It's half-way done now with 11 of the 21 water wheels complete (set up a row on each level, go do something else and check it every now and then, then repeat) and i'd like to share the current idle power requirement for everyone's amusement; 3,462 uW. And that's with it half-built. I'll add pics or the save if anyone really wants them.
Oh and a special mention to Aban Kisstomes, a two-year-old girl who disconnected one of the construction walkways and was knocked off of Level 4 down to the bottom by the dust cloud. Her legs and hands are broken, her liver, pancreas AND heart are bruised, and so is the rest of her body. Taking all bets to see if she survives and learns a lesson about workplace safety! (Keep in mind there is a hospital quite close to the construction site. It's rather busy right now due to a lack of OHSA oversight.
+++++++Emergency modified update (as i didn't want to triple-post)++++++++++
The goddamn elves have gotten inside Knifemurders near Big Urist/Udib. Trained militiadwarves have been dispatched, but they'll take time to reach them. Clearly the pansy treehuggers are upset with the vast amounts of wood i've used in the waterwheels. Alas, due to a design flaw in some floodgates (not being magma-safe) and a lack of water in the primary reactor, i cannot magma them like a true dwarf. Udib's and his two Axelord mates are on their way with several lesser-awesome dwarves. For anyone playing with the save, they turn up around the start of Hematite, 256
+++++Emergency modified update 2 +++++++
The elves are dead. The Copper Relics slaughtered them all, elf and eagle. The Elven Spearmaster somehow got inside the upper town inside the mountain though (swear the doors were locked, really). I sent the Copper Relics to kill him, but ironically he got a pick in the head from some miner he managed to corner. Oh and now, to top it off, a FB with Deadly Dust has attacked my logging camp in Cavern 3 Udib took one look at the FB, slammed it against the wall and stabbed it in the head. Wasn't even a struggle. More elves have turned up again, though.
Beginning to suspect the game itself fears Big Udib being completed....>.>