Monster Hunter, but on the PC with mods. Pokemon Monster Hunter would be a thing, for one, and there would be a safeguard against the eventuality of servers shutting down (which always makes me super sad).
Servers shutting down is just a fact of life, and honestly, even though it makes the player base of that particular game sad, I imagine it makes gaming as a *whole* much healthier when games are allowed to die once they've served the purpose it originally set out to accomplish, or they've definitively NOT accomplished it and the company is putting it to rest.
I mean, sure, there's an sense of artistic loss to it, in that future generations will never know what it was like to play the game, I'd imagine however that that is merely the resulting consequence of games being a product of their time, and they served the needs of the people in that particular time, and there isn't a particular reason to ask more from them.
Overall, I think the gaming industry is in the middle of the biggest glut of game releases it'll ever see. The market for games is severely overcrowded, and more game releases are announced every day, and more game developers (sincere in their passion for design or not) are lining up to create more and more as the barrier to entry gets lower and lower. Moreover, games just have a very long 'trail', in that once created, most games simply persist forever, effectively not only competing with every game that already exists, but every game that will ever exist in the future. This isn't much of a problem with books and movies, but it's an increasingly big problem for games that require a substantially larger time investment on average, and some have no max playtime, they just can be played forever. The fact that 'some' games are allowed to die, while seemingly bad for consumers, I'd argue is instead good for them, since now it takes one more game out of the marketplace, and gives both the consumer and creator of games that much more breathing room and opportunity to explore.