxed for dwarven standards. The fort went on for about another decade before I got bored.
Yeah, I know it's not a true dwarven tantrum spiral until everybody is dead, but I had lots of Fun. And I absolutely loved how a little rain pushed the hammerdwarf over the edge of madness. Sure, it wouldn't have happened, if she was happier in the first place, but I can really imagine the situation: "Oh, it's raining again, as expected in a rain forest. I cant't stand this anymore! HULK SMASH!"

But I learned to important things from this episode:
1. Build luxurious prison cells that match a noble's room. If somone gets imprisoned for throwing a tantrum, you want them to gain some happiness. Fast.
2. Keep an eye on your military to see if everyone's at least content. It rarely matters if the baron or a fish cleaner throws a tantrum, but if a hammerdwarf feels like playing golf with heads, Fun will ensue.
But my good sir, the second death was for Dwarven Science!


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Re: Worst Tantrum Spirals
« Reply #3 on: August 14, 2011, 01:33:12 pm »

Random military went crazy in the hospital after a long seige. Result: half the remaining army dead, dead chief medic (he was legendary in 2 of the skills too), two nurses dead as well as aboutg three guys which were on the wrong place at the time. Then the sherif, who wielded a +Steel Whip+, came and tore out his brains.

The resulting spiral took my 60 people fortress into a 4 people fortress. These were the sherif (who received the nickname "Justice" and killed over 20 people), a spearman recruit (which killed about 5), my legendary+8 cook (he was too busy to care...) and a random child, wich I remenber, was the son of one of my best soldiers and my only legendary miner. His fater and mother died, along with his older sister. The father (miner) died in the spiral, along with his older sister. the mom had her head sliced of by a snatcher who took her baby, who happened to be the childs younguer sis.
Yes he is... So the countess will never bread?
If she doesnt bread, let her cake.


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Re: Worst Tantrum Spirals
« Reply #4 on: August 14, 2011, 03:52:26 pm »

it was my first game and my first spiral,i didn't knew that dwarfs needed food or drink,it ended with my expedition leader throwing a severed army on the last sane dwarf and the arm getting stuck in his brain.
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Thou son of a b*tch wilt not ever make subjects of Christian sons; we have no fear of your army, by land and by sea we will battle with thee, f**k thy mother.


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Re: Worst Tantrum Spirals
« Reply #5 on: August 14, 2011, 04:13:23 pm »

got from 100 or so down to 15 by opening the caverns with troglodytes...
never was happier to see the message "some migrants have arrived" before. but the fort is up and running again