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Author Topic: Your favorite type of military?  (Read 2310 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Your favorite type of military?
« on: August 09, 2011, 12:52:21 am »

I wanna know what types of military you guys use to defend your forts.  Never mind traps, fortifications, or magma superweapons, I just wanna know what type of soldiers you use, up to what level you train them, their weapons and armor, etc.  Do you have any particular theme for your military, or is it just generic?   Do you use war animals?  I have not actually ever set up a military in fortress mode ( never reached that point ) and I wanna get some ideas. 
NRDL will roll a die and decide how sadistic and insane he's feeling well you do.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Your favorite type of military?
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2011, 01:06:00 am »

Marksdwarves are amazing. They eat ammo faster than a machine gun but you have a steady stream they make short work of just about anything... that is if they don't run right up to the baddy and start smacking him in the face with the xbow. Other than that I like swordsdwarves because they just all around good. Iron armor for melee dorfs and leather for ranged. I don't usually use war animals but if i do i try to make it something awesome (like badgers).
No, yep. That's what I meant too. I want to come out of the theater completely fucked up for weeks.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Your favorite type of military?
« Reply #2 on: August 09, 2011, 02:04:01 am »

combined arms, yo.  when i draft, i have "indv choice" for weapons on the default uniform.  this lets me snag anyone with melee skills, or train someone from the ground up.  if they have a skill, they get assigned a uniform with that weapon.  wrestlers get a whip.  unskilled dwarves get to keep picking their weapons till they have enough skill in one to specialize.

i train marksdwarves from hunters.  they make up the minority of my forces,  but they help.

the fortress guard has set weapons.  i think, all in all they have 3 silver warhammers, 2 training axes, 2 training spears, 2 training swords, and a artifact donkey bone sword.  they are trained from skill-less civilians.  the captain of the guard is the only permanent member of this squad.

i mass-recruited from years 5-10 of my fortress.  got up to 4 full melee squads (plus one squad fortress guard) and two full marksdwarf squads.  then came the goblin years of 8-10 of my fort's lifetime.  hundreds of goblins and about 80 dwarves were slain.

 one squad has existed since i furst set up the military.  now they are primarily made up of the survivors of the goblin years military, with two or three immigrant replacements.  they are all legendary, or close to it.  they have graduated from domestically produced copper and imported bronze and steel to being fully candy-clad.  those without addy weapons have artifacts.  this applies to all squads.  all blunt weapons are made out of silver.

then there is my second melee squad, mainly composed of the royal guard that immigrated with the king.  it's got three or four immigrant replacements.they also are clad in the blue metal of spoilers.they might have a few steel or bronze pieces mixed in.... the king arrived in the middle of me rearming everyone with candy.  some got attached to the gear they showed up in.  they are primarily legendary or close.

finnally, there is the third melee squad.  it is just now nearing completion.  it is led by one of the goblin years veterans, and is primarily made up of the children that have grown up in the fortress, as well as a few immigrants.  they have addy helms and breastplates, but steel and bronze elsewhere.  they are primarily legendary or close.

the marksdwarves have a full leather setup, save for the addy chain shirt and leggings.  they have had the highest mortality rate, their strength stands at half a squad.  they are primarily legendary or close.

melee squads minus the fortress guard have all members train 11 months out of the year.  no two squads have the same month off.

the fortress guard and the marksdwarves train year round, but only half of their members on any month.

each melee dwarf is capable of taking out an entire goblin squad by himself.  except marksgoblins and lashers.  i dont trust them to get too near them.  too often ranged weapons and whips will cut through even candy armor.  i let my marksdwarves feather them from a tower, or let them meet my traps.  it's taken twenty years to get this military, and i hate seeing such an investment bottom out by dumb luck.
Goblin Fortress (NOW UPDATED FOR 34.02!
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Your favorite type of military?
« Reply #3 on: August 09, 2011, 02:18:19 am »

