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Author Topic: WeatheredCastle: A noobish attempt at a succession fort ((Looking for peeps))  (Read 12678 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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It would be your turn, we just have to wait for V-Norrec to update the first post. I reckon you can go ahead and start now so that the next turn can start quicker, if anyone else want to show up.

I barely did anything other than building the two jeweler workshops and let an artifact happen by itself. I pretty much spent my time just looking at the entire fortress, understanding where things are and only understood half of what all the dwarves are up to. I haven't even dabbled much into military in my own game, or else I'd try to secure the adamantite dig from the cavern nasties. Good luck!


  • Bay Watcher
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I pretty much spent my time just looking at the entire fortress, understanding where things are and only understood half of what all the dwarves are up to.

Sounds like a typical DF game to me.
I regret to inform the community that the mass murder of puppies does not create a viable clock.
I don't know if you need other ideas when you have magma.


  • Bay Watcher
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Is it? Ah damn, and I thought I had a long way to go.

I still haven't touched much on military or the whole noble system anyway. I gotta work on a military in my own fort soon. I only countered the last siege that came by locking down the entire fort.


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Without further ado, the first Spring with Masihaz Bomreklaven as fortress overseer.

---   ---   ---
Spring of 559 - On defenses, grandiosity, and child labor
---   ---   ---
24th Granite
The day is mine!

Though we've seen some rough times and some fine times 'round here at Edolrimtar, I was a bit nervous when they passed off the reins of overseer to a green dwarf. I mean that in both senses of the word. She was a novice and a farmer. Fortunately, she was even more nervous than I and requested someone take the helm lest tragedy befall the fortress under her watch.

It never stopped any of the other leaders, but I admire her thoughtfulness.

She handed over the piles upon stacks of notes and journals kept by the previous overseers and bid me the best. Despite how self-sufficient I imagine myself to be, I must admit I pored over their writings to learn what I could of my new job. Before today my life had been quite simple: make a few pots, chop a few greenskins. But I have plans to continue the glory of the fortress!

25th Granite
I was delighted to find one of the previous overseers had left us with a plentiful supply of steel. I took a circuitous route down to the forges to inspect the state of affairs before ordering some equipment for the military. However, along the way I realized how little I knew of this fortress before. The only places I ever truly spent time were my room, the barracks, the workshop, and the booze stockpile. And here were some new sights.

First thing to note was the throne room.

Quite magnificent but it could use some appointing. Those supports holding a lethal amount of weight above the throne itself look a little wobbly, though I can't see any harm coming of it.

I next visited the catacombs...

By the gods, so many fallen beards! I had no idea the scope of the losses we had taken in our history, but at this rate we'll lay to rest the whole dwarven race! I need to make sure we're prepared for any possible threat so that I won't have to bury more dwarves.

Finally I made it to the forge area.

Ah, now this was what I wanted to see. Order and productivity! Having beforehand taken note of the stocks from our bookkeeper, a dwarf by the name of Khenal, I requested a set of steel spears and breastplates be forged. Only the latest technology for keeping our army armed and safe. The smiths, trained and well-organized, quickly set about fulfilling the order. Glorious.

I left all the other tasks in the forge complex to run their course.

28th Granite
The migrant wave that arrived under the most recent seer's watch had begun to clamor for rooms.  I wanted to tell them to go sleep in the magma sea but I ever so kindly accommodated their request since we had empty quarters all over the main living floor.

Further, I established a cloth and leatherworking industry according to the notes of a previous overseer. He was certainly fond of industry but I think I'm one to prefer drink instead.

1st Slate
I've decided that we need more in the way of defenses, particularly those that keep dwarves out of harm's way. I've drawn up some plans for the construction of battlements near the fortress entrance and have ordered the creation of a barracks near the surface where marksdwarves can train.

Children were assigned to do most of the labor. I'm told that their frail little bodies can scamper over narrow ledges without a HUGE risk of falling. It's unsettling but they say it's just the way things are done around here. I'm not one to argue with results.

3rd Slate
More young blood for Armok (and cheap labor).

10th Slate
I find that as more time passes, I have more to do and less to write about. Expect these entries to stay relatively brief. Work on the battlements has been progressing a bit slowly. So much bureaucracy to this fortress it's driving me down a chasm.

16th Slate
I found that progress on the battlements moved at a much more favorable rate after assigned the entire newest wave of migrants to masonry duty. They're no children, but they'll have to do.

Here's how it's coming along so far.

On an even brighter note the archery squad and barracks
are prepared and training can begin. This squad will have the secondary but no less important duty of law enforcement because of some archaic bylaw requiring no more than five squads be formed and not wanting to scramble the current assignments. Here's a look at the training range.

And the squad itself (hopefully we get a few more immigrant archers).

24th Slate
Work continues on the battlements. It seems like such a small thing to focus so intently on but I feel like I'm laying the groundwork for something grander. Speaking of grand, I think the craftsdwarves took what I said to heart about appointing the throne room. It's starting to look pretty classy in there.

Meanwhile the forges have been quite productive, continuing to build up our stockpiles of essential armor and weaponry. This will bring our military to the pinnacle of dwarven technology, but before they can do that I must make sure they have been instructed properly and the proper forms are completed. Oh the bureaucracy.

