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Is Knifemurders really that horrific and terrifying?

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Total Members Voted: 9

Voting closed: August 12, 2011, 08:58:21 am

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Author Topic: Calling all dwarven engineering madmen/geniuses (Building a BIG water reactor)  (Read 18412 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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4, plus 5 on the top level. I was restricted to a certain size due to the layout of my fort. Don't judge me!  :'(

Eventually i'll be making an improvement on it by adding a cistern at the very top that will hold a portion of the water it uses. These things take a lot of power just to get running, so i'm hoping that opening strategic hatches that let the water fall down into the 3rd level will turn enough waterwheels to kick-start it. This way i'd be able to turn it on with a single lever-pull without relying on already active reactors eating my FPS. That's the easy part, the tricky part will be reseting it with as few lever-pulls as I can get away with.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2011, 10:11:27 pm by BloodBeard »


  • Bay Watcher
  • King of the HFS & only man to win v0.31.25
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all you need is a single lever tied to the gear connecting the bottom row to the screw pumps.  Cut that and you have no pumps.  No pumps = no circulation.


  • Bay Watcher
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Hmm? I'm talking about giving the pumps the initial power they need to turn on.


  • Bay Watcher
  • King of the HFS & only man to win v0.31.25
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Oh, i thought you meant about killing the power.  I'm going to fuel mine via the pumpstack hooked up to fully-pressurized flow from the reservoir.  Should knock enough water about to start it off.

Eric Blank

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Re: Calling all dwarven engineering madmen/geniuses
« Reply #49 on: August 09, 2011, 10:47:32 pm »

Beginning to suspect the game itself fears Big Udib being completed....>.>

As do we all...

Some more superstitious folk may even believe that upon final completion, and when all devices linked to it are run at once, a great schism will tear through all the worlds of all the DF players. Adamantine spires will hurl themselves up into the sky on every embark, through the dining halls of course, and from the tops will spew forth hordes of unholy monsters and their undead cohorts. Volcanoes will erupt, even with secondary flows where the ground itself splits and dwarves plummet to a fiery doom. From the depths beneath the deepest pits of hell will come all the great champions of past games: Cacame and all the mighty warriors he leads, Tholtig Cryptbrain to terrorize the demon hordes, Morul, the most interesting dwarf in the multiverse to distract them for weeks on end and buy time for one lucky player to survive the invasion...
In the end the many hundreds of ancient champions must win, but their numbers are too small and spread too thinly, and many fortresses will crumble to a horrific end...

Good luck with that...
I can only hope my fortress will survive somehow.

I'd like to see the current save, by the way.
I make Spellcrafts!
I have no idea where anything is. I have no idea what anything does. This is not merely a madhouse designed by a madman, but a madhouse designed by many madmen, each with an intense hatred for the previous madman's unique flavour of madness.


  • Bay Watcher
  • King of the HFS & only man to win v0.31.25
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Sure.  I'll upload it in a moment.  Currently boarding over a bit of Layer 3 to cover the gap between the pumps and the completed wheels on Level 2 so i can save, test it and reload without have to take the time to remove the test floor.

Here's the latest save.  You'll have a quick bit of management work to do on the primary reactor before you can play with anything.  I put the necessary instructions in the file description.

edit - I just discovered half the pumpstack is infested with trees and shrubs due to a previous flooding accident.  Such a shame magma cant melt trees down :S.

Oh, and i decided on what to call this beast.  It shall be known as (because it sounds a little better);

Big Udib; The Trussed Machine of Chaos!
« Last Edit: August 10, 2011, 01:50:10 am by ThatAussieGuy »


  • Bay Watcher
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So.  I tested it.  It WORKED.  For a moment, anyway.  I know what i got wrong.  Oh, and for the brief spark that it worked, it hit 13k uristWatts.  Pretty sure that was with only a few of the wheels actually being turned by waterflow.  Only TWO racks of wheels left to build, along with a slight change in the third-layer design. 

If you would picture me with !!Science!! goggles and cackling laughter while I'm overseeing this, I would appreciate it.

edit - Almost done. Just a few more floorplates to go...
« Last Edit: August 10, 2011, 10:39:00 am by ThatAussieGuy »


  • Bay Watcher
  • King of the HFS & only man to win v0.31.25
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Ladies and Gentledwarves,

ThatAussieDwarf has created a masterpiece

Big Udib The Trussed Machine of Chaos Mk.I
This a Dwarven Water Reactor.  All craftsdwarfship is of the highest quality.  It is encircled with gears of various materials.  This object menaces with waterwheels of goblin cap, pine and cedar.  On the item is a set of instructions detailing it's activation; "Fill levels 1 and 3 to 7/7, then cut the water flow".  It menaces with a peak average output of 20k uristWatts and an average of 18kuW.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
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I don't think you uploaded the right file. It's not a region and is just a 16.6mb file of type 'File'.

