So, on this forum, I've seen people banning a lot of Psionics due to a lack of knowledge on the subject. Thus, as my first campaign, I'm thinking of developing a campaign with all sorts of non-core styles: Psionics(, probably some other stuff in XPH not there), Tome of Battle, Magic of Incarnum, Tome of Magic, Warlock from Complete Arcane, and the like. You can play a core class, but I'm certainly encouraging stuff like these new means of doing stuff. If you want to be a wizard, try out being a psion or truenamer instead. Instead of a paladin, why not try out a Crusader or Incarnate? I'll also be using
this this particular Truenamer fix; as mentioned on that thread, truenamers as written... suck.
If you want a particular class or race, just ask; assume the aforementioned stuff is in. If it isn't broken, I'll probably allow it; homebrew is perfectly okay (again, if it's reasonable). If you don't have Incarnum/ToB/ToM, feel free to shoot me a PM. Also, all of the maneuvers for ToB are on the free web enhancement
here; the warblade class is
Starting level will be 5; starting wealth will be 10,000 gp. Stats will be determined by 32 point buy. Attendance rules will be very lax; if you show up, it will be an assumed retcon into existence; you weren't at battle X (that you missed), but you were with the party since whenever in your backstory you want.
I don't have a schedule up and it probably wouldn't start for a while, but that's about it. If you have questions, feel free to ask on the thread or by PM.
For each ability, you start at 8. You then have a certain number (32 here) of "points" to spend. You can spend one point to raise an ability score to 9, two (total) points to raise it to 10, three for 11, and so on up to six points to raise to 14. After 14, you can spend eight (total) points to raise to 15, and ten for 16. Further, you can spend thirteen points to raise to 17 or sixteen points for 18.
You then apply racial ability adjustments. In the race's description, under "<Race>s as characters" or "<Race> traits" it will give some adjustments. For example, a dwarf (
here or
here) have a +2 to Constitution and a -2 to charisma. Unfortunately, due to the exclusions in the Open Game License, I can't post a description of how to create a character.
The first number is the desired ability score. The second number is the points required
8 0
9 1
10 2
11 3
12 4
13 5
14 6
15 8
16 10
17 13
18 16
Edit: When I get a more rigid schedule, I can probably do a series of intro sessions for psionics, incarnum, ToB, and the other systems.
-We will be using maptools. Build 76, because I'm lazy don't feel like having two installed.
-Leadership, rather than being a normal feat, is an incredibly complicated ten-level prestige class that you don't want to go through. Same goes for Natural Spell. And Item Familiars. And, probably, some other stuff.
-Dragonborn is a completely unique race. It resets your racial ability adjustments.
-Water Orcs don't get a +2 Constitution coming out of nowhere
-Munchkinry will result in me throwing the DMG at you over the internet.
In the city of Villageton, there is plenty of merchanting to be done. Some of this includes merchanting in other towns. So, with a promised reward of ten thousand gold (split among whoever is hired; and loot if bandits attack and are killed does not count for this ten thousand), and your characters being the first to sign up, adventure awaits! You will meet at the north gate with your employer, a dwarf bringing the metalcrafts of his clan to the town. You will travel north to the Cold Mountains, where your employer brings his wares to the legendary Fort Citadel. The first stop will be the village of Empire, a two week ride north by northwest, from where the legendary Emperor King singlehandedly captured half the continent before succumbing to the common cold; his son, the now-Emperor Prince, was a bumbling fool who lost all of it but the village that now bears the name Empire. ((Free Knowledge checks, away! Actually, the Dwarf has an archaologist (Idaho Bones) with him who has lots of knowledge ranks))