Stworca: I don't think you understand just how tanky Medusa is if you're comparing her to Necrolyte.
I don't think you understand just how useless Medusa is if you're comparing her to any other carry pre.. 40 minutes?
The tankiness itself.. Yes, assuming you face no heroes with diffusal (no spectre or cancer) or passive mana burn (AM) nor permabash lords (alch, void - though he's hardly used lately) nor #ROFL10DIGIDCRIT like Sven or PA (who is also a bashlord...) OR Lifestealer with his % health steal. Then she is indeed very, very tanky!
The problem is, that i just named every late carry in existence.
Another problem is ever getting there. You need DK (team) - esque levels of 4 protect 1, where the 1 is absolutely useless for half an hour. Where 2 slotted PL can wipe teams, 2 slotted Medusa can escape a gank.. maybe... sometimes. Once she gets there, though, oooh boooo--- What?
Skadi, Linkens, Butterfly, Manta, BoT + 1... What 1? Rapier? Get out. Replace Skadi with something perhaps.. Daedalus! But where's the lifesteal.. Satanic instead of that? Some teams require a BKB to survive, it would have to replace the linkens..
Maybe take an Omni Knight so there is always magic immunity! Or a KotL to save on boots! No.
She has 6 slots, and it's far too little for her to be useful outside of the bloody Hail Mary Rapier tactic,
UNLESS Medusa's team completely and absolutely outplays the other one.
As long as Gyro exists, her aoe attacks are but a joke as well, leaving Medusa with.. The Ulti.
"But Gyro's aoe only lasts for a few s---" Yeah, all the pro Gyro's have the cooldown issue, don't they..
I have a hard time naming a late game carry that is less versatile and useful than her.
"But if the game gets to 60 minu---" You cannot plan for that shit, unless you are LGD.Fortress.
Yes, she will win games, and will be extremely powerful with filled slots!
So will broodmother, or whoever the current sacrificial hero is in winrate?
Edit : "But she farms so fa--" No, she bloody doesn't.