I've got to be honest, most of the games of Dota we play tend to either result in :
a) A loss, because one or more of the players on the team we play in plays poorly. This also sometimes applies to me, although you must feel sympathy towards my queue partner who has
never lost us a game via feeding / lack of farm etc. These games can be frustrating to play.
b) A win, because of the opposite - one (or more) of the enemy team is consistently bad and so we steamroll the enemy with minimal effort. It's sort of fun, but not as much as you'd think. It's a bit like coming second and then getting getting promoted to first because the first team was d/q'ed or something.
c) We lose, because we actually pick a decent team while the enemy goes all carries (or Drow Ranger, GAGHHHHH), but we can't co-ordinate our push early enough and the game ends at a loss in ~60 minutes. Semi - fun but for the last ~10 minutes when you know you've lost and the game goes on it becomes frustrating.
Every, I dunno, 15% of games I play is a contest between players of equal skill where the team has decent communication and nobody makes any throws. I don't really care if we win or lose these - they are incredibly fun to play.
This, coupled with the fact that each game of Dota 2 is an investment of 30-40 minutes, means that if your team sucks, you will have to sit there and get stomped endlessly for a good half hour. This is one of the most frustrating things you can deal with
Exactly. Example from a game earlier today - 5 minutes in a lvl 4 or whatever SB charges a Sand King and an Earthshaker while they are sitting on their tower. First Blood. SB continues to try mad plays up to and including charging in 1v5 versus a team with far more gold than he has.
I advised him politely that doing such actions would get you killed, but he said something in Russian that I couldn't understand.