I generally have a marksdwarf squad drawn from hunters and a melee squad or two made up of anyone with any pre-existing skills. I occasionally add in dwarves with no skills if they have a neat combo of attributes and preferences. If I see a dwarf who likes two handed swords and is very strong, quick to heal and tough then he/she is definitely joining the military.
Teenage Bearded Axelord Turtles
Teenage Bearded Axelord Turtles
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Re: Your favorite type of military?
« Reply #4 on: August 09, 2011, 02:36:03 am »

Everyone is military.  Everyone carries an axe, except the fortress guard carry crossbows.  Everyone trains 6 months of the year.  They will train until they die.
He he he.  Yeah, it almost looks done...  alas...  those who are in your teens, hold on until your twenties...  those in your twenties, your thirties...  others, cling to life as you are able...<P>It should be pretty fun though.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Your favorite type of military?
« Reply #5 on: August 09, 2011, 02:39:15 am »

Everyone is military.  Everyone carries an axe, except the fortress guard carry crossbows.  Everyone trains 6 months of the year.  They will train until they die.

So, essentially, you just went "300" on your fort?  Awesome
NRDL will roll a die and decide how sadistic and insane he's feeling well you do.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Your favorite type of military?
« Reply #6 on: August 09, 2011, 03:26:29 am »

A great way to run the military must be to have a lot of hunters on a biome with prey. Then just draft them. Not only are they productive off-duty, but they can be training their main offensive skill both off and on duty.
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Sentry towers, manned by orang-utangs./quote]


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Your favorite type of military?
« Reply #7 on: August 09, 2011, 03:26:45 am »

I have 5 squads of soldiers, 4 melee and 1 ranged/hunters. (And then a lot of "militia")

I started out with the "miner's guild" (7 dwarfs, 7 picks and enough food and beverage to last till migrants arrive.)

They were drafted into my first squad, later I added 3 additional miners to make a full squad, they train 6 months a year, everyone is "almost indestructible and very agile", medium/good in all mil. skills. My COG wields a artefact silver maul and the others are using regular mauls that I traded or got from attacks. And full masterwork steel armour and ... candy cloaks.

They're the last list of defence,

After that there is the swordmaster's squad, atm 5 master swordsman with full masterwork steel armour and steel short swords+shield.

They are my "finest", legendary in almost everything, all selected from the best of the migrants and all of them are strong, agile, resistant to disease and quick to heal. 

Together they've killed almost 25 mega beasts.(Out of 27)

Then another squad with steel armoured axedwarfs, medium/good skills.
And another steel armoured squad hammer/speardwarfs.  good skills.

And some marksdwarfs in steel armour (yeah, FULL STEEL ARMOURED MARKSDWARFS!), they're legendary marksdwarfs and good in the other skills. (Using mostly masterwork bone bolts.)

And then ... my militia. My fort contains 99 dwarfs atm. Except for my nobles and administrators, one extra miner/mason, a wood cutter/carpenter and my stonecrafter + 3 farmers(and some doctors and haulers), everyone else is in the militia.

Basic armour and whatever weapon you can find is the motto, most are slightly above novice in terms of skills as they only do training in their free time.

Sorry for long post.

« Last Edit: August 09, 2011, 03:28:48 am by Vonyx »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Your favorite type of military?
« Reply #8 on: August 09, 2011, 06:21:51 am »

Stick the melee soldiers into some almost harmless pit of creatures, give them wooden weapons (crossbows for hammers). After they get to some decent level (or better, depending on the time and resources), they come out to get a masterwork weapon for being an actual soldier. Melee usually uses swords/axes/spears, and basically I throw hammer to the newbs who barely got to adequate on the training, and hope they do well (from this, I have 2 dead hammerdwarves, and one with the second highest killcount in the military).

