A fps in which you do not have tunnel vision
I don't really think that's possible, given the design of current monitors. Plus, it sort of makes sense. When you're aiming a gun in real life, you focus straight down the sights, oblivious to whatever is around you.
I once mocked up a very basic 3D engine where I could make the display bring "inwards" the peripheral vision to fit onto the screen. i.e. middle was essentially rendering everything in 1:1 ratio (screen pixels vs "observable world pixels", in effect) but beyond some point (say the left- and right-most 10%) actually mapped its rendering to an increasingly greater horizontal angle than expected, in a gradual distortion, until the edge pixels of the screen actually represented say 80-degrees away from centre, in each direction. (Can't remember the exact proportion and distance, now, but I made it tunable anyway[1], and the above sounds about right to start with.)
It looked a bit weird, but you got used to it and it gave you the "out of the corner of your eye" effect that both standard and even widescreen ratio monitors fail to give you in current games, without going full letter-box for a peripheral-to-peripheral view (which also looks odd, anyway) across the full-width of the screen while necessarily letterboxing the height and wasting a lot of screen-space (assuming you don't overpack the HUD in the first place so that it's essentially unusable), or let it work like a fish-eye lens in the vertical direction as well, which is not so realistic.
Anyway, yes, straight lines significantly distort in this zone, obviously, but as I was working at the rendering engine level it didn't actually need very much more calculation to get a (non-antialiased) line drawn in this segment than without any such detail, and as shape-filling relied upon horizontal lines between line-segment bounding (that now just happen to be curved, by design) I can't see that this slowed the polygon process down either. Of course, it was old hardware and the code was all hand-carved (no calls to DirectX/whatever) in those days, so it was slow but probably not as wasteful of clock-cycles as modern renderers could be (ignoring hardware acceleration, of course. If it can handle such non-linear mapping) in the pursuit of a similar effect.
[1] Technically, I could even have mapped a 360-degree view linearly (or otherwise[2]) across the screen. Even >360 degrees, if you didn't mind wasting vertical pixel-columns on displaying some/all the view twice, or more, but thinner. Still, was interesting, and gave you eyes in the back of your head. Not that this mock-up had anything interesting, it was just a geometric landscape I was letting the user wander around, IIRC, no actual enemies given this was prior to me encountering Wolfenstein 3D or its later kin.
[2] I also tried what I might these days call "Bull vision". Re-mapped the horizontal visual acuity to essentially give "normally graded" vision at about 30% and 70% across the horizontal resolution and a sense of peripherality towards both edge and centre. I didn't actually
obscure the centre as if it were the bull's nose, but you got almost all-round vision but most of it was off towards each side to emulate how a focussed forward view was not really on the cards.