The situation is this; I have a fort on some fabulously flat land. There is a brook running through the land.
I dislike brooks. They're not proper rivers and the fact you can cross them easily and build on them sits ill with me. So I did the only logical thing and started channeling inside the brook, to turn it into a proper body of water. Unfortunately, I did so in a very stupid manner. There was a cave-in (yes, in the brook. The upper level crashed into the lower level), which resulted in my legendary miner working at the spot to fall in, fall unconcious, wake up, swim in the wrong direction and drown. Tragic, not in the least because he'd just become my expedition leaders' lover.
Now, to do the decent thing I want to recover his now rotten and bloated ghastly corpse. (and the pickaxe) I do not know how to.
It is a standard brook with a channeled out part of 3 by 5. There are ramps all around, but unfortunately the corpse isn't lying on it. I have a deep ditch nearby (5 z-levels with the top-level being 2 squares wide, it goes all the way around the fort, except on the edge where the brook is. It's a work in progress). I had the luminous idea of simply flushing the corpse into my moat and then rig up some sort of drainage to let the water out but keep the corpse in and allowing acces to some dwarves to recover everything.
I placed a floodgate at a good spot, rigged it up, opened the brook and let the water flow. Unfortunately, the corpse wouldn't budge.
Does anyone have an idea for recovering the dearly departed or do I simply leave it there to rot and decay? I've placed a coffin and it is supposedly/symbolically his last resting place, but if the corpse isn't there, would it still count as a proper burial from the point of view of his friends and his lover?
My apologies if I've put the thread in the wrong place (only board I've seriously lurked so far) and also my apologies for its length. Brevity goes out the window after midnight.