You notice that there's no really new platformers out there?
Reason I don't count new sonic games: Unleased was the last sonic platformer. I could MAYBE count colors, but there's all this auto targeting stuff and the new games basically have no instant death infinite pits, or if they do, they're impossible to see because they blend into the rest of the stage. I think the Adventure games handled being a platformer really well, even if the camera controls were sketchy.
Mario games... I can't count it as new if I already beat it, and as well, there is no variety any more. Maybe there's the 3D party one, but as I said I already beat it.
Any other recent platformer I garuntee you is an indie title, which is synonymous with retro, which means 'made to be old', which means that it was never new in the first place. Seriously, in the past two years, name one indie platformer that is not made of big pixels or tron lines. If you're restricting yourself to that art style, you're restricting yourself to the same old physics and ideas, too.
I want to see a decent 3D platformer, where the camera is never fixed perspective, where defeating enemies is the same as using them for platforms, but without putting you on very obvious rails. Probably with interesting puzzles, involving jumping onto the right switches. But there has to be a near-constant sense of if-you-screw-up-this-jump-you're-dead, and fealing like you're getting somewhere even when you're exploring in the completly wrong direction.
Like, if you had an open world game, but it was Sonic-Adventure style, with straightforward objectives that you could aproach in several dozen ways, but it's entirely possible to die no matter which you choose if you can't master the controls, and then if you want you can roam billions of miles away from the start, facing all sorts of challenges, and then take a quicker but just as hard way back, just to get an optional upgrade, or maybe to experience the seemingly infinite world. Hmm... actually, with on the fly generation, the world could actually be made infinite.
Bah. Basically, I just miss real tough 3D platforming, and modern games don't cut it because devs don't like plat3Ds anymore.