I promise you umi, the day you have to play mid against a good sniper being storm spirit, TA or any other ranged guy with small autoattack range, you'll cry. It'll be like soloing the hard lane with guys who are not fit for it while getting your runes denied. Better be ready to ask for ganks or lane switching.
Considering no one ever does it where I'm at, I'd say my chance to try it would be a long way off.
This is going to sound pretty rude but I think it's a message that must be said and it's extremely common when I watch other people play. So if you want to learn how to roflstomp someone like Drow from now on, read on. If you already know how, feel free to ignore this.
The biggest obstacle to overcome for a lot of players is cowardice. I'm 100% serious. People run away too much. Even for the smallest things. Why I say this is because this is how orb walkers and ranged heroes win their lanes in lower ranked games. I know how it's like. You walk into lane and Drow comes up and orb walks you. What do you do?! She's so far away! Run away! Good she stopped attacking me.
That is the completely wrong choice from every perspective. Even if you're a crappy melee hero like Antimage. Because you just gave her free hits which went completely retaliated. You just gave up your greatest advantage against her. The correct choice would have been to turn around and punch her in the face. Especially if she's on her own. I'll explain why this is the correct answer in two forms. Numerically and psychologically.
Numerically:1. Drow has one of the shittiest base stats in the entire game. Very few are worse and one of those few is Sniper. 3/4ths of those she is slightly better than have ways to automatically boost their survivability threefold.
2. Drow's base damage is also, again, one of the worst. Prior to level 6 she hits like a weak kitten strangling a giant. Again, one of the few worse is Sniper.
3. Drow has no nukes. That means her base damage is her ONLY damage. To compare, Storm Spirit can do 3 autoattacks worth of damage in one Q.
4. Drow never gets CC early on. Even if she does it won't save her. Her slow is nonexistant until it's level 4 which means when she's level 7 at the earliest.
5. Drow's movespeed is garbage.
6. Drow has no armour. It's 0.64.
What this means should be extremely obvious. Almost anyone can crush her early on, which is when it matters the most. Literally someone like Spirit Breaker could walk up to her and pound her into the ground and there's nothing she could do about it. Just don't ever run away. Because that's how she kills you. The reason I mention Sniper there is because he's basically a weaker version of Drow at this point. To give some idea of just how weak she is at this point, just imagine Crystal Maiden's hp combined with Doombringer's armour and sniper's base damage. That's what you're fighting against. Doesn't seem so scary now does it?
Psychologically:1. Imagine if you're Drow. Imagine your feeling when you orb walk the enemy and they constantly run away. You love it right? It's a huge power trip. You have complete control of the lane and there's nothing they can do to you. Your confidence soars even after one orb walk volley. If you turn around and punch Drow in the face every time she does this, I guarantee she won't do it as often... or even at all if you manage to kill her. You cannot EVER in any lane... let enemies get free hits on you. If you don't trade damage, you will lose your lane all the time. Even if you trade for the worse, it's better than just absorbing free hits.
2. Drows in pub games are just as misinformed about their survivability as the people fighting her. They have no clue she has no hp and no damage. The first time they see that they lose 1/4th their hp bar from one single autoattack from Treant Protector or Dirge, I guarantee you they will stand very... VERY... far away.
3. You must make the enemy respect and fear you. Right now people automatically fear and respect Drow for no reason so she gets a complete free pass. Turn this psychological advantage around. Show her who's boss. You're playing a hero with literally twice her stats. Pound her into submission and make her your bitch. Why do you even fear her? It's literally unjustified. It's a phobia.
4. If you obliterate her early on, I guarantee she will be completely beat down psychologically for the whole game. Then you can just keep her down from then on.
tl;dr: Punch Drow in the face early game. Win game.I remember lecturing the LoL guys about this a few years ago. I think it was about that rat guy waaaaay back when he was "overpowered".