Eventually you become a vampire lord? A linch in it's tower? Endless possibilities.
Only that I would love to have all that as only a faction of a strategy game, that's it on that game you could play all the other factions too, humans, dwarves, elves, orcs, goblins... and each one have it's own perks, ways and possibly individual factions. With at least two maps, one for the surface and another for the underground where you play goblings, dwarves and other factions like it.
I was thinking the other about a game like total war where instead of the current "artificial" way of recruitment it would be more organic. For example if you start to play as a Gaul "barbarian" you start only with this village/tribe and if you want to have more troops or make a proper empire you'll have to fight/bribe/awe/diplo your way trough your neighbors, your influence rising and falling on the deeds of your leaders/faction finally unifying as many Gaul tribes under your command and then do what you will with them. Fight the romans back or awe them or even ally with them, make an empire, a republic, a kingdom... all the while other Gaul tribes strive to do the same. This will make you think and fight your way to more troops and resources but you'll get what they have, that's it, you won't be "recruiting" on the classical sense where you choose what to have, but you get what they have and that's it.
In contrast the Romans would be doing more or less the same, but they would be conquering by pen, coin or sword, and imposing quotas of either auxilias or recruits on each town (if citizenship has been granted on the kingdom, province or individual town).