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Author Topic: RTBAFMCTDS Turn 2- Where the hell are all of the Monsters?  (Read 11749 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to be a Freelancing Magical Creature Take-Down Squad
« Reply #45 on: August 12, 2011, 09:35:45 am »

Zatarch stumbled around the train station, a bit confused. One would wonder why he was confused, perhaps attributing it to the extremely fast moving trains that were a bit disorienting at times, but the real, main reason he was confused was the footwear that some of the woman in the train station seemed to be wearing. Raised at the heel, it basically made the woman wearing said shoes stand on a slope. And did anyone have any idea how unsteady that kind of position was? Hell, if everyone went around in those shoes, the human race would have died out ages ago.

Shrugging thoughtfully, Zatarch walked out the train station, nothing but a backpack on his back, some rough-made clothes, some number of dollar bills in his pocket, and his trusty old hammer slung on his belt; Lil ol' Hammy, he called it. Walking around the streets, having really no idea where he was going, Zatarch decided to try to look for the closest thing to a... 'wild' store, as it were, he could find... a hiking shop. Or were they called sporting good's stores? Perhaps trip stores? Backpacking stores?
"Oh, damn it all..." Zatarch muttered, as he walked on.


"Eastern Mountain Cache", the store sign read. Zatarch supposed this was the best option he found so far, so he grabbed the door handle and flung himself inside. The cashier snapped his eyes open and his head up as Zatarch quite literally flew inside, and then raised one eyebrow.
"Yes? What can I get for you?"
Zatarch opened his mouth as if to speak, then stopped as he thought for a moment.
"Erm, yes, uh, do you have any spears? Hunting spears? Throwing? No? Uh, axes? Yes, axes, hatchets, wood-chopping and such? Oh, good, yes, uhm, one of those."
Zatarch then proceeded to cough nervously once and look around for an good, trusty axe.

Buy the best axe 80 dollars can buy, then look around for an abandoned warehouse or generally any place where you can acquire metal, wood, and other such materials.
Electrum, pedophilia, and necrophilia at the same time!?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to be a Freelancing Magical Creature Take-Down Squad
« Reply #46 on: August 12, 2011, 04:59:34 pm »

Turn 1- Shopping Time!

I rub my hands and set off to find some sort of store that sells occult weaponry or evil spell books, since my options for direct attacks are somewhat limited.
[2] You manage to find a shop selling that kind of backdoor evil items, but they are expensive! Even buying one item would
drain your small amount of cash. But regardless, you take a look at what they are selling.

Being a Necromancer, For Dummies-60$
Replica Magical Sword -100$
Tome of Swords -$140

Ian walked into a weapons shop, filled to the brim with weapons. Times like this, gun control didn't matter. Ian didn't really care about gun laws, he knew people. He could get a howitzer if he had a few bob, but He didn't have a few bob. He had a few hundred dollars, and he needed to get a gun.

"Hey bud. What do you want?" A Cajun was reading a magazine at the counter. He was a smart looking fella, but the Cajun accent brought the whole thing tumbling down.

Ian looked inside his necklace, then put it back on his neck.

"I need a revolver." He said humorlessly. Ever seen Cara's death, he had stopped caring about anything, really. You always expect your older sister to be able to beat the monsters back, to be only second to your parents in monster repelling. Knowing just how terrifying your world is at 11 is not fun.

After buying the revolver and some ammo, he went to the flower shop. The smell of compost was faint but there in the shop. Without a word, he spent his remaining money on Wolfsbane, got something from a bakery free thanks to a combination of intimidation and silence, and spent the next few minutes eating a croissant while spreading wolfsbane on the bullets. He wrote in his diary after that.

Day one of being on a proper magical creature takedown squad: Dublin must be nice this time of year. I hope that my parents are enjoying the foggy autumn. Werewolves deserve to be tortured to death. Thinking of buying a new fedora.

Buy a revolver, ammo for revolver and Wolfsbane, spread Wolfsbane on ammo.
[3] You manage to buy it all, but it costed a hell of alot of cash and you only have 50$ left to spend. [5] Using your newly aquired Wolfsbane, you ground it up and spread it on your bullets. You now have the Wolfsbane Bullets effect!

Benji, sadly on foot, heads over to the local Hardley Davidson dealer and stands outside looking in with...
Spoiler: This (click to show/hide)
...expression. Then after a while he sighs heavily, turns and wanders off to look for a pizza place, hoping to stock up on garlic bread.
[6] On your way to the pizza shop you bump into someone, he mutters "Have this." and runs off. You look down to see a small bag, and inside it is an odd gem. You frankly have no idea what it does, perhaps you should get it appraised by the artificer?

