And thus I find myself back into fort mode discussion. My taste for the blood of children has gone unsated, in these other games I play that lack the... raw finesse of dwarven child slaughter.
A few notes on the recent posts:
1) Solitary confinement is ok. They will suffer attribute rot, but just the unimportant ones. We're training soldiers, not mayors, they don't need a good memory or personal skills. They need an axe and some armor bolted into their scared and hardened form that we so liberally still refer to as "a dwarf". Furthermore, we don't need friends, we need soldiers. Let their minds decay, so long as their arms hold strong.
2) There does seem to be an issue here, namely that you have conflicting needs. For the animals to become aggressive, they need confined spaces. For the child to remain sane, it needs a bit of breathing room. Achieving both requires you to walk a razor's edge of comfort zone vs unadulterated butchering zone.
It's time to start the testing anew. Strap your +kitten leather cap+ on tightly boys, we'll be warming up the old torture cages and venturing into the dark side of science. We shall adored as the heros of the new dwarven age, and we shall be heralded as the monsters of the armok-forsaken stone pit where we carry out our sick torture in a bloodstained box we so liberally call a "laboratory".
I have a few things to do today, but then science. In the meantime, someone could get a list of likely candidate animals for the horror box. I'm looking at turkey to start with, but cat and chicken are in the line as well.