299: Profit!
284. To get assistance from CandleJa--, a certain someone, to kidnap a target for you by tricking them to speak his name is frowned upon.
285. You cannot tame an elder god by acting cute.
286. You're not allowed to go into a pub or inn and setup an RPG board and get other (N)PCs to join in the game
287. Switching MREs with dog food is in bad taste.
288. The solution to breaching an impenetrable fortress is NOT "More thermite".
288a. Dropping blocks of dry ice into the molten thermite pool, although effective, is not a good idea in clearing out a field of mooks.
289. It's far too impractical to build a chaingun that has barrels that are chainguns with barrels that are also chainguns.
289a. Even if you have the engineering skill to do so. No.
290. Playing the Sonic drowning music during an underwater mission is uncalled for.
291. Even if you have enough points invested in bluff, you can't beat a psychic at their own game unless you have the same powers.
292. If playing a campaign based in Oz, no playing Pink Floyd; especially the "Dark Side of the Moon" album.
292a. That's regardless if it's Wizard of Oz, or the maximum security prison Oz.
292b. No, no Ozzy Osbourne either.
293. Cherry tapping is not for team games. It'll take too long to win.
294. Tossing Jell-O into a hot spring will immediately get local residents pissed off.
294a. Casting cold spells on top to condense it quicker will only get them even angrier.
294aa. Charging them for the now food, that's going over the line.
294b. Same especially goes for pure sodium or potassium.
294c. Throwing electrical equipment, or casting lightning, into one is not a nice way to rack up kills. Especially if they're local town NPCs.
294d. Taking pictures and holding them up for ransom on town NPCs or fellow PCs is not how to get money quick.
294e. Taking residents' clothing while they're bathing and selling them is a mean way to turn a profit while humiliating the townies.
295. Enchanting a plant to petrify someone doesn't allow me to consider my target as "Getting stoned".
295a. Calling them Marlboros is copyright or trademark infringement to both the tobacco company and Square-Enix.
295aa. And yes, calling out that they can give you bad breath is cutting it too close.
296. It is improper to turn my redshirt army into chickens, and use the herbs and spices on hand to start a fast food franchise.
296a. Especially if my ranking is "Colonel" and my character name also happens to be "Sanders".
296b. Holding up cock fights with said transformed redshirts is not only illegal, but also a crime against humanity.
296c. Said redshirt chickens do not get a bonus against Saurians (Big lizards; T-Rex).
297. If we end up in a location riddled with corpses done by the big bad, I'm not allowed to reanimate them to creep the hell out of the big bad.
297a. Furthermore, use them as meat shields when fighting the big bad.
298. When hacking into a computer or broadcast array, I'm not allowed to re-enact "The Outer Limits" intro.
299. Combining any of these (however long the list goes) elements is not a profitable way of doing business.
304. I'm not allowed to follow up the descriptions or names of my obviously superior equipment with "Very Expensive".
304a. Especially if my character happens to be named "Mr. Dink".
305. The "Animal Friend" perk doesn't allow me to communicate with animals on equal level like in the show "Wilfred".
305a. Seeing them as people wearing animal costumes only makes it worse for those that haven't watched the show.
305b. Furthermore, it doesn't permit me to get recreationally stoned, high, or drunk with said animal, and hold oddball conversations.
305c. Even if allowed, other characters will still see them as animals, unless they have the same perk/trait.