Anyone looking upon Kili Elfhewer passing by would remark on her natural beauty-a somewhat short, yet well built and muscled frame, strong Nordic features, frizzy long blonde hair, eyes of an icy pale blue that also seemed sad, adding to their charm. One would also notice the fact that she seemed distracted and on edge most of the time. Always fidgeting, adjusting one thing or the other, and keeping an eye to the horizon. She also has an certain...otherworldly charisma. It inspires a bit of awe and fear-making some scared, others intrigued.

As one turns away, they almost always do a double take-just out of the corner of ones eye, you can almost just make out indistinct form, floating above her. Your not sure what it is-sort of like a malicious young child with a red beard, floating around her...then again, your not sure if you really want to know. Because, you can't shake the feeling that if you really saw what it looked like, it would start following you.


So, Kili checked her pockets for holes again. Then she retied her shoes so she would'nt trip and fall. And readjusted her belt buckle so her pants wouldn't fall down...countering the bad luck, it was a chore, but you had to do it every day. Most of the Elfhewers were quite insane if they ever got to be old enough. She had promised herself it would end with her, had the rest of them.

It was a shame all her equipment was gone-except for the bag. Seemed to only thing truly resistant to the Fey-Curse was the Fey and things made from them. She had marvelled at her Grandfathers suit of Fey-bonemail armor that was hung from the trophy hall. A true family heirloom...but, such things could be not be given-the way they worked, you usually had to kill the creatures yourself for it to protect you. She had promised to earn her own in due time...for now, she just needed a sword. She had awoken this morning to find her old sword in a smoking crater, split into blackened pieces. Apparently it had been struck by lightning while she slept...despite the fact there was no storm last night. Kili was glad she had taken the precaution of sleeping well away from her gear, since she could'nt do anything to prevent it's theft or destruction most of time anyway.

She quickly made her way to a smithyshop-usually, she just tossed an overlage amount of money at the shopkeeper to get the best they had, knowing she would'nt be able to keep it anyway.

The portly, bearded businessman behind the counter seemed eager to please. He adjusted his tiny glasses and said...

"Well, my morning customers usually arn't as pretty as you. Glad I opened up early today...what will you have then?"

So, Kili smiled brightly and said...

"Smithy-If you please, I need an Iron Cutlass and Buckler...if you please. I'll make it worth your while."

In her studies, Kili had found that most Fae could do a lot of damage if you let them-somtimes going right through normal armor-and they were best dealy with quickly and decisively-which was difficult, since they were fast and hard to hit. On the bright side, they tended to crumple and die quickly when you actually did manage to hit them. As her father often said-they were quick on their feet, and had a nasty sting, but were cursed with glass jaws, apt to shatter with a lightest breeze.

A buckler was useful in any case-letting one of touch you was always a bad idea. She preffered a somewhat lighter and longer length sword due to her build, and was sure to tell the smithy so as she laid down her gold. Her buckler was typically attached to her right arm, and her sword stance favored the right as well-she wielded her sword two handed for extra strength.

She declined to tell this particular businessman that he would soon suffer a spot of amazingly bad luck by dealing with her, that would oddly lose him the exact amount of money he was about to make from her...

Action: Buying the best Iron Cutlass and Iron Buckler I can buy-money up front.
[4] The bearded man enters a backroom and comes back out a few minutes later. He hands you a decent looking Iron Cutlass along with the Iron Buckler . Unfortunately all of your money is now gone, but atleast you have a weapon!

Ricky pacing around with his bag on his back, just having left the train station, Nervous, Excited a bit also. He can finally put his skills to work What to do, What to do! He mumbled to himself before being struck with inspiration Old Town! Old Old Town! Thats where they sell the stuff I want and need!

Head to some type of shop the sells Magical Artifacts/ Baubles
[5] You find a small antiques shop in the older area of the city, the items here seem worthless at first glance. But as an Artificer you know these items are more than what they appear to be. You take a look at all of the special items.

Iron-Studded Necklace -50$
Engraved Slab of Iron - 40$
Shiny Bauble -30$
Blank Tome - 60$

Zatarch stumbled around the train station, a bit confused. One would wonder why he was confused, perhaps attributing it to the extremely fast moving trains that were a bit disorienting at times, but the real, main reason he was confused was the footwear that some of the woman in the train station seemed to be wearing. Raised at the heel, it basically made the woman wearing said shoes stand on a slope. And did anyone have any idea how unsteady that kind of position was? Hell, if everyone went around in those shoes, the human race would have died out ages ago.

Shrugging thoughtfully, Zatarch walked out the train station, nothing but a backpack on his back, some rough-made clothes, some number of dollar bills in his pocket, and his trusty old hammer slung on his belt; Lil ol' Hammy, he called it. Walking around the streets, having really no idea where he was going, Zatarch decided to try to look for the closest thing to a... 'wild' store, as it were, he could find... a hiking shop. Or were they called sporting good's stores? Perhaps trip stores? Backpacking stores?
"Oh, damn it all..." Zatarch muttered, as he walked on.