1st Felsite
The military needed to be instructed on the proper layering of their uniforms to maximize their safety, but other than that it was easy to get them on board with the new tech. As my old Grandpappy Urist Mcwise used to say "Clothes are tricky business for us dwarves." My old Grandpappy was always right.

7th Felsite
The defense project is coming together well and is looking to run perfectly along with the end of the season.

In other news I've ordered some gold mining operations down near the magma sea. Apparently, whoever is decorating the throne room loves gold quite a bit because they've been burning through a lot of it.

11th Felsite
By the gods, the royal chamber is a mite more magnificent than when I arrived! Although, I'm not sure why they set up a zoo. Maybe someone had always wanted one but the previous overseers would never allow it. I'm not sure what I think of it, except maybe that it's a bit pathetic but as long as the animals don't bother anybody...

The entire zoo consist of two dogs and a bloody giant badger? I hope that cage holds tight... Oh, and as for the last empty room, I've heard talk of installing a fountain. I have no idea if we have the resources to put that one together.

20th Felsite

Tree folk! I've never taken kindly to the frolicky bastards but as an overseer I'll wait until I've seen what they've brought until I pass judgement upon them.

21st Felsite

Bah, the only thing the elves have brought are sticks, food, and the rain. At best we'll make a trade of some exotic seeds for a few junky pieces of stone jewelery. By the gods, what blockheads!

28th Felsite
The final construction report before Spring's end:

And the immediate plans for finishing the project:

We're almost there. I expect us to be done with it in the first days of summer and then we can devote our time to other ventures. I have a very particular venture in mind. It may be dangerous but it will certainly be rewarding. We better hope the military is prepared for it.

---   ---   ---

So this is my first attempt at running a succession fortress but I hope you guys are enjoying it so far. It was a slow and steady season with not a lot of goings-on but I kept the dwarves busy at least. I already have more daring goals planned as my reign progresses and that's assuming we don't get attacked in the meantime so sit tight for that. Lastly, I want to say this overseer business takes up quite a bit of time but it's a lot of fun.
« Last Edit: October 14, 2011, 08:00:36 pm by Masihaz »


  • Bay Watcher
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Good job.

How is the squad of Hammerdwarves doing?
I regret to inform the community that the mass murder of puppies does not create a viable clock.
I don't know if you need other ideas when you have magma.


  • Bay Watcher
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They were doing quite well. They busily trained away in their lavish quarters for most of the season and I left their furniture alone when decorating the throne room. Us military dwarves need to look out for each other, no?  ;)

I updated the uniforms for the entire military so now they should be wearing copper mail shirts and leather under their steel armor. I'm probably going to make good use of them later in my turn.


  • Bay Watcher
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I dorfed Zuglar Edember, the Hammerdwarves squad leader; which is why they were given such lavish digs.

Awesome news on the uniforms. BTW, I believe that the mail (and leather) shirt are the only things protecting the upper arms. Something I didn't realize until the last week or so.
I regret to inform the community that the mass murder of puppies does not create a viable clock.
I don't know if you need other ideas when you have magma.


  • Bay Watcher
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Sorry about the lack of an update, I worked a double-shift yesterday.  I'll update now.


  • Bay Watcher
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Apologies for the delay, but I've been terribly busy with midterms this week. If all goes according to plan, I'll have a update or two ready for you guys tonight or sometime tomorrow. In the meantime, thanks for any patience you can afford.


  • Bay Watcher
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By the gods, so many fallen beards! I had no idea the scope of the losses we had taken in our history, but at this rate we'll lay to rest the whole dwarven race! I need to make sure we're prepared for any possible threat so that I won't have to bury more dwarves.

Nothing can prepare you for the evil that is a TANTRUM SPIRAL *Breaks chair*
To quote one of Battlefailed's overseers: "My god, this was a terrible idea." The cow moose is stomping the shit out of Atir, and now Dyg's trying to give him water in the middle of fucking combat!


  • Bay Watcher
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Nothing can prepare you for the evil that is a TANTRUM SPIRAL *Breaks chair*

That was one of my BEST CHAIRS! *throws stein*


  • Bay Watcher
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Stein is my friend. Swings pick.
I regret to inform the community that the mass murder of puppies does not create a viable clock.
I don't know if you need other ideas when you have magma.


  • Bay Watcher
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Baron mandates against the export of Toys.  *flips table when toys are still exported*


  • Bay Watcher
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    • The Art of Amul



  • Bay Watcher
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That table was one of Bleaktea's masterpieces!

To the brig with you! Don't worry though, Baron, you'll find your cell more than befitting for one of your noble stature. Just look at the chain that we're tying you to:

Just to let you all know I'm not dead and still working on my turn. Between a semester project that carried over well into the weekend (spend 16 hours on it this weekend) and a crash that made me lose a month of progress, it's taking a bit longer than hoped.

But since no one is waiting to go behind me I still plan to get it done as soon as I can, but if someone wants to take a turn and/or it's taking me way to long, I'll cut my year short and post the save.

« Last Edit: October 17, 2011, 11:28:48 am by Masihaz »
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