I'd like a puzzle or strategy game like Lego World Builder. For those who don't know, Lego World Builder and it's sequel, World Builder 2, were flash games on the Lego website where you could control, disassemble, and build various Lego models made from a couple different kinds of parts. The parts were basically just blocks of different colors, some tires, and batteries, but it was cool how you could move a bunch of ducks into place and disassemble them over a pile of tires and use that to build a dumptruck.
Oh, and batteries were important, since you used up their power when a model moved or used it's special abilities, and the level of energy would transfer over to the models built with them, and the energy was drained when they took damage from enemies. The only way to recharge them was at stations that could recharge models that were of a certain type (like the Gas Station for land vehicles or the Robot Lab for robots) or using a Repairbot (which had it's only energy to deal with; I don't quite recall whether or not a pair of Repairbots could repair each other enough to actually create surplus energy). There was also the building that creates batteries on adjacent empty squares in World Builder 2, though that's only a viable energy strategy if you have enough Blueprints to build multiple copies of what you're using, since you had to disassemble a model to put in a new battery.
So anyway, the basic idea to take away from the game is the idea of having a basically finite pool of different kinds of resources that you use to build things, which you need to cannibalize from your units to accomplish goals (World Builder 2 somewhat changed this up with it's various buildings that could generate blocks in certain instances, but it still somewhat follows the basic idea). Also integral to the idea is the idea of energy, which is lost with action and is not regained just when something is destroyed, and so needs to be regained in other ways. There should also be some limit to what the player can build, maybe not necessarily the implementation of one-use blueprints, but something so that you can't just disassemble and reassemble however many times you want (I assume; I guess it's possible this could work out).
To take the idea further, it would be cool if the game wasn't limited to the puzzle idea and you had some freedom in the way you used things, like choosing what units you had available to build on a level or whatever and going to town building your setup. Probably combine this with a large map you need to explore with various resources spread throughout, and perhaps include some entropy with resources other than energy, maybe some of the material is lost when you take something apart.