"Eastern Mountain Cache", the store sign read. Zatarch supposed this was the best option he found so far, so he grabbed the door handle and flung himself inside. The cashier snapped his eyes open and his head up as Zatarch quite literally flew inside, and then raised one eyebrow.
"Yes? What can I get for you?"
Zatarch opened his mouth as if to speak, then stopped as he thought for a moment.
"Erm, yes, uh, do you have any spears? Hunting spears? Throwing? No? Uh, axes? Yes, axes, hatchets, wood-chopping and such? Oh, good, yes, uhm, one of those."
Zatarch then proceeded to cough nervously once and look around for an good, trusty axe.

Buy the best axe 80 dollars can buy, then look around for an abandoned warehouse or generally any place where you can acquire metal, wood, and other such materials.
[5] It seems that 80$ can in fact buy you a good axe, the store manager hands you a Engraved Hand-Axe. You have 120$ left so spend wisely!

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Well, you do have a busy life, what with keeping tabs on wild, rough-and-tumble forum members while sorting out the drama between your twenty two inner lesbians.
Your drunk posts continue to baffle me.
Welcome to Reality.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RTBAFMCTDS Turn 1- Shopping Time!
« Reply #47 on: August 12, 2011, 05:19:43 pm »

Ian smiled at his new bullets, and sung under his breath to the tune of Big Iron.

"In the village of Abhainn, another body was found, on the outskirts of the towwwn. Ripped apart, nothing much leeeeeft. No-one dared to ask, no-one dared to notice, but a silent little boy stood over the boooddy..."

He stopped and looked at his locket, examining her static face for two minutes. Then he headed into a alleyway and looked around for a crack dealer. He had a good plan. Anytime someone decided not to play by his rules, he'd drug them in his sleep. Ian would get the most potent crack fifty dollars could buy. He would say he would get more crack of this kind if the person would just tell him exactly what he wants to know. This was a good tactic, and this worked fairly well. Morally repugnant, but he who fights monsters. At least he wasn't a monster.

He smiled, and looked at Scanger-y  as he could.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RTBAFMCTDS Turn 1- Shopping Time!
« Reply #48 on: August 12, 2011, 05:32:38 pm »

As Kili left the Weaponsmithy quickly, on instinct, she saw an odd thing.

A man on a ladder was hanging a new Inn Sign three doors down-when a cat chasing a dog ran past, bumping the ladder, and sending him asprawl. The sign flew out of his hands, and landed on a horse that was pushing a carriage down the street at that moment. The Horse reared and bolted, snapping the chains bolting it to the carriage, and it's rider quickly lost control. It careened toward the Weaponsmithy, stopping short as the dog and cat ran in front of it again, propelling the rider in question through the Smithys front window. Kili shook her head.

The owner came out, waving his hands melodramatically.
"What in the Nine Hells! That window cost me 200 Gold!"

She walked away quickly...

Action: Go the local bar and scrounge for rumors of monsters lurking about.
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RTBAFMCTDS Turn 1- Shopping Time!
« Reply #49 on: August 12, 2011, 05:47:07 pm »

Oh I cant contain myself. Buy EVERYTHING.
Raggle Fraggle


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RTBAFMCTDS Turn 1- Shopping Time!
« Reply #50 on: August 12, 2011, 05:59:02 pm »

Frowning at the prices, Conchobar decided that it was worth it to spend his money on the two tomes. Not bothering to thank the shop keeper for the overpriced books, he decided to wander around town for a while. He began asking people he passed if there had been mysterious disappearances or anything out of the ordinary.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RTBAFMCTDS Turn 1- Shopping Time!
« Reply #51 on: August 12, 2011, 07:05:30 pm »

((Got a little question: Do our characters start out knowing each other or...?))

Zatarch smiled at his new axe happily. An axe and a hammer, now he just needed a spear to throw, and it would be just like old times... except in a large city, new monsters, new companions, and... odd shoes.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

"I suppose I'll have to call you... Lil' ol' Axxy? Cutty? Choppy? Erm... Axey, yes that's it."

Zatarch nodded contently at his decision, and paced forward once more. He seemed to be on a particularly interesting street, full of establishments like he was just in, full of all manner of hiking equipment, sports equipment, and hardware equipment. Gazing through the window of one store, he noticed some large wooden sticks. 2x4's, weren't they called? Zatarch was not sure how you could make a brand, or named form of stick when it was just... a stick, but he shrugged and went inside. It seemed to be quite a marital place, cold tile floors, flat, blank walls, shelves in orderly rows. A few people in blue shirts scrambled around quickly, carrying boxes of all shapes and sizes... unless said boxes were too heavy to carry, which a decent bit were, he noticed.

