Two related city builder ideas, both of which may be similar to things I've already said
1.) A combination of Tropico and SimCity Societies. The two games are already in many ways similar, but basically I want Tropico's paradigm of all buildings (including entertainment buildings, power plants, etc) actually requiring employees, things actually needing to be built, and multiple measures of citizen contentment/happiness to be combined with SimCity Societies' larger variety of buildings and possibly a more polished version of its societal values system.
2.) A combination of Tropico, SimCity Societies, and regular SimCity. Basically the same as the above, rxcept you have the alternate option of laying out zones as per the core SimCity series instead of placing the buildings directly. Buildings you place directly are co sidered government owned and require upkeep but you have a good deal of control over them (you can fire employees, reduce upkeep by lowering the quality of whatever they do, fiddle with other settings). Buildings that develop from zones are private, requiring no upkeep but offering less control and bring you less revenue; they generally perform whatever service they perform better than you can reliably afford to with govt. versions (in terms of those govt. buildings' upkeep settings) but never as good as you theoretically can if you set upkeep and quality to maximum.