Marksmen come later when armor is reasonably sorted out, usually get a light buckler and some crossbow. Normally bone bolts, since the axe/swords sent little fragments flying everywhere, which can be used to carve bolts.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Your favorite type of military?
« Reply #9 on: August 09, 2011, 07:16:19 am »

moki likes silver war hammers for their ability to fling goblins into trees and walls and the squishy sound they make ;)

I usually just provide a big mixed weapon stockpile and let the soldiers chose whatever they like. The squads usually consist of 40% hammers, 40% axes and  20% mixed other. Surprisingly, the most badass soldier so far has been a speardwarf. She just ran into part of a siege (30 goblins, trolls and ogres) and massacred them without taking a scratch. Spear through the brain, twist it out, find the next enemy and repeat.

When I have 2 squads (15-20 dwarves) with melee weapons, I start on crossbows. They first get some regular training as hammerdwarves so they have a good chance of beating the crap out of monsters even if they're out of bolts. And then there's shooting at capured live targets until they're at least adept crossbowdwarves before they're allowed onto the walls. They're the elite of my military and usually kill half of the sieges before they even reach the entrances. I only wish, they'd actually hit vital parts instead of using at least 20 bolts per elf. According to the combat reports, most enemies look like pincushions before they drop. One had 8 bolts stuck in him and just walked on, only vomiting from time to time...  :o
But my good sir, the second death was for Dwarven Science!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Your favorite type of military?
« Reply #10 on: August 09, 2011, 09:02:02 am »

Marksdwarves are the best.

I had a fort with 15 mixed melee dwarfs (wearing leather armour - didn't afford proper armour) and 5 marksdwarves.

First siege killed the melee dwarves (including one who had previously killed a dragon), but 3 marksdorfs took down the entire enemy army.
When life gives you kittens, make biscuits

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Your favorite type of military?
« Reply #11 on: August 09, 2011, 09:52:42 am »

I have a war animal (mostly dogs) army that is backed up by 10-20 melee dwarves and a squad of marksdwarves. So far it works out okay, but I have only been attacked by goblin snatchers and abnormally large groups of cavern creatures, so I don't know how well it would work against a siege or ambush...

Thank you everyone for the help! I've since flooded the fortress I was working on and now have a new one going up.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Your favorite type of military?
« Reply #12 on: August 09, 2011, 10:05:52 am »

A snowball has a better chance of living out to retirement in hell than dogs have against a goblin ambush. It's not funny how quickly they get slaughtered. Dogs being butchered wouldn't be too much of a problem if they'd cause any casualties but a dog won't even manage to wound any armoured goblin. Hell, war bears wouldn't do much better IIRC.
Teenage Bearded Axelord Turtles
Teenage Bearded Axelord Turtles
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Your favorite type of military?
« Reply #13 on: August 09, 2011, 10:10:46 am »

A snowball has a better chance of living out to retirement in hell than dogs have against a goblin ambush. It's not funny how quickly they get slaughtered. Dogs being butchered wouldn't be too much of a problem if they'd cause any casualties but a dog won't even manage to wound any armoured goblin. Hell, war bears wouldn't do much better IIRC.

*dog grabs onto goblin, preventing dodging*

*sworddward murders goblin*

I don't expect the war animals to be good as a lone attacking force. they are a support weapon, not a soldier.
Thank you everyone for the help! I've since flooded the fortress I was working on and now have a new one going up.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Your favorite type of military?
« Reply #14 on: August 09, 2011, 10:12:28 am »

A snowball has a better chance of living out to retirement in hell than dogs have against a goblin ambush. It's not funny how quickly they get slaughtered. Dogs being butchered wouldn't be too much of a problem if they'd cause any casualties but a dog won't even manage to wound any armoured goblin. Hell, war bears wouldn't do much better IIRC.

*dog grabs onto goblin, preventing dodging*

*sworddward murders goblin*

I don't expect the war animals to be good as a lone attacking force. they are a support weapon, not a soldier.

beat me to the punch.  yea, that's the purpose of war dogs, preventing enemy dodge.  also a good reason to keep speardwarves around.
Goblin Fortress (NOW UPDATED FOR 34.02!
magma on his bed when he is sleeping, works every time
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