Zatarch strode through the shelves, scanning for useful items. Some contents were quite interesting, he noted. Kneeling down, Zatarch started checking the prices of some things...

Check the prices of 2x4s, nails, and general wooden and metal items that could be used for creating/crafting something. If they are too expensive (over 55), leave the store and look around for a warehouse or scrapyard or such.

Anyways, what kind of universe do you think this is set in? For me, personally, it is a not-too-modernized steampunk-like universe. I kind of feel like I am cramping all of your styles since I am a bit more modern than everyone else :P

Electrum, pedophilia, and necrophilia at the same time!?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RTBAFMCTDS Turn 1- Shopping Time!
« Reply #52 on: August 12, 2011, 07:09:00 pm »

Actually, this is based off a little forum game you probably haven't heard of called Anything Can Happen. The second one, to be precise. The first one was a post-apocalyptic job, the second was "the year 2010/11 with supernatural creatures with no masquerade". It's not a steampunk one.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RTBAFMCTDS Turn 1- Shopping Time!
« Reply #53 on: August 12, 2011, 07:11:51 pm »

Actually, this is based off a little forum game you probably haven't heard of called Anything Can Happen. The second one, to be precise. The first one was a post-apocalyptic job, the second was "the year 2010/11 with supernatural creatures with no masquerade". It's not a steampunk one.
Ah, that makes sense. Do mutated creatures count as supernatural creatures? Because I'd assume there would be some mutated ones in an apocalypse, unless it was a radiation-less apocalypse, which CAN happen. So a mingling of old-world technology (which is fairly common), fantasy items (swords, general medieval I suppose), and magical items? 
Electrum, pedophilia, and necrophilia at the same time!?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RTBAFMCTDS Turn 1- Shopping Time!
« Reply #54 on: August 12, 2011, 07:14:27 pm »

Actually, I think this is based off the second one. The first one is pretty good, though.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RTBAFMCTDS Turn 1- Shopping Time!
« Reply #55 on: August 12, 2011, 07:15:50 pm »

Imagine the current day technology, plus magic stuff. Thats the setting, I should have made that more clear.
Well, you do have a busy life, what with keeping tabs on wild, rough-and-tumble forum members while sorting out the drama between your twenty two inner lesbians.
Your drunk posts continue to baffle me.
Welcome to Reality.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RTBAFMCTDS Turn 1- Shopping Time!
« Reply #56 on: August 12, 2011, 07:21:42 pm »

Oh, I see. I read:
"The first one was a post-apocalyptic job, the second was "the year 2010/11 with supernatural creatures with no masquerade".
"A post-apocalyptic job in 2010/11 with supernatural creatures with no masquerade."
Electrum, pedophilia, and necrophilia at the same time!?


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Re: RTBAFMCTDS Turn 1- Shopping Time!
« Reply #57 on: August 12, 2011, 07:25:48 pm »

My buckler can still block bullets, right? I was totally unaware we could just get machineguns and rocket launchers.
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RTBAFMCTDS Turn 1- Shopping Time!
« Reply #58 on: August 12, 2011, 07:30:58 pm »

My buckler can still block bullets, right? I was totally unaware we could just get machineguns and rocket launchers.
Yes, all weapons are equal in this setting. Because of magic and shit.
Well, you do have a busy life, what with keeping tabs on wild, rough-and-tumble forum members while sorting out the drama between your twenty two inner lesbians.
Your drunk posts continue to baffle me.
Welcome to Reality.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RTBAFMCTDS Turn 1- Shopping Time!
« Reply #59 on: August 12, 2011, 07:51:48 pm »

Name: Alfonz Elric
Profession: Alchemist
Bio: Alfonz grew up in a small mountain village cut off from most of society by the many demons, and weaker monsters that roamed the mountainside. This vast amount of moster prescence drew mercenaries, mages, and many other colorful figures to the village looking for money, and all of them came there specifically for that reason except for one man an alchemist by the name of Jack Harold he came to the town, because it was where he was born, and when he saw the problems that plaqued the village he decided to help them, and began teaching five kids to fight these monsters using the poweful skill of alchemy.

Alfonz became his pupil, because his parents were killed by several monsters when they came to this village to sell some of their goods. From the age of five to sixteen he, and four others were taught alchemy, thrown out into the wilderness to face monsters, and sent on dangerous missions all for the sake of the village, and as each of the pupils came of age until the last one left, Alfonz himself, they continued to fight those monsters, but when Alfonz turned eighteen he had to leave the village for all the monsters were gone, and he needed work that is how he found his way here.

Hierloom Item: A Silver Vial filled with pure water
« Last Edit: August 12, 2011, 08:02:49 pm by adwarf »
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