I can't say for sure but i'm almost certain your problem is too much water. For my reactor I only fill up the bottom level to 7/7 water, any more and the water level gets too high in certain areas to turn waterwheels.

Eric Blank

  • Bay Watcher
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It's actually a little larger than the previous file, he just renamed the folder from region7 to Big Udib: etcetera con queso.

And yes, fiddling with the necessary water levels (or doing math, but that's boring!) is probably the next stage of developement. We need to know the absolute most efficient setup to run this.

Congratulations on the successful and apparently fairly uneventful completion of this project.
I make Spellcrafts!
I have no idea where anything is. I have no idea what anything does. This is not merely a madhouse designed by a madman, but a madhouse designed by many madmen, each with an intense hatred for the previous madman's unique flavour of madness.


  • Bay Watcher
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It's not a folder though, it's one file called Big Unib.


  • Bay Watcher
  • King of the HFS & only man to win v0.31.25
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Alas, it failed.  it's not pump round enough so it all ends up at the bottom after a few revolutions.  I'm gonna fix that by replacing the far upper row of waterwheels with a row of screwpumps and walls on level 3.  That way it should stay 7/7 across the board on row three and have enough pressure to circulate properly (and also make sure to close the water outlet into the damn thing early)

I'll redo the savegame so you guys can fiddle with it.

edit - Huh, cant get that damn savegame to work no matter what i do.  Oh well.  I'll upload the current one with the modifications underway and you can seal it off and give it a run if you want.
« Last Edit: August 10, 2011, 09:02:59 pm by ThatAussieGuy »


  • Bay Watcher
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I'm definately going to fiddle around with it, it's something I was planning to do on another throwaway fort anyways, but I just have one thing to say. Your fort scares me. Seriously. What the fuck did you do that resulted in a mass grave of dwarves with a thousand ghosts haunting you?


  • Bay Watcher
  • King of the HFS & only man to win v0.31.25
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First off, it's only 712. 

And well, first i lost half the fort in a tantrum spiral.  THAT was caused by a single elf killing three dwarves.  One tantrumming dwarf went into the dining hall and off that went till i was down from 120 to a population of 45-ish.  What else.... The occasional beserker killing 3-4 dwarves before i could stop him (that doesn't happen anymore, for obvious reasons), uh... Two other elf sieges that took about 25 dwarves each because the dumbasses kept going outside and i couldn't lock the doors or they WOULD be stuck outside.  So much for mercy.  if you go to F8 and just follow the channel down under that flooded stairs, you'll find 13 dwarf corpses that're pretty much unrecoverable (also an FB last i looked).  When i was first blocking a leak, they went one-by-one and slipped down the hole. Dumbasses.  There's also a dwarf corpse in the F3 well.  Guy somehow got swept down there.  I also lost about 4-5 on the pump stack construction from them walling themselves in.  They're probably ghosts as i recovered their bodies with magma.

The short answer though;  What DIDN'T I do?.

Also, the place is named Knifemurders.  Would you expect anything less?  Oh if you go to F3 and up a level, you'll see the new graveyard.  Keep filling it as the current graves there are filled.  All masons have standing order to keep the coffins coming.  The central tomb is for Udib Inkypanted, The Trussed Chaos of Machines.  He's earned it.  (Check out his kill list).  If you want to feel a little better about my hellish fortress, go to the artifact menu and look at the crundle bone door Rirasnazom.  It sums up Knifemurders well, i think.  (It's been made the front door up on F1.)
« Last Edit: August 10, 2011, 10:47:34 pm by ThatAussieGuy »


  • Bay Watcher
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I must commend you on sticking to you guns and riding that out. Though I would have to question your logic in saving a fort that looks like it was designed by 10 different people in a succession game. I don't know if a lot of peoples forts look like this and i've just become accustomed to my perfectly sculpted and preplanned forts but geez  :P. I bet I could give my current fort file to anyone and in 5 minutes would be able to run it like clockwork.

So I can see a lot of ways you can improve it, most notably the sides. There's an empty 1 tile strip on each side of where the water flows and there's not even waterwheels over them. Either the waterwheels need to be extended or the walls borded up because it will essentially waste water pressure. I'm just boarding them up, would take too long to shift the waterwheels.

I have faith that the original design can work so I halted your demolition and begun remodeling some other parts. Which lever is it again that lets the water in?
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