I want a game in which you're a resistance group inside an occupied city, either during WWII or the modern day. Say, the German occupation of Warsaw. You have to inspire the citizens to rise up and figure out different ways to organize the resistance and communicate without getting caught, and eventually you have to steal the occupation's weapons and stage an uprising, fighting street to street with men, women, and children. (Some can do spy work or support roles. If you do use child soldiers, the enemy will be shocked and horrifed at first, giving your forces a slight advantage, but using child soldiers makes people much less content in the resistance, especially when they die). Every casualty affects the population's morale, and the population doesn't increase as the game goes on. You have to win with that civilian population, or lose. The occupying forces might do things to the population, or install spies so be careful.
The general population has 3 stats that affect how the act.
1. Morale- (%)willingness to fight and ability to fight at full efficiency. Goes down as casualties are taken and up as they are inflicted. 0% loses the game. Below 25% people leave the resistance and fight less efficiently. Above 50% increases combat efficiency and new recruitments happen. Above 75% provides even more combat bonuses and a significantly higher recruitment rate. At 90% begins one win condition*
2. Happiness (%)- self explanatory. Goes down with casualties, natural deaths, and public punishments/executions. More luxuries increases this. Lower happiness causes a negative modifier in combat. Slowly withers as the war goes on. Below 25% desperate individuals willing to join the resistance will swell the ranks, but all soldiers face combat penalties. Above 75% and the population becomes complacent and content with the occupation, slowing recruitment. 90%+ recruitment stops. At 100% you lose; the resistance gives up.
3. Livelihood (%)- represents food, clean water, health, living conditions. The lower it is, the more of the population dies of natural causes. Increases recruitment as desperate individuals flock to the resistance, but being malnourished makes for bad soldiers.
These are shared among the general population and the resistance. The occupation forces also have these, with some different effects.
1.Morale- soldiers may defect at lower levels in addition to combat penalties
2.Happiness- more likely to become spies at lower levels, fight less effectively at lower levels
3. Livelihood- if this drops too low, lowers morale, happiness, and combat ability. Some desperate soldiers may begin stealing from the population, decreasing their livelihood.
Secondary Stats(again %):(both pop. And occupation)
Hope: Represents long-term outlook for the victory of that side. The higher the hopes of the population, the higher the recruitment rate. Successful anti-occupation operations will make the population more hopeful, as will the news of the home country or its allies winning the war. If the occupation gets good news, their hope goes up. If hope reaches 0%, you have 2 weeks to raise it before the resistance surrenders
Infiltration: Represents how many spies of the other side(either resistance or occupation) are in the population. These spies will do a number of things, from sabotaging logistics or operations, stealing documents or items, creating infighting, framing loyal members as spies.
Combat: combat is squad turn-based or real-time, toggle able at the start of each operation. As the resistance, you rarely have the supplies or equipment available to the occupation, but you have the element of surprise and more flexible management. You choose most operations you undertake, whether it be raiding a military warehouse, a daring display of rebellion to raise the citizen's hopes, a stealthy operation to kill leadership, etc. You have a pool of characters referred to as "agents" deployed during or before these operations with different skills.
Rifles, shotguns, machine guns, sub machine guns, pistols, auto fire(affects all automatic weapons), demolitions (grenades and rockets, if you can find them), melee weapons
Support/Set-up: Trapper, lock-picking, nurse (retrieval and stabilization off of the battle field), doctor (treats serious wounds or injuries with the potential for long-term affects), sneaking, fortification (making cover, blockades, and other structures), sapper, vandalism(takes down propaganda/sets up your own)
Communication: not entirely sure what to do for this. Code, interrogation, distraction, etc. May come back to later.
Win Conditions:
1. Survive until your side wins the war. This can be difficult if the war drags on.
2. Liberate the city with the help of an ally. Requires that you set up lines of communication with, and coordinate with that army. As they begin the invasion of that city, the resistance must sabotage the occupiers and/or fight militarily for full control of every street.
3. Resistance seizes control through force of arms. Extremely unlikely. Only incredibly experienced and skillful players should even attempt. Requires 90% morale prepare.
Fail Conditions:
1. Citizenship becomes complacent-life under the occupation has become virtually the same as life without it.
2. Occupation defeats resistance.
3. Hope crushed (hope reaches 0%)
Note: unfinished but getting idea out there
Music: Metal soundtrack
If you win this song
https://g.co/kgs/TluWK plays during the credits.